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Posts posted by RokpileR


    Former Bills DT Alex Carrington is back in Buffalo for a free agent visit: http://bufbills.co/bTCgoY



    The #Bills will sign versatile DL Alex Carrington to a one-year deal, source said. He’s visiting today, played there from 2010-2013.


    Excellent signing. Makes not drafting a DE for depth a non issue. OK, I BILLIEVE in DOUG... grrrr ( I hate when I doubt him )

  2. I have that feel ing too. I also BILLieve that IF we sign a QB that it will be Cassel or Manuel to get traded or cut. Not Taylor.

    I'm with you Manther on this one. I think should TT grade out slightly below/equal/or obviously a tad above Cassel, and the Bills draft a QB next week, I can see TT starter, EJ back up, Cassel as trade bait. Why TT? other than the fact that Rex loves the kid, it seems that he has quite a bit of upside to him. That equates to a more secure long term QB position, than keeping "Cassel Qb rentals". That is not to say Cassel is not starter material, rather his services as a back up in Buffalo does not allow the team to develop their young QBs. Besides, we've already gone the "RENT A QB RECK FOR A SEASON" route. Should the draft give us a player who can push EJ out the door, so be it. But as long as he is under a rookie contract, this team would be foolish to just cut him without having given him a serious opportunity to develop. It is easy to assert that EJ had all last season (minus 4 games) to develop, but you have to consider the circumstances. Was that really the kind of development opportunity that can realisticly benefit the team at this point? I submit that it wasn't.


    I just read a story about Adrian Peterson's agent in a picture wearing a Buccaneers hat and posing in front of Peteron's Viking jersey. That got me to thinking how Peterson traded to Tampa could go down involving the draft. Here's the blockbuster I cooked up...


    Tampa Bay - gets Bradford, Peterson, Mathis (OG, Eagles), 2016 1st rd pick (instant offense), lose #1 overall pick

    Minnesota - gets Eagles #20 pick (Vikings can draft Gurley at #11 if he's there or Gordon at #20) and still have an extra 1st round pick), lose Peterson
    Philadelphia - gets Bucs #1 pick Mariota (Chip gets his guy), lose Bradford and Mathis, 2016 1st rd pick
    It's a crazy trade idea no doubt, but it seems like it works for all teams involved. If Bradford doesn't work out in Tampa, they would have two 1st round picks in 2016 so would be in position to take a top rookie QB in the next draft class.




    Today after the Buffalo Bills ground and pound attack lead by QB Matt Cassel and LeSean Mckoy totally dismantled the Philadelphia Eagles leaving their prized rookie QB Mariota sprawled on the carpet at Lincoln Field, the fans in the city of brotherly love turned into brotherly blood. During his post game press conference Eagles head coach Chip Kelly invited Buffalo Bills head coach, Rex Ryan up to the podium to explain how he could unleash such a monstrous attack on the eagles rookie QB, leaving him clinging to life. After Ryan explained the x's and o's of the NFL, he suggested Kelly stock his team with more talent, to wit Kelly replied, " I'll give you 2 steaks subs from Pat's and my mom's best pasta recipe for Ej Manuel." Ryan quipped, "son I don't eat red meat and I don't need yo momma's recipe, I already got yo momma". At that the dejected eagles head coach left the press conference, and was later found face down on the side of the street along Ben Franklin Boulevard with 2 steak subs stuck up his butt and a mouth full of meat balls. Police suspect that his death was a result of foul play. All along the 95, and 695 highways drivers in black, white, silver and green cars reported being forced off the roads and pulled from their cars by crazed Eagle fans, then forced to watch as their hard earned mode of transportation was smashed and burned. Blocks and blocks of looting and burnings were reported by business owners and residents as they ran for their lives seeking a safe haven. Returning from a South Street riot scene, this reporter happened upon a badly torn and tattered Santa Claus sitting on the steps of the Ben Franklin Museum. When asked what happened, he could only muster, " but I'm not even an Eagles fan, hell I hate football." He then pointed to his precious chariot sitting at the curb, smashed to bits with Reindeer carcasses littering the street, he said "look what they did to my sleigh and reindeer". Continuing, "how on earth am I going to explain to Mrs. Claus what happened to Blisten? He was her favorite." Finally, with seemingly his last breath he said, "hey chief, you think I can get a lift?"

  4. Here is a scenario that I believe will make quite a few posters happy. (based on previous comments) How about, Winston holds out on settling this case. The resulting media circus becomes a public relations nightmare for the NFL, and he instantly becomes battery acid to any team desparate for a FRANCHISE capable quarterback. The resulting drop in his draft value finds him out of the first pick overall, out of the first round, and sitting there looking as guilty as OJ's glove at #50. Here in lies the dilemna oh smarter than me posters; should the Bills risk the pick? Alternatively, how about he goes UNDRAFTED (hey stranger things have been known to happen in the NFL) In either case, who would support the Bills taking a flyer on this guy?


    Before blasting me on this, keep in mind that Tom Brady MUST retire soon. Do you REALLY think Belocheat gives a rats A$$ what happened at FSU with Winston? As we sit on our collective thrones and cast the burning spear at this guy, remember that there are far worse outcomes for Buffalo, than the outcome for Winston.

  5. Interesting, and possibly a perfect move for the Bills to kick the tires on this guy. Reports are that he is a much better run blocker, albeit a liability somewhat in pass protection.




    At 35 he may have 2-3 good years left. LT GLENN LG INCOGNITO C MEYERS RG WOODS RT HENDERSON. Throw in McCoy in the backfield and you've got another Electric company without the knife (pun intended) Picture 3rd and 21, Bills option to run McCoy left with Fred Ex leading. haha you say! Not saying they should, just that they can. It worked with OJ many times.


    Whoever plays QB should have little to no worries when it is time to throw downfield. First, play action will be KING in Buffalo. Second, I feel with WOODS and INCOGNITO sandwiching MEYERS, there should be adequate pass blocking assistance. Fred Ex is an excellent pass blocking back who when kept in to do so, has proven to be quite reliable. With McCoy as a run and receiving homerun threat, it seems to me to be a low risk pickup, and possibly a ticket to the big dance sooner rather than later.


    The preceding is my opinion only. I make no warranties regarding any data quoted or linked hereon.


    p.s. Yes I am fully aware that my grammer, puncuation and even spelling suck balls. Surviving that, I hope the forum can overlook these flaws. Thank you...... AND GO BILLS from the Philippines!!


    Now will someone ring Dealing Doug???

  6. I don't agree. Forgive and forget? No thanks.


    I read these comments about Vick, and how he does not deserve this, and he does not deserve that. Moreover, he apparently doesn't deserve to be forgiven, although he followed the proper courses toward redemption. So, I am compelled to ask... "Who are we, THE FORGIVEN..to sit on our throne of judgment and refuse to forgive?"


    If only we could love ourselves, we could easily love those who have fallen off the path of righteousness. Who is HE that lives in the BIG GLASS HOUSE?

  7. This is good news for Gailey. It allows him to evaluate his roster first hand, as opposed to cutting players based on past production. Given the quality of coaching that TE has had in Buffalo, coupled with the extraordinary carousel of an OL...it

    makes sense to give the coach that chance.

    It does the bills no good to throw the baby out with the wash. Might as well give a REAL coach a chance to find out if he can do anything with TE.


    Funny... JP was in this very same situation. But Fassel found a way to win with him........ I'm just saying.

  8. Going against the grain on this one. I think the Bills got exactly the coach they were looking for. A teacher, player developer, adaptable, knowledgeable in all facets of the game football coach. In addition CG has experience and success at just about every level. Has he been a super star? NO! But has his teams been on the winning side more than the losing side? Yes!. Can he do more with less? Yes... these are things he has shown a knack for doing.

    At some point the Bills have to stop throwing the baby out with the bath water, and get to work on the dirt. In this case, I believe they have done just that.


    We complain about Modrak and Guy. Those guys can only bring the talent information to the decision makers, it is (was) the GM who, in most cases who make the call on bringing in a player. I think DJ had too much say so in the personnel department, as evidenced by some of the poor draft decisions. Nix is a football man, just what the Dr. ordered. Gailey is a football coach..great.


    Do I have butterflies about next season?.. Please don't make me puke. BUT... at least I can feel better knowing that the personnel people will better be able to demonstrate their abilities in evaluating the talent as needed by the team. Nix will play an integral part in SELECTING the personnel who will actually appear at OBD, and Gailey will play the best people he has. Even if he has to change his game management and philosophy to match the talent he has to work with. I say this is far better than trying to fit a round peg into a square hole. (running the K-gun with a slow, weak OL)


    I'll be interested to see how CG can mold the mess he has signed on to coach, into a competitive winning football team.


    April's draft will say ALOT about the talent evaluators and decision makers, as well as the direction this team is headed long before camp and the preseason. Hey this is the hand we are dealt... let's play it out!!!

  9. We should also consider the challenge to lure coordinators that faces any potential HC. Staffing concerns are beginning to loom larger, as more and more teams snatch coveted quality coordinators. Any H.C. who takes the Buffalo job will have an ever decreasing talent pool from which to staff his sideline. Even if the next HC is on a playoff team, it does not bode well for that person when it comes to selecting his staff. The longer this drags on, the more likely he will have to look to the college ranks to draw his staff.


    Where does that leave us in Bills Nation? With a first time head coach, with college coaches on the sideline.

    WOW... this does not get my juices flowing.


    Hell I'll do it Ralph. Pay me $2million a year... I am sure I can come in a screw up the Bills just a good as any of the guys you'll eventually hire. Man, I'll do them one better. I'd go out and hire Norm Chow as my OC. assistant head coach, Ted Cottrell will take over the defense. We will definitely be exciting. I'll make the team so darn bad, that you won't have to worry about where the team will end up after you die. It'll already be in toilet. All you need to do is flush!!!!!

  10. Nope, I try not call people names here. Try not to take nothing personal. I know I called you ignorant which I probably shouldn't of. I just do not like when people throw the race card. Lynch has noone to blame for these problems except himself. Has nothing to do with race. Just sharing what I know from what I said are pretty reliable sources. It is your perogative to not believe me & I respect that.


    Nice to see we find common ground for agreement. This is a cruel cruel world in which we live. Truth and justice is the stuff comic books are made of. Real life has real truths that many people don't want to know, so we attack the messenger. My references to McNabb were centered on the "lack of acceptance" and the double standard that exists, in the cities of Buffalo and Philly, and how the stench lingers longer in one place over the other.


    The race card is not something that is played, it IS WHAT IT IS. TRUTH.. as much as we'd like to bury our heads in the sand and pretend racism does not exist...it DOES. Personally, I could give a rats a$$ about Marshawn Lynch. He doesn't pay my mortgage or my car note. I have not received one penny from him towards my sons' college education. So as far as I am concerned...he could be Elvis, Tom Thumb or Boy George...so what.


    None of this changes the truth that the rope of tolerance is far shorter for Black people in general than it is for white, and I provided the post about Pat Kane as evidence.


    We do however have a choice in how we chose to respond to this stuff. The side we take reveals a lot about our moral compass and sense of right and wrong. When we predispose a person's character or guilt thru clouded lens, (double standards, racist viewpoints,, etc) we have no one to blame but ourselves.


    So yes.. at the end of the day, IT IS ABOUT RACE.... unfortunately.

  11. Well at least your right about one thing. Just sharing what I know.


    BTW, I have had some insider knowledge & posted on this board before. Look back in August when I posted before it was on any media's radar that Schoeble was contemplating retirement after this season. I got flamed for that by some posters too. Guess I was right about that one though.



    So people actually disagreed with you? Did you call them names too? I'll bet that must have been an interesting flame.

  12. Wow, your way out of line to drum up the racial card here. This guy is like a bad penny, you just can not get rid of him. This kind of behaviour goes all the way back to his playing days at Cal. & your actually comparing this jerkoff to a class act like Donovan Mcnabb???? Man, you just maybe the most ignorant poster on this board.



    BTW Gordo--- I was not comparing Lynch's behavior to McNabb's behavior. How you deduced that, I will never know. Any further attempts to explain this would unfortunately would be an exercise in futility.


    Reading is truly fundamental.

  13. Wow, your way out of line to drum up the racial card here. This guy is like a bad penny, you just can not get rid of him. This kind of behaviour goes all the way back to his playing days at Cal. & your actually comparing this jerkoff to a class act like Donovan Mcnabb???? Man, you just maybe the most ignorant poster on this board.



    Who can argue against your RELIABLE sources?


    I love how you psychoanalyze people through limited processing of limited information. That is truly a gift which you might consider offering to the highest bidder. Try the corrections system. Even if you were a cop, this talent is being wasted. A D.A. or Judge..maybe...but man what the state would do to have a talent such as yours. Hell, Blackwater could use you too. I'd rush right out and grab an application today. We on this board are so blessed that you share your insightful commentary and look forward to reading more.


    BTW - http://www.buffalonews.com/cityregion/story/919587.html


    Oh...and race card... my bad...my "ignorant" self almost forgot.

    an earlier poster put it best when describing the difference between what Patrick Kane (you know who he is right?-of course you do) did, and what Marshawn Lynch is accused of:

    QUOTE (zazie @ Jan 10 2010, 09:15 AM) *

    Kane was hammered. Hate to say it, but it IS an excuse. Sometimes things go wrong with irish kids from South Bufffalo and a few beers.




    I motion for dismissal of your charges!!

  14. Will he be convicted, not likely, is there more to the story, maybe. Does it sound weird yes, to wierd to believe.


    But I've gone through life believing when someone comes up with a story that you could never imagine happening, it usually is true as no one would ever think anything up so wierd.


    The fact that the womans wife is a cop makes it more believiable in my mind as I'm sure he asked her 10 times to tell her exactly what happened, is she sure she wasn't leaving anything out, and likely grilled her as hard as he would any suspect as he's seen first hand many phoney stories told.



    And yes he most definitely is as you descirbed: getto, scumbag, thug, A-Hole, and illiterate to name a few. In fact he's worse than most getto thugs as he has money so figures he can just buy his way out of anything.


    OOPS!! "woman's wife is a cop?" Well I am sure in your mind you believed you WANTED TO BELIEVE anybody's side, as long as it wasn't Marshawn Lynch's. I love the part about.. (sgt Crawford) "he's seen first hand many phony stories told"

    I am sure he HAS heard many phony stories. From all indications it appears he may have participated in a few as well.


    BLIND JUSTICE???? or just BLIND??

  15. Kane was hammered. Hate to say it, but it IS an excuse. Sometimes things go wrong with irish kids from South Bufffalo and a few beers.



    WOW!!!!! this is so amazing... I never thought anyone would actually admit something like this in writing. I sincerely hope you do not have any decision making authority when it comes to people.


    Whenever there is a discussion about race, double standards, or just plain ole idiotic positions on matters of consequence, I look forward to quoting this post. UNBELIEVABLE.... UN-- !@#$$%G BELIEVABLE (to think, we all breath the same air!!)




    Oh my how tides turn as winds blow. "In the laws that I follow, that's called robbery," Crawford said of the $20 that was allegedly taken by Lynch. yet his WIFE doesn't want to press charges. Ohhhhhh something stinks of high heaven here.. A man has an obligation to protect his wife. If someone transgressed against your wife, kids or property, you PRESS CHARGES. hmmmmmm sniff <_< sniff. something smells pretty bad.


    Oh...what is this???

    Hendrickson added, "It's also been reported that [Crawford] owes the City of Buffalo roughly $100,000 for a dilapidated building ... "


    Crawford says a corporation he was involved with had owned a building in the Cobblestone District that the city tore down after it was damaged by wind. He says he does not personally owe the city money for the demolition expenses.




    Either Marshawn stole the money or he DIDN'T. If he did, press charges...if he didn't..... (who's the THUG now?)

  17. actually calls like that are very revealing. just like jauron punting against saints this year.


    I'd be hard pressed to believe that bone-headed calls aren't made by every coach at one time or another in his career. Some may have had a impact on the outcome of the game, and some may have not. Likewise, players make bone-headed plays. You think Jimmy Johnson was perfect in every aspect of coaching, or Billacheat, or Lombardi, or Dungy? Not even Cowher can escape the "WTH was I thinking" syndrome. Imagine if Marv Levy had not been hired because he sucked so bad in Kansas City. Then there is Trestman in the CFL.. he too sucked in the NFL, yet like Levy won the Grey Cup in Canada.


    We fans enjoy the benefit of hindsight, selective memory and comparative analysis when it comes to our team, which makes us experts in absolutely NOTHING. Honestly, all we can really do is hope. Hope that the guys Mr Billionaire Wilson put in place will bring us FANS the satisfaction of experiencing what it feels like to win the BIG ONE!. For me? Jumping ship is just NOT an option. I'll go down with the ship. :-)

  18. Well, we'll agree to disagree on this. I just can't imagine that if we'd hired an up and comer like Marc Ross or Dave Gettleman that they would be very happy that they would have to deal with this national enquirer stuff before they even hire a coach. I'd venture to guess that they'd be regretting their decision very quickly.


    Erik I have to agree with you. A city (now the equivalent size of a large town) such as Buffalo can ill afford to wallow in this sort of divisive rhetoric. Whenever something negative happens involving a Buffalo player, it is magnified when race is involved. It fuels the fire of racial hatred, bringing out those whose whole existence is cultivated by racial divisiveness. Unfortunately, THAT becomes the NEWS which quickly takes on a life of it's own. The stain lingers a lot longer for Buffalo than larger markets simply because it is Buffalo. Yes admittedly Buffalo is inherently racist, always have been. FA's look at this kind of crap going on in a city and will avoid it like the plaque. Countless players and (now) coaches have refused Buffalo. Other markets experience this also. Look at what happened to McNabb in Philly..he has been beaten down in the court of public opinion since the moment he was selected in the 1st rd. Do you think just because he holds numerous records, set standards of excellence, and lives as a model citizen that he gets off the hook? Hell no!! He will NEVER be good enough in Philly. SB or not, there will be jerks calling him a scumbag, dirtball, cheesebooty. ,, etc.. Philly has many other things going on that allow McNabb to quickly fade out of the spot light. Public perception is reflected in the radio talk shows, TV commentary and print media. And then something else "newsworthy" occurs.

    Campaigns to run people out of town, stings not just the person (DJ Billboard) but it leaves an indelible stain on the fabric of a city and it's people. Now there is a billboard to entice Cowher to Buffalo. I can think of no other example to illustrate better my point. .Buffalo fans are hands down some of the most PASSIONATE fans in the country. Passion can work just as much against a city as it can for it.


    This might be a good time for all of us to reflect upon our own lives, and take stock of the person we are and/or wish to become, rather than wasting energy spewing hatred and condemnation at others. Otherwise, we are no better than the people we call thugs, douchbags and scum.

  19. Look, I have a pretty accurate account of what exactly happened & this is how it went down. 2 ladies were at a TGIFs & Lynch & his friends were trying to hit on the ladies. the ladies said they were not interested. Lynch & his buddies got upset & when the lady held a $20 bill out to pay the waiter Lynch walked by & grabbed it out of her hand. When she asked for it back Lynch's posse surrounded him as he started laughing saying "what are you going to do about it?" She did not want to make a scene so she left. This guy is a jerk. I have more stories too.


    Stroud once in awhile holds/hosts parties at a bar(that I will not name) after bills victories sometimes. On more then one occasion, Lynch & his family refused to pay for the drinks that they have ordered & have caused bigtime scenes. On more then one occasion Stroud has actually has had to intervene & pay Lynch's bar bill because (*^*&amp;%^&#036;^#thinks he is above & beyond paying for achohal.


    I could really give sh*t less if anybody believes me. I have this on very reliable sources. This guy is a dirtbag & a punk & he needs to be run out of town. Oh yeah he sucks as a football player also.


    I feel so much better knowing that you have reliable sources that permit you to cascade down to us "accurate accounts" in the life of Marshawn. It is especially helpful for people like me who was NOT THERE, to be able to refer to you in determining if a person is a "dirtbag & a punk & he needs to be run out of town" If you should happen to have pictures of his posse, I'd like to see them so I know who to be scared of. Thank you for providing this valuable service.

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