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Mr. Wolf

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Posts posted by Mr. Wolf

  1. The thing that makes no sense to me, is that of all the teams listed, none of them are trading for Henry to make him their starter. Now, I understand that Fred Taylor and Chris Brown have issues with staying healthy, but for that matter the guy he's behind right now has a completely reconstructed knee. I just don't see why Travis would be willing to sign an extension (which will probably be tantamount to getting a trade done), when he's still going to be brought in as a #2 back.

  2. Didn't McGahee sign a 7 year deal?



    According to NFLPA.org, McGahee is only under contract for 3 more years (through the 2007 season). In addition to this, he's represented by Drew Rosenhaus, so you have to figure that if (and seemingly it's more a question of when at this point) he has a big time year, he's going to want to tear up his contract and hold out.

  3. Even if JP is awful, the season can be salvaged if MM has a quick hook. I for one do NOT, under any conditions, want to see JP keep the Buffalo Bills from making the playoffs in 05.



    I agree with this. I am a big JP supporter and hope that he turns out to be great, but if he struggles, it can't keep this team from the playoffs in '05. Bringing in Holcolmb was a great move, IMO. He's shown he can play decent, and at times very well, and get a team into the playoffs. If we're losing games left and right with JP, Kelly has to take the reigns before it's too late. There's too much talent on this team right now that it's in its prime to waste it.


    I don't want to wake up one day, only to find JP has finally turned the corner, but Sam Adams and Troy Vincent have retired, Clements has moved on, and Moulds, Spikes and Fletcher are on the downside. I'm convinced that this team, with a decent to good QB, can not just make the playoffs, but contend for a championship right now.

  4. For what it's worth, lets look at the respective resumes of Reed, Monk, and Watters.


    Andre Reed:


    7 consecutive Pro Bowl appearances (1988-1994)


    Ranks 4th all time in receptions (951)


    Ranks 6th all time in receiving yards (13,198)


    Ranks 10th all time in receiving TD's (87)



    Art Monk:


    3 time Pro Bowler (1984-86)


    Ranks 5th all time in receptions (940)


    Ranks 9th all time in receiving yards (12,721)


    Ranks 29th(t) all time in receiving TD's (68)



    Ricky Watters:


    Elected to 5 Pro Bowls (1992-96)


    Ranks 15th all time in rushing yards (10,643)


    Ranks 15th all time in rushing TD's (78)


    Ranks 12th all time in total yards from scrimmage



    I've also added one other component to the comparison: how each of these players performed in playoff games. I've taken their total stats from all of their playoff appearances and divided them into the number of playoff games they appeared in to represent a statistical average playoff game for each player. Here are the results:


    Andre Reed:


    4.47 receptions, 64.7 yds (avg. 14.5 yds)

    0.47 TD's


    Team: 10-9 in playoffs



    Ricky Watters:


    60.6 yards rushing (avg. 3.8 yds)

    3.7 receptions for 41 yds (avg. 11.08 yds)

    1.09 TD's


    Team: 6-5 record in playoffs






    4.6 receptions, 70.8 yds (avg. 15.4 yds)

    0.47 TD's


    Team: 10-5 record in playoffs



    For what it's worth, those are the numbers I came up with. You can argue there's more than just pure stats involved in electing players to the hall of fame, but looking at the on field production I'd have to say of the 3 players in question here, Andre has the most impressive production on the field, and if you're even considering Monk or Watters, Reed has to be in.


    Though I'm a Bills fan, it's hard to see an objective argument that a WR elected to 7 consecutive Pro Bowls and ranking in the top 10 all time in all major statistical categories at his position, isn't a virtual lock for the Hall.


    Of all the WR's who have EVER played in the NFL... only 3 have caught more passes than Andre!

  5. If there's a trade on the table, we have to take it. Anyone who thinks TH will wise up and play is kidding themselves.


    I for one would like to see TH to the Eagles (and maybe a late round pick) for Corey Simon. They want him out and have already replaced him. We could use the help in the middle.



    I'm with you. I want us to get Corey Simon. If we can land him for Henry and a late rd. pick, what a coup it would be! And then come June... Red Rover Red Rover, send Ty Law right over. Oooooo-WEEEEE! would we have a defense!

  6. I think an important thing to remember when comparing him to Bledsoe....


    Bledsoe may have been a lurching, ball patting, lock to receiver looking, take forever to throwin, sloth like running QB....but he has one of the best deep balls EVER......


    If JPL is anywhere close to Bledsoe in that department.....then he is already better then nearly everyone in the NFL at the deep ball RIGHT NOW......



    No doubt about that. For all of his downfalls, Drew's arm strength is amongst the finest of all time. When he has the time to sit back there he can effortlessly flick his wrist and send a perfect spiral to the opposite end of the field and hit a receiver in perfect stride. If JP is anywhere near that talented at it, he'll be far ahead of the game.

  7. Funny. I saw a PT Cruiser in the parking lot outside the Kinkos that I use. License plate said forbflo, and had a metallic charging buffalo logo on the back. I was going to leave a note or something, but then I thought better of it because I question the judgement of anyone who thinks it's a good idea to buy a PT Cruiser with the wood panel accents on the side and those goofy tire rims that spin.



    The PT Cruiser with wood trim is the bomb diggity. That's the ride that Mr. Wolf rolls in.

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