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Posts posted by hootie1

  1. So it sounds like you agree the guy got railroaded, but you disagree with other posters on why, thinking it's gender not race. Fair enough, I think people will accept that as at least a valid possibility. But I think what is bothering folks here is that you seem to think the guy deserved what he got, whereas most of us are ready to forgive him what seems like a relatively small foible of youth- you know- the whole glass house thing....



    "It wasn't because she was WHITE you !@#$ing moron, it was because she was a !@#$ING WOMAN. If it had been a white MAN who'd done that, he'd be doing HARD time."


    People are always so quick to jump to conclusions, especially where race is concerned, that they often overlook the obvious.

  2. It's interesting that you mention the Duke case, because I see it as very similar, despite the different races of the defendents. Both smack of prosecutorial witch hunts, where a big ego DA is overzealous in his desire to punish alleged despoilers of womanhood. The common victims? Men. Notice who got off light? The female teacher.


    How about you go !@#$ yourself?


    Here are THE FACTS:


    1) The law is outdated. That doesn't make it RACIST, it makes it STUPID and INEFFECTUAL.


    2) Again, STUPID government, not RACIST government.


    3) The story said they offered him TWO years, not FIVE.


    "Being branded a sex offender is not good; but at the same time, if it made the difference between spending 10 years as opposed to two?"


    4) It wasn't because she was WHITE you !@#$ing moron, it was because she was a !@#$ING WOMAN. If it had been a white MAN who'd done that, he'd be doing HARD time.


    5) What DA wants to reverse his own case? NONE do, take a look at that bastard in NC who was railroading those Duke players in a case of SUPPOSED racist activity.


    This is the problem with all you little shepherd boys who love to cry racism at every turn. You call it out so often that when a REAL instance of racism happens, no one knows any better.


    Once again for the less-capable readers out there. This isn't a case about RACE. It's a case about ridiculously retarded government and a kid who should have known better. You mean to tell me none of you knew while you were in High School that it was ILLEGAL to diddle a 15 year old? Hell, we used to dog guys out that were seniors for hitting on sopohmores with the old "15'll get ya 20" taunt. It ain't rocket surgery. Do I think it's wrong that he got 10 rather than 2?


    Yeah, absolutely. But it isn't because he's black and the white man's just keepin' him down. That's BULLSHAIT.

  3. You've got it wrong- taking the plea would mean he admits to the crime, and it would have resulted in his being branded as a sex offender. His position, quite resonable I believe. is that for a 17 year old to engage in a consensual sex act with a 15 year old is not a sex offense, and therefore, he should not have to admit to same.


    The idea was that if he TOOK the plea, he WOULD NOT be labelled a molester. Whereas if he didn't he'd go for 10 years and WOULD be so branded.
  4. Thought before he acted? C'mon- like he's supposed to a) ask how old the girl is b) know the age of consent in his state c) know that a bj is a felony. I ask you- how many high school boys are going to even suspect it's a felony to get a bj from a girl that goes to their own school?


    I don't buy that it's racist.


    Is it incompetent government? Yes. Racist government, I don't think so. The kid was stupid for doing something like that. Yeah, it's great getting a hummer. But not when the hummer is going to cost you jail time. 15 gets ya 10, apparently.


    Perhaps if he'd thought before he acted, it wouldn't have happened.

  5. I mentioned hyperthyroidism as a possibility earlier in this thread (and to my husband yesterday when we were watching the game!) but didn't expect anyone else to come up with Grave's Opthalmopathy! Are you a doctor?


    Exophthalmos, or Graves' Opthamolopathy. One of the most obvious symptoms of Graves' Disease, also known as autoimmune thyrotoxicosis. Remember the actor Marty Feldman, the guy who played Igor in Young Frankenstein? That's what untreated hyperthyroidism can progress to. Feldman died in his forties of heart disease, also brought on by Graves'.


    Barbara and George HW Bush were both treated for hyperthyroidism -- that's what caused GHWB's atrial fibrillation, which I think he's still taking meds for -- as was Olympic sprinter Gail Devers. Seahawks WR Bobby Engram just went through a thyroid-related illness and missed a significant part of the season, although I haven't heard exactly which form he has...

  6. Ok, how about a break on NY state taxes for NY based corporations that buy a luxury box at RWS? Problay sopme reason it can't ne done!


    The problem is, for Corporate NYers, coming to Buffalo is the equivelant to slumming. To them, going to the Ralph is like visiting the Ghetto. They are used to Luxury boxes. The Jets and Giants are also closer to them then Buffalo therefore they still consider them the NY Jets and Giants.


    As for the comparison with the Sabres, its true, this could be the best chance for the Sabres dominating the league and making a run for the cup because they could lose both Drury and Briere because they are both pricing their way out of Buffalo even though the arena sells itself out because the cap won't allow it. There may be other casualties too if Golisano decides that he has to lower the budget again because he took too much of a loss going for it all this year. The team didn't make a huge profit last year with its extended run, and their budget was not supposed to be this high but TG decided to splurge and knew this could be his best chance for a while to go for it all.

  7. I absolutely agree that needing more corporate boxes with more corporate sponsors is the problem- Ralph has said it himself. Maybe the answer is to market the Bills in the NYC metro area. The BIlls are, after all, the only team in NY state!! And BUffalo is just a short plane trip away by corporate jet should some big NYC company want to treat their employees to a box seat as a corporate perk.... would a name change to the WNY BIlls or Upstate NY Bills facilitate this?


    The key is not how many fans can be drawn.


    The key to being competitive is corporate sponsors paying big money for luxury boxes and suites and funidng other revenue streams.


    The problem in Buffalo is that there is no source of corporate cash. The County as the largest employer is not pumping money into luxury boxes.

  8. I consider myself a Bills fan, would become deeply depressed if the BIlls moved, and yet the Toronto comment did not bother me. Why should we expect Willis to feel about the Bills being in BUffalo like we native Buffalonians do? I've lived in numerous places since I left BUffalo (Pittsburgh, Boston and now NJ), and I've liked them all. But do I root for their teams like I root for the BIlls? No. Would I care if their teams moved elsewhere? No. Fact is, there is no town like your hometown and Willis can't be expected to feel about Buffalo like we do. Of course, he'd have been better off to keep his mouth shut about it, but that's Willis. Stupid? Maybe. Goofy? For sure. Do I really care? No. What I care about is work ethic and performance. I'm more perturbed that he didn't come to OTAs last year than his comments about our town.


    I always try to see the players' side and think people on this board act like the moral police too much. But honestly, has any Buffalo athlete had more excuses made for them than Willis?


    The fact is the people who defend Willis are the ones who ran Henry out of town. They say a bigger, shiner verison and can't admit they were wrong.


    I won't defend Henry actions except to state that charges were never pressed against him. Willis has fathered 3 children, who will no doubt grow up without a full time father. To me, that's a scumbag.


    Buffalo (stupidly) drafts him after his knee blows out and gives him the opportunity to be a millionaire when a lot of other teams won't. He shouldn't open his mouth with nothing but praise for the place that gives him this opportunity. I'm from Buffalo and love it here but I'll admit it does suck compared to Miami, LA, or NYC. But the last thing I wanna hear is some millionaire complaining about it. And if you can even defend that Toronto comment, you aren't truly a Buffalo Bills fan.


    I'm all for separating an athlete's off the field activities with their play on the field. But I'm just sick of this dude and his hype. And the biggest problem I have is he isn't even that good. Good job running Travis out of here. It has worked out well. :thumbsup:

  9. Donete Whitner also had an out of wedlock child this year, plus he was picked up once for a dometic assault, charges eventually dropped. Yet we don't see the kind of vitriol heaped on Donte that we see on Willis. And media darling Matt Leinart had an out of wedlock child this year as well- nobody is calling him a thug. Fact is, this board just doesn't like Willis, and is not willing to cut him any slack whatsoever.


    No. Actually, I was a big defender of Moulds when people on this board were siding with Mularkey in his dispute with EM.


    As an aside, some of the comments in this string kind of remind me of that line in Casablanca about being shocked that gambling is taking place.


    Professional athletes have a habit of attracting a lot of women. Big surprise. Also not surprising, there are a lot of professional athletes that have kids by women to whom they are not married. The NBA is famous for this. Even Larry Bird has a daughter by a "Baby Mama" to use today's terminology. In fact, there was an SI article about this a few years back. At the time, I think Larry Bird had not even met his daughter and apparently had no interest in doing so.


    There are also guys like Evander Holyfield who had everyone believing how religious he was. I think that I heard that he had multiple children from various women.


    As for WM, it sounds like he is taking responsibility for his actions.

  10. How do you figure MCCargo over Wliiams as a potential starter? McCargo plays behind Triplett, who seems pretty entrenched; whereas Willams has already surpassed Anderson.


    Nicely done, Pyrite :rolleyes:. A minor detail you should fix, though: we drafted 9 players, not 8...you forgot to number Simpson in your write-up.

    All I'll add to your thread is that I would classify our draft into 3 tiers:


    1st tier, the definite starters going into next year: Whitner, Simpson, Pennington


    2nd tier, potential starters for next year, partly depending on which direction this team goes in the offseason: McCargo, Ellison, Youboty


    3rd tier, very likely to just be backups next year: Williams, Merz, Butler


    With this classification, I'd say at this point Marv did very well with his draft. All 9 made the team, and 7 of the 9 started at some point this season. Plus next year, it's very possible that 6 of the 9 could be starters!

  11. Tony Romo, the "it" quarterback of the moment, is mexican american. Real name- Antonio Ramero Romo.


    I just read JP's entry on Wikipedia and was fascinated to find out that he was half Mexican.  In all honesty, the only nationality I ever assumed was that shared by Robert Zimmerman and Adam Sandler... 


    Is there a precedent of ANY kind of Mexican quarterback in the NFL?

    Ole, JP!  Y en este domingo, vaya con dios!


  12. Today's NY Times had a front page article (not the front of the sports page, mind you) in which they got two body language experts to watch a tape of the Giants collapse against Tennesee and comment on what thier body language was saying! coughlin was read as defensive, Plax as uninterested and Eli as uptight. And we needed a body language expert to tell us this? Wonder what our body language folks would tell us about JP?

  13. In today's NY times. they interviewed Kiawaneka (sp?) and he said he thought the ball was gone, so he let up to avoid a penalty. The writer commented that YOung had pumped his arm, and that motion was felt by Kiawaneka (sp?). who assumed the ball had been let go. The accompanying photo shows the defenders' head was down, sort of buried in Young's mid-section, where he would not have seen the ball. Bet he won't stop next time...

  14. Since the bye week, the Bills have been sporadically using 4 LB on running downs, with the 4th LB being Ellison. Ellison was inactive in Houston. Did any of you sharp eyed folks see if the Bills ever went to 4 LB in his absence? I am wondering if this could account for the drop off in run "D" this past week- though, of course, they were better in the second half. Did anyone note detectable half-time adjustments (beyond Whitner getting his head in the game)? I'd liek ot think Fewell did something they can build on, with Taylor and Tomlinson on the menu...

  15. I myself felt like yesterday was "opposite day" when you compare it to what we saw the week before.


    In Indy, we run but can't pass- here we pass but can't run. Last week, we get great field position but can't score touchdowns- here we get sucky field position, but score 3 touches. I


    n Indy, the defense plays great all day, but can't get a stop when they need it. Here, the defense makes Carr and company look all-world for most of the game- then they stop them- twice!- when they really have to.


    Which Bills team are we anyway?

  16. How about this one-


    Buffalo, NY (AP) - A seven-year-old boy was at the center of a

    Buffalo courtroom drama yesterday when he challenged a court ruling over who should have custody of him. The boy has a history of being beaten by his parents

    and the judge initially awarded custody to his aunt.


    The boy surprised the court when he proclaimed that his aunt beat him more

    than his parents and he adamantly refused to live with her. When the judge

    then suggested that he live with his grandparents, the boy cried out that

    they also beat him.


    After considering the remainder of the immediate family and learning that

    domestic violence was apparently a way of life among them, the judge took

    the unprecedented step of allowing the boy to propose who should have

    custody of him. After conferring with child welfare officials, the judge granted temporary custody to the Buffalo Bills, whom the boy firmly believed were not capable of beating anyone.

  17. Easterbrook is hysterical. Who cares if it's accurate? It's funny. And at least he always mentions the BIlls.


    Sour Play of the Week No. 3: Game tied at 10 in the fourth, Buffalo faced a second-and-20 on the Green Bay 43. Lee Evans went deep against Packers corner Al Harris -- who made no attempt at all to cover his man, but rather stood there committing the high school mistake of "looking into the backfield" to guess the play. Evans caught the touchdown pass that proved to be the game's winning points. This play was double sour because not only was Harris taking the lazy man's way out by looking into the backfield, Buffalo quarterback J. P. Losman was staring at Evans the entire time.


  18. Actually, yesterday was the first time since last year that I'd seen JP look visibly mad after a number of plays, though I wasn't sure if he was mad at himself or others. Also wasn't sure if that emotion was a good thing or bad- he seems to play better when he isn't trying to do too much.


    My Dad actually mentioned this today, talking about how Kelly would get in receivers faces if they dropped a ball. Losman just walks away with his head down.


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