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Posts posted by UnionAMG

  1. The problem is with sports coverage in general being overcontrolled by business/marketing people. It used to be that NFL Primetime would show highlights from every game in almost equal length segments.


    These days, everything is determined by ratings and focus groups. They know where the larger markets exist, and what topics interest them the most. So they cater to those markets with their highlights/analysis. This is nothing revolutionary and I can't blame these shows for doing it (they are after all a business).


    But it certainly has alienated true football fans that care about every game's outcome, and the more intricate events from those games. And that applies to sports overall, the "business" of sports is becoming overwhelming. To paraphrase Gregg Easterbrook "There is no law that states the NFL must always remain extremely popular". It's only a matter of time before the backlash of actual football fans begins to hurt the NFL.

  2. Anyone down to start a Madden 2010 Online Franchise for us...the Two Bills Drive people!?


    In case you didn't know yet...




    That video will explain it all


    THIS IS A GREAT IDEA DRIZZ! If we start one with people from TBD the league has a much higher chance of being successful, instead of random people on XBox Live flaking out if their team is bad.


    I'm assuming this is XBox360 you're talking about? If you are doing PS3 then I'm out of luck. Otherwise keep this thing going until we get 32 people, do a fantasy draft, and let's do it.


    I'm also assuming since you are organizing it, you'd take the Bills as your team. I'll take the Bills if not, but I call the Steelers otherwise. My XBox live name is "Boney Bone Bone"


    Definitely keep this going.

  3. I dreamed we won our Division and were in our first playoff game since god knows when. In the final game we had the division sewn up so we let many starters sit and played back-ups. In a stellar performance JP Losman threw for FIVE touchdowns. Ralph insistst we play him instead of Edwards. We end up playing Tennessee in Nashville. Losman is okay and we score a touchdown in the last minute of play to take a one point lead. All we have to do is kick of with some thirteen seconds left. We kick off...everyone heads for the fellow who catches the ball, but he turns and....


    Actually I woke up then. Have to avoid those burritos before I go to bed. :nana:


    I didn't know JP posted on TSW... under the username tennesseeboy. Welcome aboard JP, and you're dream was hilarious!

  4. Dude, the post was just for fun so if you can't handle that.............don't respond with one of your typical sarcastic posts.


    COACH... you need to lighten up or get some thicker skin. This is how internet message boards work, you'll get a handful of quality responses to your topic or question, and the rest will be jokes, sarcastic comments, or insults. A few of the posts in response to your topic that you took such offense to were harmless (and not to mention many were from well-respected seasoned posters on the board, they weren't even trolls).


    So if you can't sift through the bad to get to the good, you might as well leave... or just go call a waaahhh-mbulance you pu$$y!

  5. Follow-up. What kind of store would do this? I see you live in Charlotte, and I'm in NYC, but the only places I know that sell jerseys are big national chains.


    You want to look for a local Jersey Embroidery store... something that does local high school sports jerseys, for instance. If you went to them and showed them what you want, they could definitely do it. Though you'd have to make sure you show them the style/color lettering that you want.


    They won't do this kind of thing in a national sporting goods store, but some place that does lettering/numbering for local team jerseys should be able to help you, for a price.

  6. True but as someone said it is probably a real report being prepped in case the trade pans out. It demonstrates the league wants to be sure the reporting is quick.


    No... this demonstrates ESPN wants to be on top of any stories, I was the one that made that point in the other thread. This has nothing to do with the NFL reporting anything in a timely manner because of government legislation. But this discussion has become useless, so let's agree to disagree.


    PLEASE GET TG!!!!!

  7. It is now being reported in another thread that the Bills have made the trade. It sure seemed to get reported quickly. I'm sure this has nothing to do with Sarbanes-Oxley. :unsure:


    Haha... first of all that thread is bogus... check it out. Secondly, if it gets reported quickly it's because there are sources all over the place in this league that will give info to reporters for a-favor-to-be-named-later. If it is announced quickly, it has nothing to do with Sarbanes Oxley. Correlation does not imply causation.

  8. THe antitrust exemption has notthing to do with Sarbanes and does not make them publicly traded. The teams are treated as private organizations and do not have to file reports with the SEC like a public company does. Publicly traded companies by definition need stock that trades on the exchange otherwise they are not "publicly traded". its a pretty simple legal concept, they teach in any law school. Crossing state lines doesnt having anything to do with it either. There are plenty of other private companies that cross state lines and do not have to make information public. NFL teams are jsut like them. Yuo are not entitled to know how much Brandon gets paid by the Bills bc they are private. If they were publicly traded that information could be disclosed to a shareholder.



    Who are the FA tight ends we could possibly get if no TG?


    Exactly! It's why nobody knows for sure how much the Bills make from year to year. There are estimates based on league figures, but the Bills don't (and aren't required to) release their financials. Why would releasing information about a trade be any different. If anything the financials would be more important to release to the public, not trade/roster moves. It's ridiculous that you think the NFL is required to release player transactions in a timely manner by Sarbanes Oxley.


    Sorry... I'll stop now and let the football talk continue.

  9. Dude you are off base. It has to do with businesses reporting in a timely and accurate manner. "The NFL is a business" is a very common quote which you hear all the time.


    I could be wrong... but doesn't Sarbanes Oxley only apply to publicly traded companies. Private companies (the NFL) have no obligations to report anything to anybody at anytime (obvious exceptions apply like subpoenas for steroid investigations and such).

  10. So it's an incomplete pass, great. But didn't that ball go backwards yesterday?


    I agree... what Romo did yesterday, that shouldn't be any different than turning towards his left and throwing the ball to a RB in the flat backwards, who then drops it. The arm is moving forward at that start of the throwing motion, but at the point of release it's moving backwards, and should be considered a lateral. Romo is pulling the ball backwards and therefore shouldn't be considered a throwing motion.


    There's just TOO many damn stipulations to the rules these days. Simplifying things and having more universal rules would go a long way towards making the game easier to follow. What's to prevent a QB from as soon as he receives the snap, begins a throwing motion and then continuously swing his arm around in a circle, until he's ready to throw. In this case, his arm is either moving forward to throw the ball, or its coming down in a tuck and can't be ruled a fumble. This is obviously a joke, but I'd argue that by the rules it could be ruled that way. Just a thought at how ridiculous some of these rules have gotten.


    If 99 out of 100 impartial guys in a bar are watching a game, and they can watch the play and say Romo was obviously not throwing that ball... shouldn't it be a damn fumble!

  11. Nah, I don't even know if that's the reason or not. It's my best guess. Truthfully, football is a much different sport from hockey or baseball or basketball, as far as preparation and understanding what your team is doing.


    The salary cap alone makes trades almost non-existent....On top of that, why would you make a trade if you weren't sure you could even fully utilize the guy you trade for?


    Tony Gonzalez learning a brand new offense is not the same as Manny Ramirez seeing new pitchers. Hence my theory that they make it earlier rather than later.


    My opinion is that the NFL's trade deadline is so early inthe season because they want to avoid the Rent-A-Player system that has become so big in the NHL and MLB. Part of me really hates the way a team can pick up a star player only a month or so before a playoff run in hockey and baseball. I think it's good that the NFL avoids this situation with such an early trade deadline. You should go into the final playoff battle with guys that have been on your team for most of the season.

  12. George Lucas and Spielberg Raped Indiana Jones!!!






    He's referencing Wednesday's season premiere of South Park. I didn't really think it was that great of an episode. Every once and a while Trey and Matt throw an episode out that basically hammers home a point of theirs and lacks a little on the jokes. This was okay, but they went a little overboard on the INdiana Jones rape thing and it wasn't as funny as I'd expect a season permiere to be.

  13. If you checked out my pictures, that was from Sec 506, Row 6. I think, from what I can remember, 504 won't be that different, since the sections don't have that many seats per row, maybe 10 to 15 if I remember correctly.


    Thanks a lot for that... from this pic they don't seem like they're that bad of seats. I would think if I'm completely to the right in 504 and up against the hotel wall there may be some obstruction, but being in row 4 hopefully means the view wont be cut off too much.


    I'm looking forward to supporting my Bills, but a part of me still feels dirty about it. Oh well, GO BILLS!

  14. I sat near the top of section 510. I looked at the seating chart and those are the tickets for football that were marked $68 so you'll be lucky to see half the field depending how close you are to the hotel and the roof (behind the lights) Those seats are so bad you can sit there for "Value" baseball games for $2. The big problem is it'sot an obstruction like a pole that you can mauever around it is literally a huge concrete wall of the hotel.


    I did think about that... the seats are in 504, but we're row 4, so not that high up. I'm hoping that I won't have much of the hotel wall in my way, but I realize there may be a part of the near endzone that will be obstructed. Oh well... I'm gonna be there for all 8 "home" games and thats all i cared about!

  15. I'm wondering if anybody has put up the dough for tix in Toronto. As late as yesterday I was saying to myself that I wasn't going to pay the high price to see MY Bills in CANADA. But I caved... although most tix are $105+, there was a small amount of seats for $68 (these seats won't have a view of the video board), and I was able to grab a couple of them. I just couldn't help myself. I'm so excited about this team, and the 7 games with season tickets just isn't enough for me!!!


    Just curious if anybody else caved, despite their previous convictions to not support this event?

  16. as cheesy as the song is, I think its demoralizing to the away team to hear 73000 people sing that cheesy song after we score the go ahead touchdown. It really shifts the momentum. :pirate:


    Like in Major League when they play/sing Wild Thing and the evil owner just looks miserable and says "I hate that feckin song!"


    I can just picture Dan Marino doing the same thing back in our glory years, and hopefully we'll be making many more opponents feel that way in this era.

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