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Posts posted by haus

  1. Tyrod is not the answer its been obvious since last year. We will never check out. Just wonder how long you want to go on losing that's all. 20 + years and you are asking folks if they want to check out? Those who wanted to are long gone by now Promo. No harm at starting Peterman and seeing if we need to get a QB next year or not. Seasons a wash with Taylor.

  2. Funny how all those who supposedly were dupping or been dupped are samoan,hawaian ect. My belief is Teos frantically in touch with these people to help get him off the hook. By promising his friends a bit of $ in the future to help him get out of this mess seems like a good idea now, but it will make it worse when others figure this out. Pure speculation of course, but right now they must be scrambling to brush this under the rug.

  3. It would be nice to hear some psychiatrists,psychologists,even those with psych majors reply to this thread. I have some background in Psych. I know a guy who also was caught lying about a fake Girlfriend showing off a fake pic of her to friends(one which he obtained from an unknowing real girls facebook page). My take is Mr. Teo is trying very hard to appear normal in his sexuality and hiding something completely abnormal, (attraction to dogs,kids,cartoon characters,or small aquatic plants) Or just gay and afraid to come out.


    Might not make him a bad guy just struggling. Probably explains why he sucked so bad in his final most important game.Had to be hard to focus on playing knowing what was about to surface.

  4. Thats it, Im gona find me some shrooms this summer at a certain festival. Never tried them, but from what I am hearing they are just another good thing our wonderfull government is not letting us access for whatever reason. They are better people and we cant control ourselves like they can,right?


    I went to buy some Primatene mist the other day. The only over the counter treatment for allergy related asthma and I found the Gov has pulled it from the shelves citing it causes ozone depletion, LMAO. So of course I was excited. It was pulled 12-31 2011.


    Anyways, I want to find some of this new drug yall are talking of.

  5. Planning every Sunday of your life during the season around the Bills schedule. Planning your big family events/trips for the bye week.


    If God forbid you cant get to a game or watch it, Tivoing it and the feeling of growing very irritated until you get home and start it from the beggining.


    Another would be looking at a message board daily in hopes of finding out anything new and wonderfull.

  6. Green would be electrifying. If they are taking BPA at 3 I would grab him or P Petersen. Who the Heck wouldnt want the next Revis on this team. Green may be the next beast reciever in the NFL. I would not past on either. Outside of those 2, in a trade down we would still get a heck of a player as well as another second atleast. Cant wait to see how this plays out.

  7. With all that money he got one would think he would be able to hire a good weight trainer to help him with his work outs. Then he needs to hire a good nutritionist to help him with his diet. 17 million will buy him alot of protien/bulk shakes. I would love to have his problem, love to be told dude you gota eat more food. More calories, less reps, more weight on the bar, it shouldnt be that hard. Times a tickin Maybin, time to remove your head from your behind.

  8. Well, I think the players are way overworked as it is. 3 hours a week times 16 games,whats that? 48 hours of game a year. So I know of people, laborers who work 60- 70 hrs a week just to put food on the table for their familys(layin block,buildin homes,whatever.) However if you add in the Football players practice time and film study a week you might get 40 hours a week, right, a third of the year anyways.


    So I think instead of asking for a longer 18 game season,they should decrease the length of it slightly. The average football players age of retirement is what, 35? So we definitely shouldnt want to over work them to awful much. So if they droped it to say 13 games a year with 2 byes a year that would give the guys plenty of time to rest up for the next match up. A 15 week season with only 2 pre season games and 2 byes===perfect.

  9. I loved wrestling in High School. Miss it to this day. I was not blessed to have a boy instead I had a princess who is now 6 years old. I had a friend suggest she wrestle so I put her on a team. In her first year shes won 20 matches and lost 15(only pinned 5 times) Placed very high at 5 tournaments. Of the matches she was pinned she lasted until the 3rd period, the rest of her loses were fairly close. In her wins she has one some close and dominated many by tech and pins(boys and girls she has beat). She is a tiny machine out there and I never thought it would be so much fun or she would be so good but I went with it.


    She is too young to understand that it is primarily a boys sport. She has no idea that what she is doing is frowned upon by many in a traditional society. She just goes out there and gives it her all and absolutely loves its intensity. She has made me proud and gives me a new fondness to any girl in the sport and a great deal of respect.


    There are currently 13 colleges if not more with womens wrestling programs with scholarships offered to female wrestlers. Its an olympic sport now. Women are (and young women as well) are ranked nationally. Theres many good reasons for girls to get into the sport. Its a transitional time now for girls in wrestling. I believe eventually it will be only girls wrestling girls (atleast by high school), until that happens the boy needs to suck it up and go out there and beat her or get beat like a man.

  10. Man all you tards dissing Lee, its just amazing. Ok trade away maybe our best player. Some of you Bills fans with that attitude deserve the loosing team we have had for so long. Lee is a Stud period and he will do great where ever you jokers have him go. Wait and see how he lights it up on another team. Just ticks me off that we have been so bad for so long that some are trying to unload one of our best players. Hes like Price was to Moulds, now we just need our Moulds and we are good. He absolutely has 5-7 solid years left.

  11. I couldnt find Hardys contract numbers. On July 24 2008, Eddie Royal was signed to a 4 year deal worth 3.9 million with 2.25 guaranteed. Royal was the WR taken after Hardy in the 08 draft. James was waiting on that signing to help set the numbers for his contract, which was probably very close if not slightly higher than royals. So he walked away from the Bills with a couple million. Not to shabby. I doubt he will be scooping ice cream or washimg dishes anytime soon.

  12. Hmn, how much money does a second round pick get? Lets say a measely million. 50 grand a year for 20 years =1 million. I know plenty of folks who work there butts off and dont make 50k a year. Im sure he got more than a million(not sure the exact numbers) Plus he has the rest of his life to figure out how to make even more money. If you gave me what he earned in Buffalo I know I would be set for life.

  13. Well, right now James is kicked back in his hot tub with Daniella and Laticia on either side of him. Ear to ear grin on his face with a martini in hand. Gettin ready to watch some College football on his 72 inch flat screen, as soon as they shoot a game of pool of course. He thinking to himself "man am I glad I dont have to work another day in my life if I dont want to" and "time to roll me another fatty"

  14. I believe that there are more Billionaires in Western NY then one would think. I met one awhile back and wont disclose who, but they are just that. Only Problem is they are Browns fans. But if I can run into one, I bet theres bound to be more. One with a liking for the Bills. Gota be. All hope is not lost. Jim Kelly pretty much guaranteed he had a group. Trumps a fan. Who knows. We cant loose our team. It would ruin Western NY.

  15. Hey guys. I just posted this in the Bills message board by accident and tried to erase, my apologies. Anyways, Just wondering if any of you all had experience in what steps to take if you had an idea but no money to get things started. I have a few nice ideas but not quite sure how to advance them. A patent would be nice but then again I am barely sliding by with my curent monthly bills. Appreciate your input.

  16. This does suck. I cant believe I never got to see him in concert. Drove to one at Darien Lake in the 90s and it was canceled due to the weather. The guy was a rock Icon. Horrible news. The kind of guy that you would think would live to a very old age. Sad day. Rest in Peace Ronnie.

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