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Posts posted by Turk

  1. Wait...we ONLY got a 6th rounder???????? I am all for this trade, but geezus, this isnt some scrub with no talent who is also coming off a good game. I hope its not just a 6th rounder, I mean thats as bad as when the Lakers got Gasol for nothing.


    There isnt at least a WR, DB, OL, or even just multiple picks? If its only a 6th, I would have kept him, let him get a groove and increase his trade value then trade him at end of year. I really hope its not just a measly 6th rounder.

  2. Wow, I am not surprised he was traded, yet I am surprised we didnt get someone like Yeldone ( rb) thrown in with 6 th ,possible 5 th round pick. Thats just my opinion comparing to what we got for trading Darby who doesnt have the experience that MD has. The other thing that slightly concerns me is that the Jags have a very good pass rushing front 4 so adding Dareus will help shore up their run D since I think its evident he is not going to be relied upon for sacks at this point. The jags are much like we are this year, relying mostly on their D and we might be competing for a wild card spot this year if both teams keep playing at their current levels. I am good with getting rid of MD given his play now for the Bills, but would have rather seen him traded to a team not in contention for the same wild card position. MD will quickly find out there is no being late for anything given Coughlins presence back down here, so we can hope Dareus continues to be Dareus which is possible, or he finds out its pretty easy to get into plenty of distractions believe it or not in Jacksonville. Its not the same place, red neck, good ol boy town it was when I moved here from Ohio in 85 to start my medical Career.


    How do you guys think this will make the Bills better this year ? Just asking as a long time Bills fan; I dont think the cap space means that much now or next year,and with an open roster spot who would you like to see added? We are really thin In the D backfield which I think will hurt us this week unfortunately. That seems a likely move to me even with the glaring receiver need as well. They probably need bodies there despite the latest addition cb who will take some time to fit in the current scheme. Any news on Streater since the workout? I think he would get snaps more quickly ( wr, special teams) having been at training camp, as opposed to someone from a different practice squad for example. Lots of smart posters here and Im jus interested in your thoughts ? ( I havent seen any other moves yet, so sorry if I missed that )

    Addition by subtraction.If they choose to trade Cordy we better get more than a pick for him though. Let's not forget Darius is one !@#$ up away from a yr suspension. I bet he does great for them,which gives us a 5th then he gets himself in trouble.


    It wasn't in order. Levy, by FAR, is the worst GM ever. If it wasn't for Matt Millen, he'd be the worst ever in NFL history. And I put Whaley ahead of Polian and Butler.

  3. I think (hope?) Sal is the eventual replacement for Schopp.

    That would be incredible I think Schopp is better suited for a jump to sister station wben. For that matter take whitey with him.Bring Mendola back with Brad Riter. At the very least please remove Schopp from Bills post game coverage. Love Bulldog but he might need a rest from post game as well. And you can't blame him the last decade plus would push anyone to the edge.
  4. The Hockey Hotline show is one of the worst things I have ever listened to. Kevin Sylvester is arrogant and his giggling at every tiny poor excuse for a joke is annoying. Andrew Peters has been hit in the head one too many times. So WGR has one show devoted to Hockey and one devoted to Football (John Murphy) The Hockey show is preempted 16 Mondays where as the Football show is preempted up to 82 times. WGR devotes far more time to hockey, barely a major sport in the USA, we are still in the USA right? We haven't been taken over by Canada have we?


    Jeremy While will change the subject to hockey any chance he gets, even Junior Hockey. Is it any wonder he didn't get any bids for their golf tournament? When callers call the whiner line to complain about all the hockey talk, they brush it off as nonsense as if those callers don't have a point.


    Why I started this post. The Bills reported to camp today and I turn on the radio at 3:00 and what is Schopp talking about? HOCKEY! It is 80 degrees out!!!


    Enough already!

    what u guys fail to realize is that Terry Pegula pays for the Sabres Show it is nothing more than an infomercial sponsored by Pegula . Same for Murphy's show Bills paid programming. Sabres should rethink Petey and Sylvester though.What is Peters highest level of completed education . Sylvester's gotta be golfing buddies with somebody.Should be Duffer and Biron or Barnaby or !@#$ing Sabertooth.
  5. Spiller will not go anywhere, he played hurt last year do to the veteran influence Freddy provides,if he stays healthy he'll have a huge year. Most likely will stay. Unless he hires Eugene parker the don't king of player agents. I would like to see a stat on how these agents help players after careers are over or nearing the end.

  6. Look everybody hates shopp other than his immediate family . So here's what u have basically two Infomercial s a day hockey hotline is Sabres ad and my god could you have two worse hosts than Peters and Sylvester? Sylvester must have a good line of bull,**** on The golf course and Petey god love him has done more with a fourth grade education than anyone I can think of .Somehow Sylvester is liked by someone in the Sabres organization probably Pegula,he's a good golfer so there's my tie in. Brian Duff and Marty Bison would be better or give Barnaby a gig with duffer,Danny Gare is better as well.The fact that Peters is also on wgrz Sunday nights is mind numbing as well must be least costly option.Morn boh should be removed from post gameing show for me is tolerable I like Howard he does seem to be out to lunch sometimes but who wouldn't be after years of doing show.Whitey does get stuck on things and that's his act you can't always have guys agreeing and alternative points of view help trying to keep it fresh.Sales has got to have a regular spot which means someone has to go. I can see shopping being sent to when to do political **** cuz he is perfectly annoying for that.He has brought bulldog down and they both should be removed from post game with Sal and Joe b replacing them. Thank god Sully's gone starting a Monday listening to the bean town B word whine twice daily was awful even the fake fights weren't entertaining. They have let young guys come in and leave and kept Shopp it might be billboard time for him ala Jauron.Murphs show another infomercial but at least its professionally done Chris Brown,Joe B,they make it alright and also I like Murphy no he's not Van but who will be .Finally we all don't have to listen as said I like bull on from noon to three ,nick mendola who is gravely missed has great podcasts so does Brad Riter so u can always go toi heart radio or tune in and get out of market stuff I do this for bull 1270 doesn't come in well were I live. Jesus that was quite a ramble bottom line lose sly,Petey,shopp, keep the rest work Sam and Joe b in more before you lose them throw shopp on Saturdays and put him on remotes till he quits. Bauch is missed as well funny funny guy mandola and him together may have been entertain.All that being saidnif I had to listenntonone more idiot call in wanting Manzel this years Clayson I would have shot myself in n the head and should have considered that before doing this. Peace

  7. When Obama doesn't get us out of this financial mess, he won't be able to vote present, raise taxes, blame anyone else, or give a speech about hope and change...I think this is the donkeys year, but watch out in 2010 with the Congressional elections and 2012 with Palin as the nominee...
    Palin will never be more than what she is.......Dan Quale with breasts.
  8. Its pre season game one.......... just reminding you............oh and Mike Schopp is Frank Burns and should always be referred to as ferret face. I mention this simply because I hate that Sabre myopic, and wanted to draw attention to my thread. By the way, the the answer to the question: What would Jesus do? Is kick Mike Schopp in her ovaries.

  9. I think Youboty will be on the roster when the season starts. The rooks (either or both Corner and Cox) may be PS guys. ST may be the deciding factor. If one of the rooks become an April guy, then yes I can see us cutting ties with Youboty. Is Cleveland still interested?

    Cox if he isnt cut will be on PS,4th rounders do not go on the PS

  10. You should base the punishment on the premise that if this punk hit someone who is dear to you, sister, daughter. etc... Everyone makes mistakes, but when you run and have to be cuddled into admitting your mistakes that shows you dont give a dam. I could care if the Bills cut this punk. If he wilts in the face of this adversity then he wont show heart on the field. Send him to Dallas they like the weak at heart players.

    Over react much? HE DID WHAT HE WAS ADVISED TO DO GET OVER IT! Does your company have an attorney? I occasionally drive a company car if something happend while I was in it I would immedialty call my boss who in turn would contact whomever handles our legal matters and follow there advisement.

  11. I'm saying he will be suspended from 2 regular season games this year.


    Just a guess on my part. :lol:

    Zero games and no fine from the NFL,mid range fine from the Bills for conduct detrimental to the team. Its going to be nothing more than a moving violation.
  12. And the first "holier-than-thou" poster makes his appearance....


    I guess we can add Steve Johnson to the list of players certain Bills "fans" want to run out of town...


    The List:

    1) Losman

    2) Evans

    3) Lynch

    4) Hardy

    5) Johnson


    They might just end up with a team in Toronto if "fans" can force enough players up north with their great morality crusades...


    It's funny how certain people are vilifying these players but the ones we grew up admiring Kelly, Thomas, Smith, etc. were certainly no angels of the gridiron. Winning sure changes perception and moral ambiguity doesn't it?

    Agreed remember Bruce and the blow suspension? Or how about the Lou Piccone,Phil Villapiano, Isaih Roberston Chuck Knox Bills when they weren't tested for anything,rumors about those guys were constant. Has anybody watched the other two videos with Stevie Stiles? Still a very dumb move on his part .

  13. I'd like to hear some folks talk about Bulldog and his college days at S.U.N.Y Fredonia,you can't tell me with all the bars there and his propensity for alcohol that some law bending behavior never occurred. Once again everybody has an opinion but if you have legal counsel and they advise you to handle things a certain way you just do it. By the way I heard Bulldog ran from cops in college trying to give him a public urination ticket I don;t know if its true or if theres another Bulldog but jeez be a man and accept your mistake.

  14. What is the lesson our role model Matshawn has taught all the little Bills fans? Never talk to the popo, and if you hit a B word while driving home drunk, just keep going cause nobody can prove sh-t. I learned my lesson, thanks Marshawn!

    Relax we don't even know how drunk the jaywalking B word was! She wasn't in the crosswalk when struck. Plus you have a kid who got scared Lynch or not. Lessens learned 1) Have a designated driver you can count on or take a freakin limo.2) Have an attorney always on retainer3) never ever talk to the cops without your counsel

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