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Posts posted by StuckinRedskinland

  1. I have a nephew who is so talented and smart, he recieved free rides to every college he appied for. When he graduatesfrom high school this May he will have 35 college credits. He is so damn smart, yet he gave up his academic future so he can marry his girl firend. No job,no plan of how he will get a job. He wants to go to a school that she can get into and he won't recieve any aid at all. It is so frustration he won't listen to anyone. I have a feeling if he "READS" that "they don't have a chance to make it" he might second guess his decision. They want to get married this July and start college in Aug.


    Does anyone out there know of a site that can explain "LIFE" to a 17 year old who knows it all. So sort of financial site that might explain what he is facing and up against.


    I do appreciate any ideas that you might have.

  2. I think that the NFL should let the Snyder's and Jone's spend all that they want. Let them spend hundreds of millions of dollars. After a few years when they have no money left maybe they will sell the teams to a person who cares about the game and the fans. So far the only one to make anything was Jones and that was because of all the talent he got in the draft. Free agency wise all he knows about football is how to write a check.

  3. I don't like to say I told you so, but just like I said yesterday, the guy is an idiot. Want to know who is filling the stadium for the skins? It's now a game of prestige

    he who has to most money gets to go to the games. No "REAL" fans can afford to go, just the DC power hungry jerks. They couldn't tell you the difference between a "hash mark" and a "hash pipe."


    I can only hope the Skins pull together another losing record, but then I wonder if Snyder writes that off on his taxes as well.

  4. The admission for training camp was for one year and it was pretty much dropped about halfway through that one camp as they gave out vouchers to come back on another day for free to everyone as they were leaving. That was six years ago. He made a mistake, he learned from it, and has moved on.



    I love watching snyder fall on his face ALL the time. How about the parking situation? This guy is a joke. He has money but he can't even buy a winner. Just the thought of having to PAY to watch a PRACTICE was so CHEAP it shows his true colors. MONEY MONEY MONEY, the "OLd Guard" actually cared about the game. The "New Guard" might win out in the long run, but it will also be the end of football. Take Monday night Football. What happened? Too much Redskins, Cowboys and other big market teams. Lets kiss the Big markets butts and go down the tubes with them. The truth of the matter is were did all these huge markets get their population from. The small markets, who are having a hard time, yet their loyalties remain with their home team. SPread the wealth hell spread the "COVERAGE"

  5. I have to laugh at any reporter here in DC who stands up for Ol Danny Boy. He cried how he always loved the Skins and remembered being a child and watching the games. He reembered what it was to be a skins fan. So first thing he does once he buys is beloved team, he CHARGES his fellow fans ADMISSION to the open practices. I remember the press wanted to bouycott the Skins actually Danny's practices. The "Old Guard" would never have dreamed of doing this. But "Stupid is as stupid does" and now they defend this guy like he was a god. fact is most Skins fan hate Snyder as much as any other fan. It is really funny how a Skins /Cowboy game has now changed into a Snyder / Jones game. The "new guard" has nothng but money and that what makes the world go round. A change in times and a change in values. It is sad but Buffalo may not be DC, but thats why I love it. Dc is full of back stabbers and money. But try to get a decent meal at 1 am here, or affordable housing.


    Now I have to take my blood pressure pills. Thanks Danny !!!!

  6. It would be nice to have a Coach who understands what the Owner wants and what the Fans expect. Blue collar coach for a Blue Collar town which he played for and still loves. Espn talks about loyalty not such a big issue..... If you ran a business who would you rather hire the person who wants to be in charge of everything and claims to know everything or the person who will tell it like it is and not blow smoke up your behind? Give him a chance with an OWNER on the same page as him and lets see what happens. Please don't sell Art Shell or anyone else for that matter.

  7. What is your best memory of Buffalo sports? Mine is back in the 70's when the Bills were hot and the Sabres were HOT (like now) and the Braves held first place in the Division. I remember I think it was Good Morning America doing a story on Buffalo and calling it "SPORTS TOWN USA". I use to love to listen to Van Miller call the Bills games and Ted Darling doing the Sabres games, can anyone help me out ? Did Van also do the Braves games? Life was simpler and we were number one across the board. Those were the days !

  8. I have been benched at home the past month recoving from a stroke, I have to say I was very lucky. It happend in Buffalo while visiting our family. I have to thanks the EMT's, Millard Filmore Stroke team of Drs, nurses and staff. I have been cleared to travel and we are headed back to Buffalo for Christmas. I can't stress it enough that you have to embrace everyone and everything that you consider important. After reflecting a bit I relize how fast the days pass and we never say I love you enough or I am sorry.


    Sorry didn't mean to get mushy this is a FOOTBALL site, but I hope Everyone has a Merry Christmas and a Great New Year and when you hit your knees at night thank God for all of the people that mean so much to you.

  9. Does coaching count? I coach a Little - Loop teama and help coach a Pee Wee Hockey team. I get to throw TD's against 4'4" defensive terrors and I also get to skate against them on the ice, I'm not afraid to have them bring it on !!!! However some of these kids do skate a haeck of a lot better than I do. I just keep telling them it my bad knees and the metal plate in my head from the war. Glad they are still young enough not to know better.

  10. I have lived in the DC area for over 21 years and even the people here have no sense of community. Everybody is always in a hurry to get to the next traffic jam. I have helped out numerous motorists who have had a flat tire, and they always will say that they were there for over an hour and nobody would stop to help. People will stop and stare (and create a huge traffic jam) but nobody wants to get involved. When we come home my kids even call Buffalo home. They love the feeling of community, the sense that you belong and even though it may not be perfect, they love Buffalo for it's pride. I will wear my Bills or Sabres stuff around town and my kids laugh at how many people will either say they are from Buffalo or have visited Buffalo and love it. The only time anyone will wear any Redskins,Capitals or Ravens stuff is when they are winning.


    We hope to be moving back this year and grasp the feeling and meaning of belonging, something that we had lost 21 years ago. I am proud to be from Buffalo and my neighbors who always laughed at me for talking up Buffalo became Buffalo Backers. We brought them home over the summer. From fishing on the lake, to taking in the Falls, a trip into Canada and the Eden Corn Festival, they fell in love with it. Although taxes are a killer, it evens out because the prices down here are much higher. My neighbor laughed that we could feed a group of 15 people for a little over $30 (50 sings, sheet pizza, salad and pop).


    Enough gabbing I don't think I need to convince anyone reading this. Keep Talking Proud Buffalo!

  11. No such thing happened.  But Kelly hit McKeller with a pass that the refs had to review on replay.  If they didn't review, Bills would have gotten up to the line an ran a play or spiked, with 30 secs to go.  Instead following the review and restarting of the clock, while Bills were still in the huddle, they lost 10 seconds.


    I vote for the above, but also if Al Edwards gets a better block on Mark Collins, Thurman walks in for a winning TD.



    Actually it did happen, in fact I have made a ton of money especially from Giants fan who deny that it ever happened. If you have a tape of the game go to I believe it is 1:50 left in the game. Giants backed the huddle right up to the line, one of the linemen looked and kicked the ball. The ref first looks puzzled then he walks upto the ball and replaces it. I believe 8 secs are lost.

  12. I am aware of the huge problems NT has, however I will benefit from not being taxed by the state on my federal retirement. As far as the taxes go, I live in a townhouse here and it is going for $325,000 I paid $65,000. I own only about 25 feet of property and I pay $3300 in taxes. Taxes on 1/4 acres here are about $7700. So I am not shy of taxes. We priced a Ryan home here in Howard county,MD it is going for $745,000 the same exact model is listed in Hamburg for $245,000. I know there is a lot to consider but I can't wait to get back.

  13. Dude... the septic and well are the least of your problems.  Trust me.... if you move back to this state, bring a 55 gallon drum of KY... cuz you're gonna take it in the posterior big time. Do you not realize NYS is the highest taxed state in the USA?  I promise.... if your home is only assessed for $150 K (average home), plan on paying at least 6K/yr. in property taxes alone (and you get out of paying for water & sewer).  Then don't forget the 7-9% sales tax (depending on the county to reside), plus 23¢/gallon of gas tax, state income tax, tolls for the pleasure of cruising on the thruway (one of the nations most unkempt highways), high auto insurance premiums, among the highest energy costs in the country, the world's laziest and most corrupt politicians, the home of $41 billion dollars a year in medicaid fraud, and lastly. the last place on earth that any company worth their salt would locate a business.  And, oh yeah, that sucking sound you hear from all of ythat $$$$$ you just paid in taxes???  welll, look downward.... it's going down that huge sewer we fondly acronym "NYC".


    Damn.... I can't wait to retire and get the F**K out this state!!!


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