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Posts posted by kishoph

  1. I see nothing wrong with using T.O. to help promote the team, he's gonna help this team. . The smart fan knows that T.O. being on the BILLS could mean more wins, not just because of his play, but how having him on the field should help those around him be more productive. No longer will EVANS see constant double teams or the teams best corner every play. The 3rd and 4th recievers will also have weaker coverages. The TE's may start seeing some LB's instead of safteys covering them. Teams will not be so quick to put 8 in the box to stop the run any longer. LYNCH and JACKSON should have more running room.


    Then there is T.O.'s attitude on and off the field. I see this as a plus. Last year this was a team of Zombies, it will be nice to see someone that does not like to lose, and knows how to win. His experience can be huge in teaching younger recievers. They'll be able to learn just from watching him. Then there's his training and practice habbits. T.O. is in great shape, hopefully this will also rub off on other players.

    The pluses far outweigh the negatives for having T.O. on the team. He may have an ego and does call peoople out at times. There's nothing wrong with holding players accountable for their poor play. I wish we could have another 4 - 5 T.O.'s on the team, maybe winning would come more frequently.


    Ticket sales have gone up because the fans know that the BILLS chances of winning are increased with T.O. on the field

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