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Tony the Tiger

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Posts posted by Tony the Tiger

  1. I'd like to see the Bills sweep the Pats, what about you? Would you like to see the Bill's crush the Pats twice this year?



    I would like to see the Bills go 16-0, but realisticly do not expect that. Just suprised that someone would want a split with a team and hopes that win comes on the road.

  2. With all this talk about Losman being a first year QB (which some think means a step back) and the talk about the Jets being decent this year I started thinking:


    If you had your choice right now, all things considered, who would you rather have the Bills head into the 2005 season with, Losman or Pennington?


    Me personally I'd take Losman.  He has a ton of potential in front of him, and I know potential doesn't mean anything, but I have faith in him.  I believe Pennington, on the other hand, hasn't lived up to his potential.  I think the guys arm strength is a clear weakness, and I don't see much upside with him.


    Go BILLS!!!



    No brainer, Pennington....

  3. I don't understand these comments about Losman being a huge upgrade over Bledsoe. Losman has not started a single NFL game, has minimum playing time in the NFL, and his win loss record at Tulane was not that impressive.


    Remember Rob Johnson? He was supposed to be a huge upgrade and look how that turned out.


    While Losman may turn out to be a good NFL QB, I seriously doubt that Bills will repeat at 9-7 this year.

  4. There is going to be a new video release of the 1933 King Kong with the added bonus of the lost spider attack footage which was recently discovered in France.


    After Kong grabs the log and throws men off it, some survive by falling into a web and then getting attacked by giant spiders. This was cut from the orginal screening and was thought to be lost forever, until the lucky find.


    Read this on the Latarnia Fourms, great place to read about Euro-horror and other views of horror fandom.

  5. Just saw World of the Wars, thought the film was good but have to say, a lot of actors could have replaced Cruise and done just as good a job. Tim Robbins should have been the lead and Cruise could have played his part. He sure got the acting wacky part down.


    The ending to the film was the same as the Well's Book (which is a classic in SF literature). In the book the tripods came with the aliens so there was no million year plan, this was Speilberg's attempt to shape the story to his own vision and make it more dramatic. Such of stuck to the book.


    Was nice thought to see Gene Barry, the star of the George Pal Fan, do a cameo at the end.


    Of course, playing the King Kong trailer before the film made me want to see this film big time. If the movie lives up to the trailer, Jackson will become a movie god.

  6. What can we really expect out of this kid, I mean we cant get down on him if he even goes 7-9 with this team. The fact is hes a rookie and no matter how good our defense is, he will have growing pains. I mean 10-6 is a bit too much too ask for JP.


    I prey to god he proves me wrong but the closer we get to the season, the more i think we should have gone with drew one more year and took our chances. I just wanna make the playoffs but that will be hard when we have a new QB learning the ropes.


    Something else that tends to be scary is alot of these websites say alot of teamates feel losman was a bad choice and now you hear fat pat say it as well, it just makes me as a bills fan nervous.


    What is acceptable for JP as the Bills QB this year as far as win totals go before you guys wanna kill him?



    I thought that there was an agreement that we were going to give Losman a chance and not jump on him until the end of the season, if warrented?

  7. The Naked Woman's Wrestling Association has a website where you can do a pay access to see the show. The preview clips indicate that they are doing pro wrestling totally nude.


    Now Scott Sales group sells nude woman wrestling films of all sorts. A lot of female bodybuilders stuff too.



  8. A co-worker of mine told me that the new BK commericals that feature a creepy looking Burger King who shows up at a guy's window or in his bed to offer him a BK sandwich is geared toward African-Americans.


    And that the reason I find them so creepy in a horror film slasher kind of way is because I am not the target audience.


    So I was just wondering, do people on this board find these commericals really creepy and are they targeted toward African-Americans?

  9. What an amazing movie.  Unlike any other movie I've ever seen.  A lot of good action sequences coupled with visuals that were impressive and unique.  I was a little bit worried when I saw the previews that the look of the movie would get annoying after a while.  That didn't turn out to be a problem.  Quite the opposite in fact. 


    My recomendation comes with one caveat.  If you don't like violence, naked girls, or swearing then this isn't the movie for you.




    I saw Sin City Today and agree with you 100 percent.


    I cannot believe that Entertainment Weekly gave it a C+, A+ all the way IMHO.

  10. I know... :blink:


    It's too bad that nobody has the patience for storytelling anymore *sigh*






    According to Entertainment Weekly, Jack and Bobby, which is getting the same ratings as VM, may get a second season. The reason given is that WB sticks with shows longer to build up ratings...I wonder if they would pick up VM if UPN cancels the show.


    I cannot believe that Jack and Bobby would be renewed but not VM.

  11. When did Battlestar Gallactica start?  Is it really worth watching?  I saw something the other day about a movie or series (not sure which) called Revelation (NBC?) I think.  Anyone going to watch it.



    Show started back in January and airs Fridays at 10 pm. This week is the season Finale so you may be able to watch it in reruns.


    Much much different from the previous series, sort of like SF noir.

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