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Superb Owl

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Posts posted by Superb Owl

  1. I've got to ask what it would take for you to think he didn't deserve a chance?


    25% completions?

    Winless in college?


    On paper, it's hard to find a qb in the entire nfl with less of a resume (even in the offseason with extended rosters)


    I'm not angry, I just think it's amusing that any time the dude comes up you are so quick to talk about how much potential he showed.

    Plenty of people liked the flow of the offense with him in the game. The completion % against KC is misleading, there were like 6 receiver drops


    I never like backup QBs but do like Tuel


    And Tyler Thigpen sucked

  2. Even though his pick six bombed his career, I thought he played exceptional in that KC game. Had Hackett called a better play and we settle for 3,and TJ doesn't fumble 6 on the next drive, Tuel wins that game and possibly leads the Bills to first playoff birth in 13 years, where he'd lose, but still be on our roster right now. What if?

    The day after that game there was an espn article where Hackett came out explaining the pick 6 and trying to take the blame off Tuel



  3. I just happened to watch a lot of Jeff Tuel highlights from both college and the one game he played in the NFL. Having been scratching my head as to why he was on the roster, I honestly have changed opinion after watching and have completely changed idea now thinking that he is a great player. In the NFL game I see a TON of dropped passes by receivers, and in college I see a lot of impressive passing with a horrible offensive line. I just want to know if there are any insiders in here that can explain why Jeff Tuel isn't getting more consideration for the starting role? He's young with a prototypical QB size and seems to have intelligence. I think he could be franchise quality if given the chance and experience especially with this team and the amount of weapons it offers him. Rex Ryan keeps forgetting to mention him in the QB competition and downplays his talent whenever asked about it. It really makes me wonder.

    Rex has made it pretty clear he doesn't like Tuel. Rex may overvalue measurables at QB, given the selection of Vick and Taylor


    It's funny when people say Tuel sucks, when he's probably no worse than the Bills' other QBs. They see the areas he's worse in (arm strength) and don't see - or undervalue - where he's better (vision, timing)


    I was hoping he would get a shot because I value what he is good at. Unfortunately it looks unlikely

  4. There were a few very decent OL left here so they obviously liked him. I'm all in favor of this. You never know when these guys will go but I'm very glad we got a OG who is tough.


    This reminds me of the EJ and Kiko draft. If we would have taken Kiko first and EJ second, people would not have bitched so much. Same here. If we would have taken a OG first like Miller, and then Darby second, people wouldn't have bitched so much. Including me.


    Very glad we didn't draft Petty or a QB.

    I'm gonna go ahead and laugh

  5. The NFL looks to be heading into a dark ages period at the QB position. You look at the top QBs, except for Luck and Rodgers (maybe Wilson), and they all have a LOT of miles on them. Even the younger ones like Rothlesberger and Rivers look worn out and that they probably won't still be in the league three years from now.


    Patriots, Steelers, Giants, Saints, Broncos, Cowboys...what are all of these teams going to do? Down the road I'm seeing Luck, Rodgers and possibly Wilson but then not much else to get crazy about. Maybe if EJ Manuel gets to even a top 15-20 QB level his stock will rise through attrition when all these guys eventually leave.


    Yeah, it could get worse before it gets better. But I thinking there will be enough replacements over the next few years to hold steady.. Personal picks would be Jameis, Teddy, maybe Tanny and one or two more currently in the league, and then the following couple drafts have some interesting guys like Cook and Cardale

  6. Gailey does a great job of using the whole field, finding gaps in the defense and taking what the defense gives him.

    Marrone/Hackett tried to move mountains with a Volvo.

    Roman will impose his will, line up, and dare the defense to stop him. I wouldn't be surprised to see multiple TEs, unbalanced lines, down hill power smoked with misdirection.

    Yeah he might have gotten a little bogged down with that



  7. If you watch Flacco in interviews, you see a guy who just isn't bothered by the importance of the moment -- he's not hyped up, he doesn't appear nervous, just calm, kind of a douche yes, but just never seems intimidated. And he plays like that while guys around him are pressing. That's the best I can come up with ...

    Awhile back I read an article on this. Not sure if it was a scientific study, but it seemed pretty thorough. They said pretty much what you said, its not that the good ones rise to another level, its that they play normal while others are affected by the pressure... So good observation!

  8. Ray farmer should be fired if he thinks a WR only effects only a small portion of plays, or an upgrade at the line effects all plays.

    Truth is more likely he needed a sound bite to match his actions.

    I'm not really prepared to argue your first point, but for the second one, he was answering whether he would be using one of his first rounders this year on a WR since he passed last time. So it would seem that is part of his philosophy and not just an excuse. I guess well know after the draft

  9. Most other OLs do a better job protecting their QBs and opening lanes for their RBs.


    Regardless of any theories about DLs, our OL needs to get better. That's my theory.


    And whatever challenges Hackett and Marrone may have faced, every team has shortcomings in talent. The question you have do ask about coaches: did they do the best they could with the hand they were dealt? On offense, many fans feel the answer was a resounding "NO."


    I guess it goes back to the statement in your sig, there are always tradeoffs. Our latest 3 first rounders have gone toward skill positions (qb and wr). I'm suspecting if we had put them toward O-Line we would be lot further ahead. That is with hindsight that Manuel has not worked out, but it was a known weak year for QBs

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