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Bob Lablaw

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Posts posted by Bob Lablaw

  1. Darin hit it on the head.


    Katrina wouldn't have killed 100 people in 1800.


    In an era before big city living, this weekend's earthquake wouldn't have done more than wake a few nomads from their sleep.


    The Tsunami would have killed a lot of people at any time, but it would have been less when the world pop. was 500 million.


    Please don't admit to believing Nostradamus.

  2. WE'RE NOT?


    Dude, your eally are an idiot. How's the OL look?


    The D?


    Get off the crack pipe.



    Bills missed the playoffs by a game last year, and are one game out of first in the AFC East. After 4 games-not one against a division foe- and with those FACTS lingering around, it's a little early to call this a rebuilding season.


    It's not to say the Bills won't be in rebuilding mode by week 8, but right now, they are still in the thick of things, despite the absurd line play.


    Why the need to call someone an idiot? Does flexing your Internet muscles make you feel better?

  3. has only started 13 GAMES , we have a winner . he must be the best QB out there . god i can not wait for him to take us to the play offs  :blink:  :w00t:



    In those thirteen games, he has two where he threw for 392 yards and another for over 400--with the Browns' receivers. You think Losman has a 400 yard game in him by week 13?


    Didn't think so.

  4. So are you saying there are more than 8 teams in the league who wouldn't take those three over the three they currently have?



    I will ignore Reed, as his type are a dime a dozen, and focus on the big two.


    Bengals: Johnson and Sneezy are better

    Broncos: Lelie and Smith are better (slightly)

    Colts: obviously better

    Raiders: obviously better

    Lions: the young guns are better

    Eagles: Just having one TO makes them better

    Rams: better

    Cardinals: I'd take Boldin and Fitz


    That's 8. I left out several borderline teams. I'd take Andre Johnson and anyone else over our two, but Corey Bradford is such a dud that I decided against listing the Texans. Plaxico and Toomer are about = to the Bills duo, and maybe better as Plax has stellar upside where Evans may be limited because he's a downfield WR- and a small one at that.The Giants wouldn't take that trade either way. The Saints wouldn't like move Stallworth and Horn for Moulds/Evans.

  5. Ummm...no


    I would say at least 3/4 of the NFL would take Moulds, Evans, and Reed as their three receivers.



    Reed barely made this team- he's only getting game time because Parrish is hurt, so he's nothing.


    Moulds is way on the south side of a good career. In his best season, he had 10 TDs. Since he's started, he averaged 6 TDs per season. He averages about 900 yards and 70 catches per season- hardly spectacular- but certainly better than average.


    Evans had a good rookie campaign that may have benefitted from teams not knowing what to expect from him.


    The guys you tout as being the subject of such adoration are thus: a guy who barely made the team, a good veteran who has lost a step, and a guy who had a good rookie campaign but hasn't done anything this season.


    And in any event, everyone agrees that the Bills have no TE and don't believe in throwing to the RB (or the RBs can't catch).

  6. I know Moulds can't catch a ball that lands 10 feet in front of him, but could part of JPs problem be that the Bills' receivers are not that good.


    The Bills have NO tight end.


    The coaching staff thinks so little of McGahee's hands that he's out on 3rd downs.


    Moulds never had soft hands, and maybe his speed is on the decline.


    Evans played well last year, but now that teams know about him, is he a little easier to handle? Just play a safety over the top and the deep routes are gone.


    That Reed is the Bills No. 1 WR says something about how bad the Bills WRs might be.

  7. Mort in his wrap eluded to it.  Since he and TD seems to be buds, I believe the wroiting is on the wall and Holcomb starts Sunday.

    If he does, this is a bad move.  Everything I have seen, says Losman is already unhappy about being benched the other day.  This will not sit well with him.  I think you continue throwing him out there at this point, and say hell with the playoffs.  You simplify, and help him be successful.



    They have the stupid system where JP only is supposed to look at half the field on most passes- how much more simple is it supposed to get? Maybe narrow it to 1/4 of the field?


    I'm happier now that I feel resigned to the fact that this is a lost year. And I now have infinitely more patience with JP. He can suck for a while. I just want to see a few 200 yard games by the end of the year. I'd also like to see him hit a WR in stride.

  8. Nothing in her lack of qualifications should stand in the way of her approval. The President gets to pick, and as long as he doesn't pick a total ninny, the choice should be approved. She's not shown (as yet) that she's incompetent, and unless she does, she should be approved, even if it seems there are much better qualified candidates. That's the game.

  9. Choosing the best sounds great but the law isn't like the 100 meter dash where only one person is the fastest.  You have hundreds that are pretty much on the same level of having a great legal mind.  I have no idea if this woman is among the hundreds or not but I'm sure you know what I mean.


    For good or ill, the Constitution makes it a political appointment first and foremost.



    With respect to the "hundreds" at the same level, she lacks important qualifications that I would expect from those hundreds. She's had no experience at the federal level. Not as a litigator. Not as a judge. Not as a clerk. Those are gaping holes for someone pegged to sit in the highest federal court.


    John Roberts had little experience as a judge, but few could doubt his knowledge of Constitutional law, and his experience litigating same.

  10. You're missing my point.  I also wasn't solely pointing at the Founding Fathers with my initial statement.  There were a variety of people (from every class and walk of life) who contributed to the Founding of this nation, not just the folks who signed the Declaration of Independence or forged the Constitution.


    Hence I don't have a problem with them selecting someone who hasn't been a judge.  I'd love to serve on the Supreme Court, even though I'm not a Constitutional Scholar, lawyer, etc.  I don't think I'd do any worse than some of the 'tards that served before me.



    Well, there we differ. Although I understand and sympathize with the rock the boat mentality, it seems foolish to not promote the best legal minds (of which John Roberts is undisputably one) to the highest legal position in the country. I've seen, as you may have, that elected judges can be frigging nightmares for want of judicial acumen. I don't want to see that type of problem at the top of the country: the highest court in the land deserves the best legal minds. The highest national defense posts deserves the best military strategists and leaders. And on and on.

  11. Yeah, I remember all those aristocrats picking up their muskets and taking on the Red Coats...



    I didn't say they weren't admirable; they are. But they were made of a common thread- with similar backgrounds. And that's what we were discussing.


    On your digressive line, I couldn't find a ready source summarizing the founding fathers' military experiences, but some of them never fought, including the biggies like Madison, Jefferson, and Adams.

  12. Call me crazy but I like the idea of not having 9 people with exactly the same experience and background.  It'll shake the foundation, which is probably a pretty good thing, since it's pretty much the way the country came into existance.


    Or we could keep the status quo.



    This country came into existence under the leadership of the American aristocracy, which for the most part, was a bunch of really rich guys who came from generational- not self-made- wealth.


    As to shaking the foundation, I have nothing against that. But I am wary of a candidate with no experience at the level she will be practicing. She has little litigation experience. And no Constitutional experience. Would you put an Arabian horse evaluator in charge of FEMA? Wait. Scratch that. Let me use another example: would you put Stojan in charge of national defense?

  13. Sad but true ....


    Brooks Bollinger ..... the Jets THIRD STRING QB, who most likely hasen't seen any significant practice snaps before last week,  against the Ravens yesterday posted numbers of;


    14 compleations on 28 attempts for 149 yards ... 0TDs, 0INTs


    Our QB of the future ..... the anointed one ... posted;


    7 compleations on 15 attempts for 75 yards .... 0TDs, 1INT


    IMHO ...... those are pretty comparible stats, but the one thing that stands out in my little mind is the number of attempts ..... we're bitching that the Bills coaching staff is "pass happy" ....... could the reverse be true ....... that they are not letting JP throw enough?????????



    QBs get more attempts when they get more first downs.

  14. as the wife and i sat at the bar watching the game some of the bills fans and i talked about getting holcomb in the game  because they do not want to give up on the season and i said it would not matter who was back behind center .  you can not play QB games . if you are going to give JP the chance to run this team , you  live or die with him .  at some point things are going to click and he will become a good QB  even with a sh-- line .



    Even when JP has time, he cannot throw a good pass. The guy has had one good quarter this season. He's been awful. The QB game I want to play this season is: can Holcomb win enough games to get the Bills to the playoffs? If he shows he can't, then JP can come in and see if he can throw a friggin' ball. If JP can't get it done, then the Bills move on.

  15. Holcomb has a game over 400 yards passing, and a game at 392 in his short career of starts.


    JP doesn't look ready to scratch 200 yds before the season's over. Unless the Bills are willing to just scrap this season and let JP grow--because letting JP start means this season is over--they better start Holcomb now.


    I don't have anything against JP yet. All young QBs suck, and I don't know whether he has *it*. He's certainly shown nothing so far. All I know is that the Bills are 1 game out of first place in the East, and JP won't win them any more games.

  16. So if I give money to a charity, they spend my donation, the government reimburses them...haven't I effectively then donated twice, since it's my tax dollars reimbursing them for spending what was my donation in the first place?  :devil:


    This may quite possibly be the stupidest idea I've ever heard come out of the federal government.



    This makes me less likely to give to charity, since the charities are just agents of the government.

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