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Ron Mexico

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Posts posted by Ron Mexico

  1. You candy assed crackurs have no idea what I was doing, I had just cleaned out some drippings and I was flickin them towards the stands. If you have ever had herpes, you would know, the discharge is unpleasant and I wanted to get rid of it as soon as possible, by sharing it with my fans, I see it as a way to "Share the love".

  2. "It's normal," he said. "Half of America they use it."


    Well, I don't have one, never used one, so I bet that who ever posts next, has had one, or still has one.


    You do too, I saw it in your pocket!


    Ohh man, thats not a penis pump, its a fluid extraction device...

  3. no wonder he had the herpes on his lip....look where he keeps his cell phone (look to the right of the hand with the alleged marijuanna cigarette)



    I was just having a quick chill with my biotch, why you whiney ass Bills folk gettin up in my face? I got more of that than you pencil neck geek boys will ever sniff.


    Valtrex and a blunt, thats the way to party!

  4. Forgive me if this has been posted already:

    Postgame Comments by Owner Ralph Wilson



    01/01/2006 5:04 PM


    Bills owner Ralph Wilson was stopped by reporters outside the locker room after Buffalo's 30-26 loss to the New York Jets. Here is a transcript of the interview that took place.


    On the season

    "It's been terribly disappointing. With all the hype at the start of the season with a new young quarterback… but he was unproven. We had too much hype. You can talk about it, but you've got to do it. I just picked that out (as one example). I'm not blaming him (Losman) for it."


    Is your disappointment a reflection on Tom and the way he's put this team together?

    "I'm disappointed with the whole season, the whole season and I'm going to address it. I'm not just going to say, 'Gee I hope we get better next year.'"


    Are you going to change the structure of the organization?

    "We're going to change the structure."


    In what ways?

    "I'll get to that. We're going to change the structure."


    On Mike Mularkey

    "I'm going to talk to Mike and see what he has to say and see what he thinks he needs. But there are going to be some changes. What's that old song? 'There are going to be some changes made'? Frankly I forget the words beyond there are going to be some changes made."


    Take a couple of days and then make some changes?


      So, Ralph says some changes will be made...but he is going to talk to Mike Mularkey, and see what he "needs".  That sure sounds like a stay of execution for Mularkey to me...


    We were lucky enough to be in the box two suites away from Mr Wilson. After the game, as his party departed, it was a slow, somber march from the suite to the elevators. Mr. Wilson lead the group, and only the few people from his party that were in the back spoke in hushed tones. I recognized his daughter, his wife, and his wifes mother in law. Certainly no sighting of Donahoe or Modrak.

  5. Making some signs ahead of time (suggestions welcome) plus some blanks and a sharpie in case they are deemed un-PC by the censor patrol.



    How about some of these?


    "I slept with Ron Mexico and all I got was festering genital warts"


    "Clap for Ronny, he has the clap for you"


    "Hey Ron, Feel the burn..."


    "Got Valtrex?"

  6. Carpe Diem


    Some things in life you don't get a second chance on.


    You'll both regret it if you miss this chance.



    She put herself on the available list, we are awaiting the call. She is a little nervous, but ready to go.


    When and if the call comes, she is ready, already telling the kids that she is more needed there than here.

  7. That's a tough question...  She could stay in your family bubble, guarentee her safety and that of your family, but be unfufilled, or she could feel like she made a difference at a cost to the safety of herself and your family unit.  If it were me who was asked to go, i'd go.  If it were my wife, i'd tell her to do what she had to do and i'd support her either way.  It is going to be up to her to make this choice, but i think we all know the "right" thing to do here.


    I called her this morning (she was working the night shift) told her to do what she thinks is necessary. Ultimately it is her decision, she may not get selected, but if she is chosen, she will have a short window to get her gear ready and be available for Tuesday. If they have enough volunteers, they may send an additional team a few days later. If she is selected to go, you will see me wandering around the opener with my 10 year old. Thanks for the advice everyone.

  8. My wife is a Nurse Practitioner, Emergency room in a level 1 trama center in NYC. They are asking for some of ER personnel to go to NO. Must be able to commit for 1-2 weeks. I don't have all the details (rooming, etc.) but her hospital will fly them down where they can assist in the treatment of the patients that are being found. They are planning on leaving Tuesday


    I am all for helping out, my only concern is for her safety, the diseases don't bother me as much as the lawlessness (gunfire in the streets) bothers me. The more I ponder this, I can only hope that if she goes, they would put them in a location that provides them with some sort of safety net, and be relatively well stocked with medical supplies, but if its a military operation that may be too much to ask.


    We have 3 kids, 2 at home, ages 16 and 10.


    She is asking my opinion, I just wanted to see what you folks think, would you encourage her participation, or ask her to stay here until things settle down a little?

  9. Just how does one get themselves into a position where they can "blow dead moose chunks"?


    Party with some canadians, drink, eat roadkill (moose) barf...whats so hard about that one? Sorry Darin

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