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Doyle Hargraves

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Posts posted by Doyle Hargraves

  1. Norfolk VA has some oudated laws.


    It is illegal to have a bathtub in your house---This was originally an anti-prostitution law


    It is also illegal for a Black man (They use a different word than "Black Man" to be n the street after dark without a note from his master


    It is also illegal to bring a horse into a church

  2. Started out at Canisius (three semesters)


    Finished up at UB 1979


    Family ties to other colleges:


    Mother- Syracuse 1940


    Son- Dartmouth 2004/ Entering Syracuse Law this fall


    Daughter- Now at VT


    Another daughter- Now at Longwood, tranferring to ODU Next fall

  3. the fed is with the usps and the county is actually with boces, as a programmer/analyst for which i took a erie county civil service exam.  i'm going to have to find out more specifics about where they get their money cuz i have a suspicion that boces is funded by nys.  if so, thats a good thing and my dilema may be moot.





    You didn't mention that.

    A BOCES job is very secure.

    With the "No Child Left Behind Act", BOCES will always be a steady job. With the retarded children of second generation drug abusers entering the the school system with their LD, ED, ADHD, or whatever retard problems, their will be no shortage of BOCES students.

    Somebody has to do hair and swing hammers

  4. 1. i'm not judging you

    2. I think the whole topic of beastality is messed up and immoral.

    3. Just because you know of beastality tactics does not make you messed up, but using those tactics in real life is messed up.

    4. If you want to talk about sex, i have no problem with it, especially if it is not about animals.

    5. chill out and lay off the caffeine




    Hold on, Jack...

    Yuo said you are not judging me, yet you say that I am "messed up" and "immoral". Those sound like judgemental statements to me.

    What about you?

    You are the one with the degrading avitar.

    How do you think that girl's family feels about you degrading their daughter?

    Yet, you want to pick on people because they wish to use the animals God gave us. Are you a vegan or something?

  5. chill out man. i just think that what you put was gross, on a totally different level that what is usually said around here. I never mentioned anything about other than saying that you confused me with why you put that up there.



    Oh, I see...It's OK for everybody but ME to talk about sex?


    That is so unfair.


    Stop judging ne

  6. I'm sorry but didn't anyone else ever notice Tom Barrasso kinda sounds like bare-***hole




    I went to a fast food place just outside of DC a few years back. There was a southern Asian-looking girl taking my order. Her nametag said 'Semin Anis"


    There was another girl there named one of my all time favorite names: "Latrina"

  7. That guy is such a dope.


    You don't need baling wire. That nasss-teee.


    All you need is a pair of hig quality hip boots. You put her back legs down the front of the boots and she stays right where you want her.


    Ah, and sheep 'giner is the closest thing to human 'giner in the entire animal kingdom. Yessirree !!!!!!!!!


    They might play coy at first, but once you get started, they really get into it.


    Not that I know this from first hand experience, but somebody told me that once

  8. Next time you go to a game go to Southwestern & California.  Check out the 2 sitting in their car at that corner sucking down coffee.  They never move out of the car



    Well, you know where to find them when you need them, right? What would you rather have them do? Stroll through the crowd busting some guy for smoking a joint or some girls for flashing their boobs? They are there for your safety, not to eff up your fun

  9. Taylors are well known for their warping and cracking. Very porous poor quality wood and inferior craftmanship. The guitar moistener may slow down the process, but when the instument is about 8-10 year old it will be ready for the thrift store. You should have bought a Martin

  10. 3) Sheriff Galivan cannot cut his budget at all and do with less. Meanwhile, 1000 deputies and about a third make $100,000+. At the Ralph, how many even get out of their cars?




    The reason all the duputies at the jail make $100,000+ is because of the overtime they pull. What difference does it make in the budget if some guys work more overtime than others? It is cheaper to pay overtime than it is to hire extra people with benefits in order to fully staff the jail.


    And those Sheriff Deputies at the Ralph are being paid by the Bills as a part time gig- Not the County.


    The scumbags who run the County will target the poor schomoes who actually do the work-...the people who got their jobs by taking civil service exams. The APPOINTED people who got their jobs by knowing somebody or blo$$$$ somebody will probably be minimumly affected

  11. OK, the guy who started this movement is pissed off because the county pulled the funding on his kids baseball league....but at the same time he wants to CUT TAXES?


    I am no economist, but that logic confuses me.


    I agree there is plenty of waste and political patronage and that should be dealt with, ut this guy wants to have his cake and eat it too


    By the way, did you know Giabra has a full time driver/body guard?

    Driver/body guard?? Are you sure??? Check your facts or change has to had.

    I would say that WBEN's Tom B and Sandy B

    were the ones who got the ball rolling.



    Rumor has it he has a retired jail guard on the payroll for 35 grand carting him around in a county owned car. His excuse is that he needs somebody to drive him because he can't drive and talk on a cell phone

  12. OK, the guy who started this movement is pissed off because the county pulled the funding on his kids baseball league....but at the same time he wants to CUT TAXES?


    I am no economist, but that logic confuses me.


    I agree there is plenty of waste and political patronage and that should be dealt with, ut this guy wants to have his cake and eat it too


    By the way, did you know Giabra has a full time driver/body guard?

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