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Last Kid Picked

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Posts posted by Last Kid Picked

  1. http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/inside_ga...life_of_reilly/


    On a Wing and a Prayer


    Now this message for America's most famous athletes: Someday you may be invited to fly in the backseat of one of your country's most powerful fighter jets. Many of you already have -- John Elway, John Stockton, Tiger Woods to name a few. If you get this opportunity, let me urge you, with the greatest sincerity....


    Move to Guam. Change your name. Fake your own death. Whatever you do, do not go. I know. The U.S. Navy invited me to try it. I was thrilled. I was pumped. I was toast!


    I should've known when they told me my pilot would be Chip (Biff) King of Fighter Squadron 213 at Naval Air Station Oceana in Virginia Beach. Whatever you're thinking a Top Gun named Chip (Biff) King looks like, triple it. He's about six-foot, tan, ice-blue eyes, wavy surfer hair, finger-crippling handshake -- the kind of man who wrestles dyspeptic alligators in his leisure time. If you see this man, run the other way. Fast.


    Biff King was born to fly. His father, Jack King, was for years the voice of NASA missions. ("T-minus 15 seconds and counting...." Remember?) Chip would charge neighborhood kids a quarter each to hear his dad. Jack would wake up from naps surrounded by nine-year-olds waiting for him to say, "We have a liftoff."


    Biff was to fly me in an F-14D Tomcat, a ridiculously powerful $60 million weapon with nearly as much thrust as weight, not unlike Colin Montgomerie. I was worried about getting airsick, so the night before the flight I asked Biff if there was something I should eat the next morning.


    "Bananas," he said.


    "For the potassium?" I asked.


    "No," Biff said, "because they taste about the same coming up as they do going down."


    The next morning, out on the tarmac, I had on my flight suit with my name sewn over the left breast. (No call sign -- like Crash or Sticky or Leadfoot -- but, still, very cool.) I carried my helmet in the crook of my arm, as Biff had instructed. If ever in my life I had a chance to nail Nicole Kidman, that was it.


    A fighter pilot named Psycho gave me a safety briefing and then fastened me into my ejection seat, which, when employed, would "egress" me out of the plane at such a velocity that I would be immediately knocked unconscious.


    Jason Dooley/U.S. Navy

    Just as I was thinking about aborting the flight, the canopy closed over me, and Biff gave the ground crew a thumbs-up. In minutes we were firing nose up at 600 mph. We leveled out and then canopy-rolled over another F-14. Those 20 minutes were the rush of my life. Unfortunately, the ride lasted 80.


    It was like being on the roller coaster at Six Flags Over Hell. Only without rails. We did barrel rolls, sap rolls, loops, yanks and banks. We dived, rose and dived again, sometimes with a vertical velocity of 10,000 feet per minute. We chased another F-14, and it chased us. We broke the speed of sound. Sea was sky and sky was sea. Flying at 200 feet we did 90-degree turns at 550 mph, creating a G force of 6.5, which is to say I felt as if 6.5 times my body weight was smashing against me, thereby approximating life as Mrs. Colin Montgomerie.


    And I egressed the bananas. I egressed the pizza from the night before. And the lunch before that. I egressed a box of Milk Duds from the sixth grade. I made Linda Blair look polite. Because of the G's, I was egressing stuff that did not even want to be egressed. I went through not one airsick bag, but two. Biff said I passed out. Twice.


    I was coated in sweat. At one point, as we were coming in upside down in a banked curve on a mock bombing target and the G's were flattening me like a tortilla and I was in and out of consciousness, I realized I was the first person in history to throw down.


    I used to know cool. Cool was Elway throwing a touchdown pass, or Norman making a five-iron bite. But now I really know cool. Cool is guys like Biff, men with cast-iron stomachs and Freon nerves. I wouldn't go up there again for Derek Jeter's black book, but I'm glad Biff does every day, and for less a year than a rookie reliever makes in a home stand.


    A week later, when the spins finally stopped, Biff called. He said he and the fighters had the perfect call sign for me. Said he'd send it on a patch for my flight suit.


    What is it? I asked.


    "Two Bags."


    Don't you dare tell Nicole.

  2. You are going to run me off this board? Good one tough guy! I always get a kick out of the guys who make threats on chat board.


    Just because Willis makes a good comment, doesn't mean nobody can take issue with other comments. The guy should know that as a member of the Bills, his comment about moving the team to Toronto would be met with anger...no matter what his intent was.


    Cripple fight!

  3. I want to install a Lil Mynx dance pole in my living room. I was hoping someone here has done it before and can give me some suggestions. Is it better to build one from scratch or buy one already made? Can I do it myself or do I need to hire a contractor?


    Thanks for any suggestions.

  4. Iran Tests Missile to Threaten Israel

    10:39 Aug 21, '06 / 27 Av 5766


    (IsraelNN.com) Yesterday, Iran tested a new missile with a range of 250 km. The targets are the United States and Israel. Bush stated yesterday that the Iranian threat could also reach the United States.


    The new “Saegheh” (lightning) missile is expected to be primarily a threat to Israel. The missile test was called “Zulfikar,” after the sword of a legendary Muslim hero. The Iranians claim that the missile test was carried out to demonstrate Iran’s seriousness and preparedness in the face of any threat from the west, chiefly from the United States and Israel.


    The leaders of the security establishment suspect that these missiles will be passed on to Lebanon, which will put the center of Israel at great risk from Iran and its vanguard, Hizbullah.

  5. My Webpage


    Iranian talk of an attack on America

    By Steven Stalinsky


    It's out in the open and they aren't joking


    There are growing indications that Iran may be planning an attack on American soil. These indicators are not secret — they appear in speeches, newspaper articles, TV programs, and sermons in Iran by figures linked to the supreme leader of Iran, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, and other government officials, all discussing potential Iranian attacks on America, which will subsequently lead to its destruction.



    A report on May 28 in Al-Sharq Al-Awsat reported that an Iranian intelligence unit has established a center called "The Brigades of the Shahids of the Global Islamic Awakening."The paper claimed that it had obtained a tape with a speech by Hassan Abbassi, a Revolutionary Guards intelligence theoretician who teaches at Al-Hussein University. In the tape, Mr. Abbassi spoke of Tehran's secret plans, which include "a strategy drawn up for the destruction of Anglo-Saxon civilization." In order to accomplish this, he explained, "There are 29 sensitive sites in the U.S. and in the West. We have already spied on these sites and we know how we are going to attack them."



    It was reported that America expelled two Iranian security guards employed by Tehran's U.N. offices on June 29, after the mission was repeatedly warned against allowing its guards to videotape bridges, the Statue of Liberty, and New York's subway system.This was the third time the Iranians have been caught in such activities, which could be connected to the sites mentioned in potential plans to attack America.



    Mr. Abbassi's speech further detailed that "[iran's] missiles are now ready to strike at their civilization, and as soon as the instructions arrive from Leader [Ali Khamenei], we will launch our missiles at their cities and installations." In fact over the past few months, Mr. Khamenei has been vocal about the impending "destruction of the U.S." In May, he was quoted in the Iranian paper Jomhouri-Ye Eslami as saying that "the world will witness the annihilation of this arrogant regime." On July 5, in front of a crowd chanting, "Woe to the enemy if Khamenei commands me to wage jihad," Mr. Khamenei said, "If someone harms our people and invades our country, we will endanger his interests anywhere in the world."



    Other Iranian religious leaders have also called for the destruction of America. The secretary general of the Guardian Council, Ayatollah Ahmad Jannati, appeared on Iran's Channel 1 TV on June 4 and said, "Every Muslim and every honorable man who is not a Muslim must stand against the Americans, English, and Israelis, and endanger their interests wherever they may be." When he added "They must not have security," thousands in the audience repeated chants of "Islam is victorious, America will be annihilated." On June 25,Mr.Jannati also led prayers and promised, "Anyone who confronted the revolution, the Imam [Khomeini], and our dedicated people eventually collapsed. America is the last one, and Allah willing it will collapse..."The following week Ayatollah Mohammad Emami-Kashani delivered the Friday sermon live on Channel 1, saying America will collapse like Genghis Khan's empire, "I say to you the American people…you will collapse, America will collapse."



    "Time bombs within America" is how Iranian lawmaker Hamid-Reza Katoziyan described Muslims within America, who could be behind future terrorist attacks here. Speaking on Iranian TV channel Jaam-E-Jam 2 on July 27, Mr. Katoziyan warned: "The whole group of people belonging to the Arab community and…Muslims living in the U.S. are currently, in my opinion, in a special situation. Perhaps they do not walk the streets with weapons in their hands or attach bombs to themselves in order to carry out a suicide operation, but the thought is there."



    Just as statements from Iranian religious and political leaders, as well as TV programs, have focused on attacking America, so has the print press. An editorial in the July 6 edition of the Iranian daily Kayhan, the conservative paper affiliated with Mr. Khamenei, issued another warning for the future: "…the White House's 80 years of exclusive rule are likely to become 80 seconds of hell that will burn to ashes…That very day, those who resist [iran] will be struck from directions they never expected. The heartbeat of the crisis is undoubtedly [dictated by] the hand of Iran."



    The report by the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States asks: "September 11 was a day of unprecedented shock…The nation was unprepared…How can we avoid such tragedy again? "Taking seriously Iran's threatening words and actions is an important first step.

  6. "US Central Command has launched an online communications effort that

    includes electronic news updates and a links campaign that has

    resulted in several hundred blogs receiving and publishing CENTCOM



    The military plans to develop the "institutional capability" to

    respond to critical news coverage within the same news cycle and to

    develop a comprehensive scheme for infiltrating the internet.


    The Pentagon's strategy for taking over the internet and controlling

    the free flow of information has already been chronicled in a recently

    declassified report, "The Information Operations Roadmap"; is a window

    into the minds of those who see free speech as dangerous as an "enemy



    The Pentagon is aiming for "full spectrum dominance" of the Internet.

    Their objective is to manipulate public perceptions, quash competing

    points of view, and perpetuate a narrative of American generosity and



    Rumsfeld's comments are intended to awaken his constituents to the

    massive information war that is being waged to transform the Internet

    into the progeny of the MSM; a reliable partner for the dissemination

    of establishment-friendly news.


    The Associated Press reported recently that the US government

    conducted a massive simulated attack on the Internet called

    "Cyber-Storm". The wargame was designed, among other things, to

    "respond to misinformation campaigns and activist calls by internet

    bloggers, online diarists whose 'Web logs" include political rantings

    and musings about current events".


    Before Bush took office, "political rantings and musings about current

    events" were protected under the 1st amendment.


    No more.


    The War Department is planning to insert itself into every area of the

    Internet from blogs to chat rooms, from leftist web sites to editorial

    commentary. Their rapid response team will be on hair-trigger alert to

    dispute any tidbit of information that challenges the official storyline


    Whole story here.

  7. http://www.fbi.gov/anthrax/amerithrax.htm


    Today the FBI is releasing linguistic and behavioral assessments of the person responsible for mailing anthrax-laden letters on September 18 and October 9, 2001. We ask the American public to study these assessments and reflect on whether someone of their acquaintance might fit the profile. The safety of the American people is at stake. If you have credible information that might help identify this person, please contact the FBI immediately at 1-800-CRIMETV (274-6388), at www.ifccfbi.gov, or by calling your local FBI field office.




    Letter 1

    One page, hand-printed letter

    Transmittal envelope, also similarly hand printed

    Addressed to "NBC TV – Tom Brokaw" – No return address

    Postmarked Trenton, NJ 09/18/2001 (Tues.)


    Letter 2

    One page, hand-printed letter

    Transmittal envelope, also similarly hand printed

    Addressed to "NY Post" – No return address

    Postmarked Trenton, NJ 09/18/2001 (Tues.)


    Letter 3

    One page, hand-printed letter

    Transmittal envelope, also similarly hand printed

    Addressed to "Senator Daschle – 509 Hart Senate Office Building"

    Return address – "4th Grade, Greendale School, Franklin Park, NJ"

    Return address zip code – "08852"

    Postmarked Trenton, NJ 10/09/2001 (Tues.)




    It is highly probable, bordering on certainty, that all three letters were authored by the same person. Letters 1 and 2 are identical copies. Letter 3, however, contains a somewhat different message than the other letters. The Anthrax utilized in Letter 3 was much more refined, more potent, and more easily disbursed than letters 1 and 2.


    In the past, the public has helped the FBI solve high profile investigations that involved writings by coming forward to identify the author, either by how he wrote or by what he wrote. We are asking for the public's help here again in the same way.


    While the text in these letters is limited, there are certain distinctive characteristics in the author's writing style. These same characteristics may be evident in other letters, greeting cards, or envelopes this person has written. We hope someone has received correspondence from this person and will recognize some of these characteristics.


    The characteristics include:


    1. The author uses dashes ("-") in the writing of the date "09-11-01." Many people use the slash ("/") to separate the day/month/year.


    2. In writing the number one, the author chooses to use a formalized, more detailed version. He writes it as "1" instead of the simple vertical line.


    3. The author uses the words "can not," when many people prefer to spell it as one word, "cannot."


    4. The author writes in all upper case block-style letters. However, the first letter of the first word of each sentence is written in slightly larger upper case lettering. Also, the first letter of all proper nouns (like names) is slightly larger. This is apparently the author's way of indicating a word should be capitalized in upper case lettering. For whatever reason, he may not be comfortable or practiced in writing in lower case lettering.


    5. The names and address on each envelope are noticeably tilted on a downward slant from left to right. This may be a characteristic seen on other envelopes he has sent.


    6. The envelopes are of the pre-stamped variety, the stamps denoting 34 cents, which are normally available directly from the post office. They are not the traditional business size envelopes, but the smaller size measuring approximately 6 1/4" x 3 ½".




    Based on the selection of Anthrax as the "weapon" of choice by this individual, the offender:


    • is likely an adult male.


    • if employed, is likely to be in a position requiring little contact with the public, or other employees. He may work in a laboratory. He is apparently comfortable working with an extremely hazardous material. He probably has a scientific background to some extent, or at least a strong interest in science.


    • has likely taken appropriate protective steps to ensure his own safety, which may include the use of an Anthrax vaccination or antibiotics.


    • has access to a source of Anthrax and possesses knowledge and expertise to refine it.


    • possesses or has access to some laboratory equipment; i.e., microscope, glassware, centrifuge, etc.


    • has exhibited an organized, rational thought process in furtherance of his criminal behavior.


    • has a familiarity, direct or indirect, with the Trenton, NJ, metropolitan area; however, this does not necessarily mean he currently lives in the Trenton, NJ, area.. He is comfortable traveling in and around this locale.


    • did not select victims randomly. He made an effort to identify the correct address, including zip code, of each victim and used sufficient postage to ensure proper delivery of the letters. The offender deliberately "selected" NBC News, the New York Post, and the office of Senator Tom Daschle as the targeted victims (and possibly AMI in Florida). These targets are probably very important to the offender. They may have been the focus of previous expressions of contempt which may have been communicated to others, or observed by others.


    • is a non-confrontational person, at least in his public life. He lacks the personal skills necessary to confront others. He chooses to confront his problems "long distance" and not face-to-face. He may hold grudges for a long time, vowing that he will get even with "them" one day. There are probably other, earlier examples of this type of behavior. While these earlier incidents were not actual Anthrax mailings, he may have chosen to anonymously harass other individuals or entities that he perceived as having wronged him. He may also have chosen to utilize the mail on those occasions.


    • prefers being by himself more often than not. If he is involved in a personal relationship it will likely be of a self serving nature.


    Pre-Offense Behavior


    • Following the events of September 11, 2001, this person may have become mission oriented in his desire to undertake these Anthrax mailings. He may have become more secretive and exhibited an unusual pattern of activity. Additionally, he may have displayed a passive disinterest in the events which otherwise captivated the Nation. He also may have started taking antibiotics unexpectedly.


    Post-Offense Behavior


    • He may have exhibited significant behavioral changes at various critical periods of time throughout the course of the Anthrax mailings and related media coverage. These may include the following;


    1. Altered physical appearance.

    2. Pronounced anxiety.

    3. Atypical media interest.

    4. Noticeable mood swings.

    5. More withdrawn.

    6. Unusual level of preoccupation.

    7. Unusual absenteeism.

    8. Altered sleeping and/or eating habits.


    These post-offense behaviors would have been most noticeable during critical times, including but not limited to: the mailing of the letters (09/18/01 and 10/09/01), the death of first Anthrax victim, media reports of each anthrax incident, and especially the deaths and illnesses of non-targeted victims.

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