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Posts posted by MotionLotion

  1. Oh, Christ.  Even a retard like taterhill know this is bull sh--.  So now I've got the short bus ganging up on me for mocking someone who clearly deserves to be mocked? 


    Forget the Army...try the Cub Scouts first.  I doubt you're mature enough to handle any more responsibility than that.



    Don't you have somewhere else to be rather than sitting here dogging me? Haven't you ever made a mistake mister perfect....


    And I was a cub scout. So there.

  2. Sorry, but companies don't want to have liabilities working on their payroll.  If this guy or his family want to pursue this, it could get ugly.


    Any HR generalist out there that want to offer any more insight?



    But it was just a joke... Like I said he took the other ones alright. We didn't think he would snap.

  3. I wouldn't worry too much.  I heard of a guy who had the same thing happen to him, and he was carted off, had treatment and came back and had a great laugh with his co-workers...before he opened up with an AK-47.  <_<



    Not helping... Damn, I started this to have good thoughts for him but now I'm going to need them more.... :devil:

  4. I don't know what kind of company you work for, but that smells like grounds for termination or possible law suit from this person.  I don't want to rattle your cage, its just thats the first thing I thought of.



    Oh great. As if I'm not worried enough. I can't afford to lose my job. My Mom will kick me out if I can't pay her rent.....

  5. Oh, gee, you're right.  Let's start a silent thread for your coworker...a lunatic who changed the world.  :angry:


    Nobody cares.  Hell, half of us are too busy worrying about or own coworkers going postal to give a sh-- about yours.



    Whatever. I just feel bad, that's all. Meazza was right. You are a jerk.... :lol:

  6. I laughed at this. if you really did this, i'll laugh even harder. if he REALLY went psycho and they had to call the cops, i may piss myself laughing over here.  :lol:



    It sucked because we wanted to get pics when he saw it but didn't think it would be too appropriate once he started freaking out. We only called the cops because we didn't know who else to call to get him help... :angry:

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