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Posts posted by sandt38

  1. Thanks Kegger


    as a side note, this all happened when I installed my new printer this morning, and now there is a new limited user. Not sure if I should delete it. It might mess with the printer. What do you think?



    try going on the web for any software updates for your printer. My HP printer did the same thing, and I went to HP.com and downloaded the updated software, and I went back to normal.

  2. What kind of money could be freed up by dumping Clements?


    My heart says, hell yeah. I am a Defense guy (duh... look in my sig :devil: ), what can I say. But my brain says we have other needs to address. If we could free up some money to acquire Law yet not crush or cap space, I'd say, heck yeah...


    But the Jury is still out on that. What kind of money get's freed up with Clements? What about Henry?

  3. The Pats were a major exception.  They were able to take no-names and make a great team because of great coaching.  Now that coaching has been fractured and it will be IMHO almost impossible for them to duplicate the success they've had.  The Bills have good coacehs, but not on the level of what the Pats had.  So therefore they need better than "Patriots individual" talent.  However I don't favor signing a bunch of high-priced guys, and I'd be fine with letting McNally being left to make the O-line decisions on his own and adding a decent #3 WR.




    I agree they are an exception, and I also agree they will suffer greatly next year. They lost great coaches and great talent. When you take away the guys that impliment the system, and drop the guys that know the system well, the system no longer exists.


    BB did a great job surrounding himself with great coaches in NE. But does anyone remember his stint with Modell? His record with them was like sub .300 if I am not too badly mistaken. At best it was still sub .400


    But my point is, it can be done... Just because you spend duckets on big name guys doesn't mean you are gonna go to the show. I used the Billy B and Danny Snyder examples stictly to demonstarte the very extreme examples of each aspect, and to solidify my idea as blatantly obvious as I could.


    I think we have a great mix of above average talent, and above average coaching. Hopefully it makes us an above average team this year. MM really got the team going and believing in themselves mid season... Not too bad for a first year HC with a pitiful QB and O-Line... This makes me feel better about our coaching prospect this year. We all know we are doing pretty damn good with regaurds to talent, but like all teams we do have our weak points. Hopefully our coaching staff can use the talent to help fill, or at least obscure those gaps.


    I sincerely believe TD has something up his sleeve. I also believe he looked at Shelton and saw the same things I mentioned. We don't need a band-aid, we need some stitches. Temporary fixes are OK mid-season, but you want a solid tackle (even if we develop from inside) for the long term... Shelton doesn't have the drive to be "the one"

  4. I know... Denise called me today and asked me to come by and console her :ph34r:




    Hey wait, I don't know for sure if I am allowed to post these, but I will link them. If they are beyond acceptable, mod's please delete the links and accept my apology...




    Deleted WILD THINGS Lesbian swimming pool scene #1


    Deleted WILD THINGS Lesbian swimming pool scene #2


    I love Denise Richards and want her to have my next child. :devil:

  5. What is it with Bills fans and Shelton?


    I posted this on BB.com, but I think it bears repeating here...


    Why is everyone so hell bent on this guy? He is a massive underachiever. He barely does enough to stay starter, he shows up late to team meetings, ships workouts... I mean seriously, don't we want a guy who is serious about his job protecting our investment?


    I think we will see a move on the current line. A little tweeking and turning, a bit of training, and we may just fill the gaps we have with who we already have on the payroll...


    So many guys I see here complaining about no big names are the first to laud the Patriots and old Billy B for what they do with no namers and cheap talent... yet you guys are screaming for new big name big dollar talent right f*$%ing NOW!!!! Do me a favor, and pick your side of the fence OK? Either stick with the Patties philosophy and go unknown players who show up, or climb over the fence to the land of Snyder, who spends huge dollars on big name high profile players and has nothing to show for it... Stop stradleing the fence... you might just catch your nuts on it

  6. He is a Tight End also.  Maybe part of the negociations is that he gets to get on the field in other than 4th down.  With two TE's on the mend, the 3rd a FA, and Peteres learning to be a tackle, this makes a lot of sense.



    Thanks for pointing that out. I was gonna say, we do need some help in the TE dept too... Long snapper? OK, so what? TE... Now we are talkin. Let's address a position we need help in


    You know, a couple years ago people were saying... "MacGahee? What do we need a RB for?"


    What about this one... "Losman? We got Drew... what do we need this frikken guy for?"


    Hmmm. Maybe we do need to fire Donahoe... God only knows the #2 defense and #1 special teams last year are worthy of a quick firing... Next thing you know we will win the Show and RW will fire him (A-La Jones/Johnson)... Then will you guys be happy?


    Oi Vie :ph34r:

  7. the last time i checked, the tuna took a team to the playoffs one year ago. the last time the bills did that was in the previous millennium. also, the guy has loads of playoff appearances and 2 SB victories.  give the guy some goddamn respect.



    Kasper put it a bit better than I did, but it seems I am not alone in my opinion. We could have gone to the playoffs in the NFC (particularly the NFC least) the last 2 out of 3 years too... You can spin it how you want it, the end result is Tuna is old school, this is a new league.

  8. Oh DAYUMMM!!!


    There goes a huge chunk of their cap room. Still sittin prettier than we are but that is huge. I think it is easy to see old Tuna is sweating bullets right now. I believe it is "put up or get the fu!! out of dodge" this year, and I guess he sees it too. He seems to be runnin a "now" scheme, not a 5 year plan.

  9. Because TD has determined that Williams & Jennings have priced themselves off the team.


    Pat Williams has a lot of miles on him & is overweight.  He going to be 33 in October & is just not a good investment.


    Jennings is a little tougher to take because unlike Williams, he should be around in 5 years when a new contract might expire.  However, Jennings has missed too many games to be given top $.


    I see nothing wrong with TD demanding value from players he signs for big $.  Both Williams & Jennings are flawed players due to Williams' age and projected longevity, which isn't close to the # of years on the contract he'll sign and Jennings' lack of durability. 


    Just because the cap room is there doesn't mean it's for a current Bill.



    I agree wholeheartedly.


    Also of note, by clearing room in the cap right now he may be leaving some room for next year as well. Take a look at some guys coming up on free agency next year. We have 5 defensive starters due up to start things off... plus a bit of weakening on the other side of the ball too. No doubt TD is working on things and looking into the future... something most people so brazenly impatient with his ways are obviously not doing... and why he has the title GM and they do not :ph34r:

  10. Dom got robbed... he won us a Stanley Cup... It was obviously a crease violation.


    Anyhoo, big fan of Dom's here. Sad he left Buffalo, but I can think of alot of players who left that I would have loved to see spend their careers in Buff... but the way it works, that simply doesn't happen too frequently in hockey.


    My favorite stadium sign of all time (outside the "Welcome to New York... Jets" that flies in the Rich) would have to be...


    Hasek, you Schmelik like Sczhitnik.


    I know I murdered Sczhitnik but you old guys know who I mean :ph34r:

  11. He didn't receive any new upfront money in his '04 restructuring, because that's not how restructuring works.  His salary was only $760,000 because the Pats converted the rest into guaranteed bonus to be spread over the life of the contract.


    The money he got was EXACTLY the same, he just got it sooner, and the team was able to spread parts of it over two years instead of one.  Again, this is all common restructuring stuff.


    Here's the link to some documentation.  Scroll down to Brown's May 26, 2004 update.




    But they saved 2.5 in a signing bonus for this year. Sure it was the same money overall, but by deferring the bonus to this years contract they sucessfully screwed him out of 2.5 in deferred signing bonus, and the backloaded salary also cost him money. The same money would have been made had he been kept on this year, but he was not and therefor lost money.

  12. One cannot equate coaches finally getting the promotions they've long deserved for "jumping ship"      As far as "players getting tossed"  This happens to every team right?  Players who no longer perform to the level of their contracts get the cut for salary cap reasons. 


    Lets not let bitterness and jealousy get in the way of facts and reality.



    Jumping ship would simply be leaving. I am not saying they don't deserve more money and better positions.


    Players that don't perform to their level? Brown? Law? While I agree some players cut may fall under that category, I simply don't see that.


    Bitterness and jealousy? No way. As long as the AFC is winning the show and the Dolphins aren't going I am a happy camper. I am pointing out my predictions, take them or leave them.

  13. I still have faith in Tommy boy....he's a wheeler dealer....he's always making moves..........they don't always pay off but who shoots 100%?

    I think Tom has some serious cahones.....





    God knows I have been stunned and disapointed by several of TDs moves, but darned if they usually turn out to be good ones. Blew Dreadsoe and Teddy W being the only 2 exceptions :D

  14. All I ask is that you acquire some knowledge about a topic before you attempt to discuss it.  Nothing more.



    Actually, I believe he did. His points are obvious, and overlooking them is a huge mistake. Coaches are jumping ship in NE, players are getting tossed, it doesn't seem like things are going to be looking too good for the Pats next year. The secondary is becoming a bit pourous, the coaching that got them there is walking out the door. Granted they have a good amount of room under the cap, but you don't throw the everyone off the boat then ask the rats to row.


    Tuna was a great coach when he had a great staff too, you know. So was Jimmy Johnson. Drop the staff and keep some talent and these guys struggled. In this case NE is dropping staff and talent. Sounds like a recipie for disaster in Patsy land.


    The Steelers fans came aboard BB.com several weeks ago screaming championship and displaying a similar arrogance as yourself. I called it dead on then, stating NE would simply drum them at home in the AFC Championship game... and I was right. The mighty fell then, and the mighty Patsies will as well. Mark my words, 9-7 maybe 10-6 and no show for you guys next year. Like all dynasties NE will fall, and fall quickly.

  15. sandt...who's that in your avatar? That's an eatin' ass.




    Anna Kournikova. :blink:


    Anna K showin her a$$ off


    My guess is that they were thinking that they didn't want a guy who caught 17 balls last year counting $5 million against the cap.


    I know, right? WTF were they thinking?


    A guy who played Corner for the majority of the year.


    5.5 mil? That is what they would have had to pay, 2.5 on a contract bonus plus 2.5 salary. Is he worth 2.5? Sure, 3? Sure, 4 Maybe...but the 4 would seriously be out of our range IMO.

  16. WTF is NE thinking. Too many losses to keep the "dynasty" in tact. I'd take TB in a damn flash.


    Talk about what any team needs. He is so into being a team player, taking cuts to keep the team under the cap and together, playing hard nosed unselfish ball on both sides of the ball. A true winner and a questionable move by NE.

  17. I saw that earlier. You need to read how the teams are ranked. The list of what was used is in the top right, including likeability of ownership, management, cost of the show, access to the players and coaches Et Al. The criteria are rather interesting, and make the rankings a bit dubious IMHO

  18. Gear? Pioneer Elite components for HT audio and my regular TV (53 inch Pio Widescreen), with my own personal speakers. I build all my own speakers as well. I do custom cabinets and crossover design. Big screen is In-Focus 103 inch widescreen.


    619856_1_full.jpg Center


    619856_44_full.jpg Mains


    I'll have to add my surrounds and rears later :blink:


    darn it... They didn't work. Here is a link for my page that is a bit old.




    You can see some of my center and mains, maybe subs... but no rears or my new screen with the in-focus :P


    I'll try to add them later

  19. Just lookin to see if there are any familiar faces here from BB.com. Lookin for more info and conversation on the Bills. BB.com moves nice and fast but there are alot of trolls there. Lot's of smart people there, but just as many morons... hoping for lively and intelligent conversation here too.


    I am also a member of the Texans board. Lot's of smart people, who are as a whole, respectful of Bills fans. I am not nessicarily a Texans fan, but I don't harbor any bad feelings about them.


    Lesee... I was born in Canton Ohio, Raised in Buffalo (west side, Baynes/Lafayette, right down the street from Lafayette Sr High) and the Southtowns (West Seneca) moved to So Cal for 8 years (2 years in San Diego and the rest in Orange County (yes, the OC), then off to my current residence in central North Carolina.


    I am heavily into home theater and watching a game in my room is better than being at the Rich... sorry, the Ralph. I left Buffalo a long time ago :P.


    Just figured an intro was in order... :blink:

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