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Posts posted by PopUp

  1. Finally got to see them play on a Sunday here in S Florida. Almost went to the game. Glad I didn't. What did I learn? The Dolphins can beat up on our second stringers. 2007 all over again.. I also thought Trent was going to be good, but I think Bill Walsh was wrong about him. We keep getting these guys who never really won in college and never played in the snow. How smart is that? I'll watch the scoreboard from now on, but I have more important things to do than watch preseason games until December.


    Good Lord!!!! This hurts again and again...It never changes!! I'm doing my best to be the diehard fan that I am...But?...It's really hard these days. BTW the team and I were doing shots earlier today and they missed game day. Sorry...My fault :w00t:

  2. Obviously I'm not a frequent poster to the wall. But I feel the need to put in my two cents in on this topic. Before you condem me, I'm not a prick, love to tailgate, drink beers and watch our team. That's why

    we go. Our section stood the whole time. It was great and no one had a problem doing so. We can handle almost anything from the beer dumping, puking, and whatever one needs to float your boat.

    However, I do have a problem with watching "PlayBoy" TV in the row in front of us. I'm not sure how this group got past security. The sad thing is not one of them were watching the game. The saddest part was

    I had my kids with me. It's not about who paid what and if you stand or choose not to. It's called respect. Come on BILLS FANS-Aren't we all there for the same reason?


    And yes-They were gone at halftime.

  3. What am I, chopped liver???


    I was wondering what happened to you.  You were not feeling much pain that evening as I recall - figured you just forgot the whole thing.




    Sorry Jay-No Chopped Liver! The only pain I felt that weekend was our lose to Jacksonville.

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