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Posts posted by bbh10128

  1. Off the top of my head:


    Traci Bonham "Mother Mother"

    Fiona Apple "Criminal"

    Joan Osbourne "One of Us"

    Stacey Q "Two of Hearts"

    Jill Sobule "I kissed a Girl"

    Shawn Colvin "Sunny Came Home"


    I'd add Liz Phair ("Supernova") & Julianna Hatfield ("My Sister"), but they did have quite a few others hits.


    great ads! how could i possibly forget "one of us!"

  2. Noted liberal Sheehanesque whack job, William F. Buckley says:


    "One can't doubt that the American objective in Iraq has failed."


    And further, that the challenge for the President is to:


    "...persuade himself that he can submit to a historical reality without forswearing basic commitments in foreign policy."


    And lastly,


    "...different plans have to be made. And the kernel here is the acknowledgment of defeat."


    I guess he can't see through the media conspiracy to portray the Iraq war as a disaster when in truth it is a smashing success.  Chalk up another defeatist.


    Link fixed


    we've done nothing in 3 years other than make it an even bigger mess. the most democratically elected group in the mideast is hamas. iran and russia just signed a nuclear supply agreement. who in their right freaking mind calls that a "smashing success"

  3. You don't hold the terrorists from Syria and other places responsible for any of those deaths?

    You know, the charming folks who have blown up a car bomb next to kids getting candy, blown upthe U.N. and Red Cross headquartes in Iraq, etc, etc, etc......


    sure do, theyre evil too -- although i dont know theyre from syria ... seems to me most of them were in iraq already. but anyway, most importantly, we need to confront the villians amongst our own ranks before we can honestly and effectively deal with those outside.

  4. Define "substantive"?




    adj 1: being the essence or essential element of a thing; "substantial equivalents"; "substantive information" [syn: substantial, in essence] 2: applying to essential legal principles and rules of right; "substantive law" [syn: essential] [ant: adjective] 3: having substance and prompting thought; "a meaty discussion" [syn: meaty] n : a noun or a pronoun that is used in place of a noun

  5. Yes.  Free speech is stupid.  :D


    "hate speech" and "inciting violence" not protected by free speech laws. as a matter fact many things are not. another example is revealing state secrets like what scooter libby did when he revealed the identity of an under cover CIA agent. libby and malkin are both members of the neocon clique behind the blatant lies that triggered the deaths of something like 60,000 people so far in iraq. if thats not "hate speech" and "inciting violence" what is?

  6. Link


    Internet Islamists on the hunt

    Michelle Malkin


    February 23, 2006 8:14 AM

    Categories: World News


    [Editor’s Note: Michelle Malkin is experiencing problems with her weblog after being the target of cyberattacks. While they last, Pajamas Media will host her posts here]


    The cyberjihad continues. Zone-H, which monitors Internet hackers, reports that “the Moroccan hacker known as Yanis was arrested” in Paris on Tuesday:


    Yanis is accused of having defaced several French important websites (university of Strasbourg and Toulouse, website of the city of Lyon etc..), but his activity as defacer is far more complex: Zone-h, the independent observatory of cyber-crime, have monitored nearly 3000 notifications of intrusions in the last month related to the Prophet Mohammed digital Ummah protest (about 710 are by Yanis) while in his whole illegal “carreer” he compromised 1161 websites.


    Besides, Zone-h highlighted that the attacks pursued by Islamic hackers have noticeably increased after the spreading out of the Prophet Mohammed cartoons issue, and many defacements, like those by Yanis, clearly show, sometimes violently and offensively, their blame for Danish and more generally Western attitude.


    Relating to this point, the French magistrate charged a heavy count of indictment on Yanis, who is accused of “Apology of war crime and incitation to racial hate”, because of his hacking activity on Danish websites. The accusation focuses on his commitment in the boycott campaign against Danish products.


    After receiving several threats and experiencing one denial of service attack upon appearing on Fox News Channel to display the Mohammed Cartoons, my site went down again this morning at approx. 9am EST and remains down.


    My last post on the cyberjihad is cached here. MichelleMalkin.com


    I’ll be posting here at Pajamas Media until my blog is up and running again.


    UPDATE. It’s a confirmed DoS attack, with most of the IP addresses from turktelecom.


    the US government should shut down michelle malkin anyway. she's another talking head for the radical neocon interests that got us into the whole iraq mess in the first place, and seeks to ensare us in even more wars

  7. Then Ted Kennedy can introduce his Iran welfare plan and use funds garnished from the wages of rich Americans (over 52k annual income) to pay for food and healthcare for those we illegally bomb?  Come on, can we stop with this crap today?




    funny you're so concerned about our money going to other countries and you make some unfounded connection between ted kennedy and welfare to arab countries, yet you fail to care about the $400 billion (and counting) we've wasted in iraq and the $3 billion + we give to israel annually.


    hmmmmmmm..... :lol:

  8. Clark Gilles could play and lay the lumber. I believe he kicked the holy snot out of Schultz.


    Larry Playfair kicking the shiite out of Lyndon Byers was aways a fave hometown moment.


    gilles owned schultz ... made him look silly one more than one occasion

  9. too small? Milloy was one of the best safeties in the league. So size is definitely not the issue.


    While I grant you that Milloy wasn't at the top of his game last year. He did record 106 tackles, and mostly had to stay in for run support due to the injuries to TKO and Edwards. The issue for him is age, he is starting to lose a step, not as bad as Vincent, but still the Bills should look to be drafting someone else.


    milloy 6-0, 190

    harrison 6-1, 220

    lynch 6-2, 220


    milloy not too small? come on, get real

  10. Schultz would kick the crap out of everyone on the list.  He was a tough guy in an era when hockey players were men.


    even back in the day schultze would routinely get his ass kicked by the league's other tough guys. he was simply a bully that picked on non-fighters.

  11. Mark my words he will be the next Bill cut we need a young guy there.  Hopefully we keep Sam Adams we need 2 big guys in the middle of the defensive line.    Get Ngata in the draft or a safety.    VINCENT IS ALSO CUT.      We need to get rid of a lot of old guys we need to get younger and faster.


    too small to be the enforcer needed at strong safety. but if no one else comes along that can fill enforcer role, maybe best to keep him another year IF the terms are right

  12. OK, so let me make sure I read this article correctly.

    This girl was competing in Olympic figure skating and during her routine she fell down. Twice. And then they gave her a silver medal for falling down twice?


    Did the gold medal winner only fall once and then everybody else in the entire competition fell down 3 or more times?

    Was I unaware of the fact that I was actually reading about the Special Olympics?

    How in hte hell can you fall on your ass twice at the world's most presitigous figure skating competition and be considered to have had the second best performance?

    Why does the way figure skating is run always remind me of the way college football is run?


    seems like a lot of them fell. you try skating on "italian ice!"

  13. OK Osama.


    Screw the Iranians.  They are a bunch of wacko's that will be next after Iraq.  I figure there is a plan on the table that we are going to see sooner than later to take out their nuclear ambitions.  I wonder how many french and german products we will find in these nuclear sites when we go?  No doubt the russians are helping them too.


    how "un-conservative" you are to go against conservative news analyst and former reagan staffer pat buchanan like that:



  14. OK Osama.


    Screw the Iranians.  They are a bunch of wacko's that will be next after Iraq.  I figure there is a plan on the table that we are going to see sooner than later to take out their nuclear ambitions.  I wonder how many french and german products we will find in these nuclear sites when we go?  No doubt the russians are helping them too.


    you mean just like all the WMDs we found in iraq!!!!



  15. she was doomed, just didnt have the talent and experience -- always put herself behind the 8-ball. she would have been better on first female big break which had more individuals and wasnt one big click.  just goes to show its all relevant to the environment.


    i wont be watching that show anymore. why watch a bunch of butch semi-pro golfers that wont confront each other? if ur going to go for boring might as well watch the real pros.



  16. another interesting piece of info i found, i dont think its a coincidence that NE has had their recent success along with using their first round picks on offense and defensive lineman.

    1999 1  Damien Woody C Boston College

    2000 1  Adrian Klemm T Hawaii

    2001 1  Richard Seymour DT Georgia

    2002 1  Dan Graham TE Colorado

    2003 1  Ty Warren DT Texas A&M

    2004 1  Vince Wilfork DT Miami (FL)

                Ben Watson TE Georgia

    2005 1  Logan Mankins G Fresno State

    thats every year for the past 7 years, or 8 in the past 7. It also didnt hurt that they got tom brady in the 6th round.


    well ur forgetting that they are also picking late in the first round when the high profile talent position players have been taken.

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