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Posts posted by SamsBuffetTable

  1. Let's see how much do you make and much does Walker make? Unless you're saying Walker isn't allowed to go out because he is a football player.


    I hate guns but I do know if Walker had one he won't have been knocked out and Sean Taylor would probably be alive. It's silly to compare ourselves to millionaire athletes. It's an entirely different world.


    It is more than likely he was far from sober. Nobody makes good decisions while trashed. If he wants to have an armed SOBER bodyguard that is fine, but walking around armed while intoxicated is stupid no matter who you are.

  2. Donahoe was very good at managing the fan base. He made big signings or draft deals every year that made news in the middle of the off-season. This gave the bills obsessed message boards and talk radio stations something to talk about.


    The current management team seems to be more concerned with winning than making big news. They are also being honest with their fans about how they plan to do this. Everybody claims to want management to be honest but it makes for a less interesting off-season.

  3. To me the big thing isn't the dancing. It is how he doesn't change his style depending on down and distance. On that screen pass he should have taken the first down then attempted to make his move. If he would learn to prioritize as dictated by down and distance I would be much happier with him at RB.

  4. I don't like Kornheiser very much, but Thiesman is the worst announcer ever. I am glad that somebody else heard him talking about how heavy rain in 38 degree weather makes the ball easier to throw because I thought that I was trippin. I like that Kornheiser kept bringing it up because he couldn't believe how full of it Theisman was.

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