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Status Updates posted by JDG

  1. had a nice time at the ballpark this evening with Sara Kathryn Giorgis and Greg Modesto.... a nice autumn evening, so Nyjer Morgan escape from a run-down, and the Nationals win on a walk-off home run from Adam Dunn!

  2. Had a solid day today - mowed the lawn, celebrated a first birthday with friends, and then a successful potluck at St. Camillus!

  3. Had a solid day today - mowed the lawn, celebrated a first birthday with friends, and then a successful potluck at St. Camillus!

  4. is happy that Aung San Suu Kyi has finally been released from house arrest!

  5. is off to infant first aid and CPR class...

  6. is thankful for the amazing miracle of life in little John Paul, and is very, very, thankful for all the words of encouragement and acts of kindness we have received from friends, family, and co-workers over the past month and especially this past week.....

  7. is very happy that John Paul weighed in at 7lbs 14oz today, which brings him "up" to the 19th percentile! All that work we're putting in to keep him well-fed is paying off! And I think that I'm also happy that the doctor didn't tell us two weeks ago that he was down in the 12th percentile.....

  8. just gave John Paul his first real bath... good thing babes have short memories, otherwise I'd worry about the little guy being scarred for life! He started out o.k., but eventually decided he wasn't getting back to being held nearly quickly enough!

  9. loves the fact that as far as John Paul knows, the Buffalo Bills win every Sunday! He was pretty fussy today, but does seem to be getting the hang of things. He's getting light therapy tonight as a precautionary measure, and hopefully we can take him home with us tomorrow!

  10. took a walk around the Penn State campus last evening - its been a long time since I've spent that much time on a major college campus.... Now off to help teach transit agencies how to complete their NTD reports....

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