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Angry Mob

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Posts posted by Angry Mob

  1. I read what Spikes said, and my first thought was "Fug Spikes! Let him deliver freaking mail for a living and see what years of futility are really like!"


    Then, I realized he's just an angry fan like the rest of us. So I say, "Right freaking on, TKO! Tell them to shove it!" Unless it impacts the team like Moulds and Holcomb did last season. Then he can go !@#$ himself.

  2. AngryMob gets my vote. Although Ahr & Ahr Associates always gets a laugh out of me.


    If we don't sniff the playoffs this year I'm cancelling my season tickets, burning everything I own, and leaving WNY forever!!

  3. You can be a positive fan and still be angry. Christ, I would say that if you weren't mad during last season you aren't that big of a fan to begin with. Should we be flipping and burning cars in the lots when the game doesn't go the Bills' way (well, I'd say yes, but that's just me), probably not.


    But, if the product blows, and you're paying to see the product, you should be able to say "This product blows!"...and then run the sons-of-b!tches responsible out of town on a rail!

  4. What is up with this place?


    More and more i've been noticing that members of this board are just ridiculously mean to other members.


    Just because someone has an opinion you don't agree with or might be living in a "fantasy world" doesn't mean that you have to be a jerk to them. This board is far and away the worst Bills board i've seen when it comes to e-Bullying.


    That's unfortunate as it's one of the bigger Bills sites and fans of other teams often stop by here to see what we're or this team is like. I understand as fans we are bitter when it comes to this team and the product. But there's absolutely no reason for some of the attitudes of this board.


    I'm sure even this post will merit some jackass having to shoot off at the mouth at me.


    I'm not trying to sound like a hippy or anything, I just think some people need to chill a little. You can agree to disagree without having to fight. This board is supposed to be fun and sometimes it's just degrading. Let's all make an effort to be a little more understanding.


    We just ran most of our targets out of town in the past few weeks. It will take a while to find some new ones, but until then we'll attack our own to satisfy the bloodlust. In previous seasons we'd turn on BF in Indiana, but he's gone, too. Someone will pop up soon...I can feel it.

  5. We're running guys out of town, then we're not running guys out of town.

    We're firing guys, then giving them their jobs back.

    Press conferences without reporters.

    Pilots are the only reliable sources of information.

    Senior citizens are taking over the world and running wild in the streets.

    JPEra is allowed to post again.

    Daimon Shelton is our MVP.


    What the hell just happened?

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