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Black Panther

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Posts posted by Black Panther

  1. You missed the point, the aim for this country was to bring them out of the 16th century. We pulled them through the sand storms. Now they control us, for lack of a better term. Both the Dim’s and the rep’ub have done it, cant you see that?



    absolutely! You are 100% correct. and why? because of our greed and need for political money from those who benefit from these policies. There is no way we can eliminate the towel heads resources unless we make some hard choices and get on with what made this nation great... No amount of drilling here can replace arab oil... even if it could it is backwards thinking and does nothing to move on to a brighter, cleaner, self reliant future of energy.

  2. And why is only the GOP backers?


    Get off the party suck box, think alittle bit......



    Excuse me, yes you are right. there are a handful of Dim senators that voted against higher MPG to save their political butt. What happened to American enginuity and resourcefullness?? Greed, lobbyists and money has corrupted our whore politicians so much that we are paying for it up the butt just so select industries can prosper.

  3. (!@#$ the spelling, don’t read this then)

    I'm having a hard time dealing with this ANWAR thing. Its not the problem, we can get enough oil if we want.


    We brought the middle east into the 21 (or 22 century, depending on who you believe) It was in our best interest to  do that. The big three had the capabilities of developing a much better car, more fuel efficient. Wasn’t gonna happen. Just think of the jobs that could be lost due to a car that got 30MPG back in the 70's, or a car that had a set of plugs last longer than 15 or 25 thousand miles. In the grand scheme of things, the  global plan was for the middle east to catch up, while sustaining our economy at the same time. There is enough oil to bring us into the 22 century and beyond, we're just 50 years behind..........



    Agreed but it won't cost jobs. That's a bunch of garbage to protect the scam and the GOP backers.

  4. Why do we allow ourself to get caught short? Let''s just drill the puppy and get us a nice surplus and home supply of oil.



    uh huh, 10 years from now we'll get enough out of there to last a year. Great idea. :doh:

    How about making real choices that solve the prroblem... forget the Bush scams that don't solve anything but help GOP Contributions from the drillers. Higher MPG. Dems and especially the GOP should be ashamed of themselves for not executing this quick fix and doing something that would actually help.

  5. Why do gas stations raise prices when the gas has been in their undergrounds tanks for weeks or months and their cost didnt just go up? They bought it at the cheaper price weeks ago !


    It's robbery I tell ya ! Bush should cap the price of gas. It is a national crisis now to cap the price of gas.



    We get 600 miles on a 12 gallon tank... gas prices? No problem.

  6. I would give up


    Tiki Barber

    Jerry Porter

    Ravens Defense




    Kevin Jones

    New England Defense


    Who do you guys think get the better of the deal?



    NO WAY.

    Tiki had a monster year last year, Porter should have a break out year with 100% single coverage. Kevin Jones hasn't proven a thing yet.

  7. Subject: Married

    Can You Get Married in Heaven?

    On their way to get married, a young Catholic couple is involved in a

    fatal car accident. The couple find themselves sitting outside the Pearly Gates

    waiting for St. Peter to process them into Heaven.

    While waiting, they begin to wonder: Could they possibly get married in


    When St. Peter showed up, they asked him. St. Peter says, "I don't know.

    This is the first time anyone has asked. Let me go find out", and he


    The couple sat and waited, and waited. Two months passed and the couple is

    still waiting. As they waited, they discussed that IF they were allowed to

    get married in Heaven, what was the eternal aspect of it all. "What if it

    doesn't work?" they wondered, "Are we stuck together FOREVER?"

    After yet another month, St. Peter finally returns, looking somewhat

    bedraggled. "Yes," he informs the couple, "you CAN get married in Heaven."

    "Great!" said the couple, "But we were just wondering, what if things

    don't work out? Could we also get a divorce in Heaven?"

    St. Peter, red-faced with anger, slams his clipboard onto the ground.

    "What's wrong?" asked the frightened couple.

    "OH, COME ON!" St. Peter shouts, "It took me three months to find a priest

    up here! Do you have ANY idea how long it'll take me to find a lawyer?"



    That's great!!

  8. Just noticed this quote from Bobby April in the SI article about the Bills linked on the front page ... this is sounding like Roscoe will be available for the opener!!  :P


    "When wideout Roscoe Parrish, a rookie second-round pick out of Miami with 4.37 speed in the 40, injured his wrist in camp, no one wore a sadder face than special teams coach Bobby April. "He'll be back by the start of the season, and then you'll really see something," April says. "[The other coaches] like him as a third wideout, but I like him as a return man. I know we've got Terrence McGee, but Roscoe is dynamite as a punt returner. I would not want to have to tackle him.""

    Bills preview from SI.com

    Great news if this is true!!!


    GO BILLS!!



    yaaaaaaaa baby! The secret is out.

  9. And I'm one of the people that tend to believe he shouldn't have caved.  More government bureaucracy is usually not the answer.



    Oh really? bureaucracy? is that what you think this agency is about? Thanks god we have an agency dedicated to our security because the FBI and CIA were a joke. I guess you would rather have no government and relegate us into a 3rd world situation... as long as you can pay no taxes.

  10. Because if you don't provide specifics, it just sounds like whining.  "Bush's environmental policies suck", though I agree with the statement, is not specifics.  And "Bush didn't sign Kyoto" is just garbage; Congress ratifies treaties, not the president.

    National security and counter-proliferation.



    Thanks. I agree. But National Security as far as "Homeland Security" was fought by Bush... it was Liberman and the dems that wanted a seperate agency to focus on terror. Bush went along in the end because of political pressure.

  11. Bledsoe has a new commericial out. Its him throwing a pick to, who else, but the Burger King. The king takes the pick all the way to the endzone where he dances like deion. Funny stuff if you havent seen it yet



    Oh baby... give me a link!

    Ya know, with all the fanfair he got when he arrived, I was bummed by the move.... I mean This was Droopy Drew! But he looked like a superstar in that first season and I had hopes.... but after RJ anything was an improvement.


    I really want a Dallas Buffalo SB and I want revenge... I want to sweep the old nemises and clear the board baby.

  12. You are gonna get flak for this because it is pretty general and ranges in the "Bush is bad" rhelm.


    He doesn't want to see it happen.  Yet, the admin is taking calculated risks with importance that hasn't been properly assessed.


    Again... We are driving down the highway at unsafe speeds with bald tires.  Stupid analogy I know.


    The truly ignorant will never see the harm in lack of preventative maintenance... They just throw caution to the wind and pray for the best... Then cry when something bad happens.  I don't blame them if they are truly ignorant and well intentioned.


    You are not gonna prevent bad things from happening... You can only lessen the damages.


    :rolleyes:  ;)



    Bush is bad? No. He's just a regular guy who is bought and paid for by the more radial side of the GOP. Why is every critisizm of the president labeled and dismissed as "Bush is Bad"? Has it come to this> We can't hold him accountable?


    I agree with the rest of your post 100%.

    But tell me what importance that hasn't been properly assessed by this admin that does not include special interest kickbacks?

  13. Ahh... but the problem is, Bledsoe will have silenced a lot of doubters just by getting to the super bowl.



    That would make it ever sweeter to sack and INT him. It would have to be JJones that gets them there though... Droopy Drew is a loser.

  14. I've had this dream... The Bills and the Cowboys go to the superbowl in the next year or two. We beat them soundly, Julius Jones loses his helmet and then turns the ball over on thee first play of the second half, Bledsoe is picked off and sacked, Clements forces a fumble right before Terry Glen is approaching the endzone and goes the other way for a TD, Parcells retires after demoralize him, Our kicker kicks the winning field goal after it bounces off the right upright and goes in. The City Of Buffalo goes wild, parades, celebration, and a movie made for TV emerges: "Buffalo Bill Get's Sweet Revenge"


    It could happen!.... and oh would it be sweet.

  15. story


    And they PROMISE to to good.


    Were they innocent?  Torturing innocent people, shame on us.

    Where they guilty?  Then why let them go.


    I wonder how many of them have already joined the insurgency.  They're surely leaving with no love for their captors / occupiers.


    Ah well.  Bring it on.



    Here ya go:

    "Those chosen for release were not convicted of violent crimes, the statement said, "and all have admitted their crimes, renounced violence and pledged to be good citizens of a democratic Iraq."


    Oh goodie! They promised to be good. Thank god, now we can move on. :rolleyes:

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