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D Rock

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Posts posted by D Rock

  1. I'd say bottom five.

    It's funny how WR cuts were so difficult in the preseason. They were so difficult because we have a lot of average guys who can barely differentiate between themselves.


    Stevie is a mid-tier #1. Woods is on his way to being a solid #2, but is currently probably a mid-tier #2.


    Nobody else we have is good-- all serviceable guys with some flashes and lots of flaws.


  2. Acutually they call it the wildcat because it was the formation coined by pop warner in the 20's. Arkansas stole WILDHOG from that...get the facts straight before u try to bang on someone...schmuck


    Actually, it's not a true Wildcat formation to begin with. True, Pop Warner invented it and later used by Princeton for an undefeated season. Anyhoo, a true wildcat formation is a single wing formation with two tailbacks and the 'QB' is basically a fullback. Just because a tailback is in shotgun and the QB is at WR, doesn't make it the wildcat formation.

  3. I know it's maddening but we will rebound.



    (against Atlanta, if so...)

    Against another top defense..

    Against a QB who can do things that most NFL QB's can only dream of...(with legs and arm)

    Against a running back duo of thunder and lightening..


    I doubt it

    I hope I'm wrong

  4. JP looks rushed in all of his throws, not to mention off target.


    Give him time, he'll hopefully mature during the game but I doubt it.


    The Bills' D is having troubles right now as I type this against a mediocore Tampa offense. I'm very curious to see how "good" they are against Vick, Delhomme, and oh yeah, Brady.


    Since the offense is still suck in neutral, the defense needs to make a big play, ASAP or the Bills are going to lose, wait, they'll get embarrassed...even if the score is 17-3, 24-3..that's getting embarrassed by a QB who's second-string material.

  5. There seems to be some confussion between myself and a fellow coworker over NY's Chad Pennington and his famous midget football juke.

    My coworker is telling me that Pennington put a "wicked" (as he put it) juke over Aaron Schobel in NY.

    I preach that the juke over Eddie Robinson in NY as the Jets won 31-13. I know that is a fact but was there a time that Pennington "juked" out Schobel for a TD run?

    This is the photo in question.



  6. That's what I'm mulling over Rockpile....I don't want her on the s$$tlist, I want her to enjoy it and she will not understand if she can't do it. She's really looking forward to it.



    I don't have kids but I do have an 11-year old sister who pretty much does everything. I've hopefully strayed her away from cheerleading. She did it for one summer I believe two summers ago (fourth grade, what a coincidence ha) and I think she hated it; well not [i[hated[/i] it but was upset because she missed a soccer game.

    I think maybe she wants to do it but she's in love with soccer—she does 3-5 soccer camps a year—I don't know how much my mom and dad's wallet loves it though !


    hey, just as long as she's happy--though, it looks like they are being pretty damn shady

  7. That is so incorrect I do not even know where to start. So I won't.



    I will.

    To me it's not. I'd rather go cover NASCAR than a cheerleading "event" AKA a dance off haha

    Sure they have to be some what atheletic and intelligent to do those moves and not too mention some good wind pipes to bellow out those annoying cheers.

    Maybe in the bigger schools cheerleading is taken a lil more serious but come on, look at any NFL, NBA team--those "chearleaders" just go around, showing off their body (which is perfectly fine) and just do whatever is they do, shout, chant....


    Please, corporate America already tried to show everybody how intense cheerleading is with movies like "Bring it On" and such; but the fact is simple, just because it's on ESPN doesn't automatically make it a sport.

  8. UPDATE: Breaking News from WGRZ.com (as reported on KFFL).......

    This sounds strangely familiar. Anyone else hear anything about this?




    Sigh, TV heads...they probably got their information via word of mouth or someone actually had the time or intelligence to do some research online..maybe on this forum or, the bills actually gave them a "sneak peak"...eh whatever..not news to any of us

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