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Lemur King

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Posts posted by Lemur King

  1. I do. I'm just not a narcissistic little crybaby about it.


    Says the guy with 19000 posts.


    You don't even know what that means, do you? What was the last pandemic WHO declared?


    And if the swine flu was just a little test of a carrier, and instead of carrying a relatively benign flu, carried something much worse, what would the effect on humanity be?

  2. http://news.yahoo.com/s/politico/20090609/...HeQr_wB59gDW7oF

    He’s done it while talking about abortion and the Middle East, even the economy. The references serve at once as an affirmation of his faith and a rebuke against a rumor that persists for some to this day.


    As president, Barack Obama has mentioned Jesus Christ in a number of high-profile public speeches — something his predecessor George W. Bush rarely did in such settings, even though Bush’s Christian faith was at the core of his political identity.


    This is either comforting or exactly the work of a false prophet. Time will tell.

  3. So you questioned my statement to the effect that "Aristotle didn't say it", even though "we know Aristotle didn't say it"?


    Go away.


    I questioned your stupid inference that you had some insight into what the statement was intended to mean, not who the quote was attributed to.


    I will take back calling you stupid if you are the author of the quote.

  4. What's the market saturation point for mall cop feature films? You'd think it'd be something less than 2 movies...about 2 less, by my guess.


    2 killer-asteroid movies in one summer. 2 super-volcano movies in one summer. 2 mall cop movies in one summer. The last one is truly apocalyptic. A 200 million man army will be coming from the East soon.

  5. You're right. I mean, it's not like we can read his writings anymore... :thumbsup:


    Have I ever mentioned that I hate lemurs almost as much as penguins?


    Nincompoop: We know Aristotle didn't say it. What we don't know is who created the phrase. Whoever it was, he probably doesn't have the gravitas that Aristotle has so along the way, people started attributing it to Aristotle.

  6. Damn right we will. And EVERY time I hear some self-loathing nitwit whine about what we did to those animals, I just say "That was for Bataan."


    KFBD cant figure out the meaning of a sentence and Im the dumbass. Check the timestamp, dummy....how did I accuse Mr. Perfect of doing something BEFORE he said a word? God, if I were a Jap soldier Id PASS on eating your brain or liver for fear Id catch your disease of "stupid." You !@#$ing moron.


    So now I'm responsible for checking your time stamps instead of just assuming you are a crackpot. Given the choice, it's easier and more accurate to assume the later.

  7. I'm pretty sure whoever said that was making a point about dying societies, not tolerance.


    I also know that it wasn't Aristotle who said that.


    That quote cannot be attributed so you have no idea. The right-wing frothy mouth types have been using it for a while so I think you're wrong.


    On the other hand, the right wingers have been attributing it (wrongly) to Aristotle so maybe you're right.

  8. I really hate to say it...but I'm with OwensManiac on this one. Not the "American Patriot" bull sh-- (because let's face it, Turner's a complete douchebag), or the over-the-top Orwellian nonsense (hey, OwensMania..."1984" is a book, not a Wikipedia article. :thumbsup:)


    But even though the guy's a violently racist bigoted douchebag Nazi, he has a guaranteed First Amendment right to be a violently racist bigoted douchebag Nazi. Until and unless they can raise "hate speech" to "conspiracy to commit murder", I support his right to be a violently racist bigoted douchebag Nazi, and in doing so hasten to point out (again) that the right to say something doesn not automatically convey the right to be taken seriously.


    Care to reconsider?



    "We may have to ASSASSINATE some of the people you elect on Nov. 7! This could be your LAST ELECTION CHANCE, to save this Republic... Sorry to have to be so blunt, but the country is in mortal danger from our present government and our liberty is already near dead because of this government. If you are too stupid to turn things around with your vote, there are people out here like me who are willing to turn things around with guns, force and violence. We hope our method does not become necessary."[25]"


    "I advocate parents using FORCE AND VIOLENCE against Superintendent Paul B. Ash as a method of defending the health and safety of school children presently being endangered through his politically-correct indoctrination into deadly, disease-ridden sodomite lifestyles."[29]


    "I ask the People of Nevada to send Senator Reid the kind of message he cannot mistake….Don't think I'm talking out of my ass either. The last time I focused on a federal official like this, it was US District Judge Joan Humphrey-Lefkow of Chicago. I commented on my show that one of her rulings made her worthy of being killed. Some time later, someone broke into her home and slaughtered her mother and husband. The killer ultimately took his own life rather than be arrested, so there was no way to ever know if I actually influenced him to kill. Do we really have to test that possibility again? I'd rather not; but I recognize doing so is a tool available to me."

  9. I'm not defending anyone. I just said that you have those on the right and left that are idiots. but it seems that only the right is having thier idiots arrested.


    You're a moron and your deflection in a thread about scum like this is distasteful. On top of that, you're wrong (as usual). The kid who hacked Palin's account was arrested. I am sure people who threatened dubya were also arrested.

  10. And how many called for death or the demise of the last president. Look through this board alone. Everyone knew his address.


    Not a soul here would defend someone who called for the assassination of Bush. But at least two people here are defending Turner, who wants to beat blacks with bats and burn Jews. You'll say that you're not defending him but this little deflection thing you're doing is defense. Owens says that Turner is a patriot but he's just a troll/ You're an actual poster, albeit a dimwitted one.

  11. Anybody can edit wikipedia to smear someone. Libs always do it to conservatives.


    Cool--nice to know your patriot wants to assassinate elected officials and use "force and violence" against school superintendents...also round up and kill Jews.


    Even in Troll-form, there's a line you shouldn't cross. HEre are some of the things you're advocating--quotes from Hal Turner:


    December 14, 2007: "I am looking for volunteers from the Klan, Aryan Nations, Nazis and Skinheads to join me in Baltimore this weekend for some good old vigilante justice. We will ride the same buses where the attacks took place, looking for the perps. If we find them - or any other upity [sic] negroes [sic] looking for trouble - we will 'take care of business' vigilante-style, in the street. See how the negroes [sic] like it when they finally face the original 'Boyz in the Hood.'"


    December 9, 2007: In response to a shooting at a training center dormitory for Christian missionaries, Turner wrote, "CRAZED JEW SHOOTS CHRISTIANS! KIKE WALKS INTO DENVER CHRISTIAN MISSION, STARTS SHOOTING. HUNT DOWN THIS FILTHY KIKE AND STICK HIM IN AN OVEN!"


    November 13, 2007: "I advocate SPITTING ON JEWS when anyone sees them on the street. Let's all start spitting on jews [sic] immediately. I myself am doing it starting today. In fact, I think we ought to line up outside every local Synagogue every Saturday and spit on the jews [sic] who enter. Then spit on them again as they leave. If this behavior is good enough for jews [sic] in Israel to do to Christians, then it must be good enough for Christians to do to jews [sic]. Let's get it done."


    November 9, 2007: Under the headline,"DEAR JEWS AND OTHER NON-CHRISTIANS AS WE APPROACH THE CHRISTMAS SEASON, PRACTICE TOLERANCE….," Turner wrote: "Anyone who goes after Christian seasonal celebrations will be made to answer to us... We don't want to have to show up at anyones [sic] house as they're coming home or leaving, to beat the hell out of them on their own front lawn; we don't want to have to grab anyone on their lunch break at work and break their legs, crack their skull open with a baseball bat, or burn down their home or office. We certainly don't want to have to take up sniper positions outside quiet residential areas in the dark of night with high powered rifles and put a rifle shot through anyone resting comfortably in their home. Whether or not any of that happens this year is solely up to you. Leave us alone and we'll leave you alone. Pick on us --- and we may feel compelled to !@#$ destroy you."


    October 30, 2007: Under the headline, " SENATE MAJORITY LEADER HARRY REID SAID TO BE PREPARING YET ANOTHER AMNESTY PROPOSAL FOR ILLEGAL ALIENS!, Turner wrote: " I ask the People of the State of Nevada to travel to Senator Reid's home and make clear to him the price of betraying our sovereign Will. I ask the People of Nevada to send Senator Reid the kind of message he cannot mistake….Don't think I'm talking out of my ass either. The last time I focused on a federal official like this, it was US District Judge Joan Humphrey-Lefkow of Chicago. I commented on my show that one of her rulings made her worthy of being killed. Some time later, someone broke into her home and slaughtered her mother and husband. The killer ultimately took his own life rather than be arrested, so there was no way to ever know if I actually influenced him to kill. Do we really have to test that possibility again? I'd rather not; but I recognize doing so is a tool available to me."


    October 24, 2007: "And I think that we have arrived at a time when one or more of these 44 (later amended to 52) defiant U.S. Senators needs to get cracked in the skull with a baseball bat, needs to get a bullet through the brain. They have betrayed us AGAIN and AGAIN and AGAIN. IT IS TIME FOR SOMEONE TO PAY A PRICE AN EXAMPLE TO THE OTHERS.…"


    October 22, 2007: Under the heading, "Chief of International Monetary Fund Warns of U.S Dollar collapse," Turner wrote, "I have all the home addresses of folks in Congress, the Senate, the President's Cabinet, as well as all the Federal Reserve Board of Governors, all the jew [sic] Boards of Directors of the biggest banks and investment houses in the country. . . . where they live, where they go to temple. . . . I intend to bring such a sh-- storm down on these people that history will record what happens for all eternity! When these people are finally made an example of, others throughout eternity will dread doing what they did fearing the same result. If I play my hand right, what I achieve could make the Holocaust look like child's play."


    October 2, 2007: "Jews love to complain about the 'Holocaust.' Let me tell you, there was no Holocaust in World War 2 -- but rest assured, there most certainly IS GOING TO BE a holocaust. I look forward to participating with zeal."


    October 27, 2005: "What I want to say to Black Americans, and I mean this, I mean this...your ancestors came here against their will in chains. If the Black community does not clean up its act and reign [sic] in its hoodlums...all of you and I mean *all* of you, can leave here the same way. That's right, against your will and in chains. Think we can't do it? Look at the Indians. All we have to do is play cowboys and Indians..see where they are? Well, the time is rapidly approaching where we're going to play cowboys and !@#$s. Get the picture."


    October 11, 2005: "For the second time in a week, multiple Mexicans have been found shot dead just inside the U.S. Border. ! I ADVOCATE KILLING MORE OF THEM! For years I have been publicly advocating on my radio show and this web site, that Mexican illegal aliens be SHOT DEAD as they cross into the U.S. illegally. Now, they ARE being shot dead! I hope my rhetoric contributed to their deaths. I plant the seeds verbally and the seeds grow in the minds of others…I am proud to advocate even MORE killings! Illegal aliens should be KILLED as soon as they cross the border into the U.S…. Water stations placed in the desert should be poisoned. When enough of the illegals are KILLED, the rest will get the message not to come here. Death is a great deterrent! Even better is that it takes around 36 hours before cops even find the dead bodies. You can go on "safari" to kill dozens of these brown-skinned, sub-human animals and be long gone before the cops ever find your handy work."


    February 28, 2005: Turner advocated assaulting and killing African-Americans on March 15 to commemorate his birthday: "I think a full day of violence against blacks . . . would be a really nice thing . . . complete with lynchings, church burnings, drive-by shootings and bombings to put these subhuman animals back in their place."

  12. Really, you mean like the Democrats who did this to Palin. Along with her personal info, SSN, home address, etc...




    Anyone who said that Palin should be "assassinated" or that they should use "force and violence" against her should definitely be arrested.


    The kid who hacked her account WAS arrested by the way--though what he did paled in comparison to what this nutcase Turner is all about.

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