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Posts posted by hudella

  1. Who's jersey do they wear now, because they are already there. Is it an old McGahee jersey because we don't like him. Or is it a Lynch Jersey because he fits the bill. These idiots are going to be there weather or not we sign Vick. This opinion is ridiculous. When we signed Anthony Hargrove did drunken idiots storm the Ralph? yeah they did, they were Lee Evans fans. :lol:


    Agreed there are idiot fans everywhere, but Vick is a far bigger name then Anthony Hargrove, thus he comes with more support, more fans. If Vick is signed, he will sell tickets, just like TO last year. TO brought a lot casual fans who really just knew TO was a star and that was reason enough for them to be at a game. I saw fans this past year cheering for TO while we were on defense... Bottom line, Vick will sell tickets to Vick fans. Maybe its just me, but I tend to find a lot of Vick fans to be irritating and irrational (not all, but enough). Just read some of the garbage posts around here about Donovan "McFag" not being as good as Vick... really? Donovan McNabb a guy who has consistently been in the playoffs is a less viable option then a guy who hasn't started at QB in 4 years and has obviously lost a step.

  2. Pass on Vick for multiple reasons. As stated by previous posters, he wasn't a very good QB before he got locked up, great athlete yes, but as far as reading defenses he was below average. And since his incarceration he seems to have lost a step, I have serious doubts as to Vick ever being the explosive player he once was. Then there is the the dog fighting/terrible character thing, the QB should be the leader of the team, Vick is in no position to be leading anyone. Lastly, and perhaps most importantly to this post. If we brought Vick in I'm willing to bet it would increase the number of young drunken D-bags at the stadium. Honestly I can do without an increase of mouthy, inconsiderate, schmucks who think they are badass bills fans, cuz they have a Vick jersey on. Most of these sorts of characters that I have come across at the stadium have a very low level of football intelligence and do nothing more then bring down the Ralph Wilson experience. Just say no to Vick.

  3. Fair enough he is a midpack QB. Is that even an upgrade from Trent or Fitzy considering the baggage he brings?


    And for Tebow I would love him on the Bills..... As our version of Tim Rathman or Mike Alscott. Line him up in the Wildcat from time to time. Just don't let him take a snap from under center and don't draft him before the fourth round...



    who are Tim Rathman and Mike Alscott?


    Also, Tebow is slow, while he might have a better arm then most backs that run the wildcat, he is nowhere near the running threat. In a formation designed to be advantageous to the run, I would prefer a better runner. However if he's there in the 4th you could do worse. But, I don't see Jacksonville letting him get past the 3rd.

  4. We should have white helmets with red friggin' buffalo horns on their sides.

    Or red helmets, white horns with blue pinstripe outlining them.

    I'm not a graphic designer, but St. Louis and Minnesota have friggin' horns on their helmets and they're great.



    Nanker in all fairness judging by your avatar you seem to like horns more than most people. And nothing about the rams is great.

  5. I was responding to a poster who called Crowel "dumb" and accused him of letting down his team. He did so based on the same lack of information you lament. Can I be critical of posters who leap to conclusions on insufficient evidence too or do only you have that right?


    As for the facts, we do know it was a contract year for Crowel so I have no problem believing that he wouldn't endanger arguably the most important year in his career needlessly. We also know he met with team doctors first so however it went down, he made sure to get advice from the team's docs first.


    Based on that, I don't see any problem mocking a post that goes after Crowel as being stupid or not a team player.



    I did state that my post was not a fact, just based on information that I was given from a person on Marzo's staff. I was simply offering a different angle that I had not heard anyone bring up yet. I never called crowell "dumb" or "stupid". I am just saying based on when the bills team doctor does the bills surguries, its entirely possible that Crowell went to his own doctor for the procedure, without consulting the bills. This would obviously piss off the organization. If you watch the video done after practice it seems like no one on the team or coaching staff expected him to miss practice. If he was having surgury in the morning with the team doctors I think the organization would have to sign off on it, much less know about it. The doctors work for the organization, I doubt a player can walk in and demand a procedure without the consent of the team.

  6. For what its worth... Crowell allegedly had his knee scoped on thursday morning. Juron answered a question on the bb.com video where he was asked who handled the surgury. He said marzo and bud. However Marzo only does Bill's surguries on mondays and fridays. Which I know becuase my best friends mom is one of his anastesiologists. Now its entirely possible that Marzo performed the surgury anyways. But it may also be possible that he went to a different doctor behind the front office's collective back, or against the advice of the front office, and they were enraged by his actions and decided to cut bait with a player they felt betrayed them.


    I know... friends mom... Bill Walsh at the buffalo airport... whatever, just throwing it out there. Not saying its true, just saying the angle I have heard from one of Marzo's employees.

  7. If the kid truely left due to his boy-crush on bledsoe... then why does he want back now? If he was following his favorite player then shoudn't he have wanted back into bills fandom when we aquired bledsoe? Sounds like he stuck around for the thrills and fake glory of the championships in which the pats won by cheating, and now is trying climb aboard a team on the rise. Not a true bills fan... But I would consider him a possible bills aquaintance.

  8. Jason Peters - Top 3

    Marshawn Lynch - Top 5

    Aaron Schobel - Top 10

    Lee Evans - Top 15

    Brian Moore - Top 3


    POZ by the end of the year I see being 3rd on this list. People want to undercut him because he only played 3 games, but he was being blocked by 2 blockers and still making most of the tackles in those games. I could tell teams were game planning him. I love what I have seen from the guy. Can't wait for a HUGE year. GO BILLS!!!


    :lol: POZ



    yeah I heard that Brian Moore guy is pretty nasty :rolleyes:

  9. Ahhh, too bad I'm a wiseass independent who thinks South Park, Family Guy, and The Simpsons are funny, and they take infinitely more shots at Massachusetts, Bill Clinton, and Kennedy than I do.


    What, did I hurwt wittle baby's feewings? Sorry about the facts, dude. I take infinitely more pride in setting up and making fun of people like you than I do worrying about/caring whose political party is "right".



    That is the most I have heard the word infinitely used in a while. Are you the type of person who overuses exclamation points as well? I am also glad to hear you like cartoons and you think they are funny, but whats that got to do with anything?



    Go Bills.

  10. nice post. Its nice to read something possitive about the bills in the national media. However the guy did say Poz was a 1st rounder which is obviously untrue. But it was a optimistic read. I personally am most worried about Trent. The bills will only be as good as the QB. I'm not saying JP is better, but I am glad he is still on the team as a semi-compitent back-up. Trent must continue to show signs of improvement as he now has a big possession reciever and read zone threat which should help. And he better improve in the cold or we are just spinning out tires.

  11. Splitting hairs here...

    Lee proved he can get it done big time at 5'9 195 lbs.

    Parrish was never given a chance but when he was thrown the ball performed very well. Height wasn't a problem, lack of opportunity (see Jauron, Fairchild) was the problem.

    Jackson looks like he's basically the same size as Hakim. He will probably end up being a better pro WR than Thomas or Sweed.


    To me, it looks like it has a very good shot at working. They just may need to draft a taller WR (Monk? Hubbard? Urriata?) later on as a specialist for the red zone though.



    Why will Jackson probably end up being a better pro than Thomas or Sweed? Doesn't add up to me. Maybe im missing the picture, all this time I thought we were trying to add an element to our offense that we have lacked by trying to aquire a redzone threat (taller wide out). A team of tiny recievers doesnt seem like a great idea to me. Especially with Edwards at QB, a big possession wide reciever opposite evans would be great for Trent. If you wanna throw bombs all game to midgets, might as well keep JP in town.

  12. I'm hoping someone like Chi wants to jump over Den to take an o-lineman and we can move down.


    I agree, maybe philly would be interested, they have to be worried about Osi tearing Winston "Big Pimpin" Justice a new one, twice a year, again. But anyways I am also a Lurker and this topic was so awful that I felt compelled to speak out. Why would anyone ever take their best lineman who happens to be one of the premier up and coming left tackles in the league (voted to the pro-bowl) and try to turn him into a center... I wonder if Nuklz last name is Mularkey???

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