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The O~* to Beebe

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Posts posted by The O~* to Beebe

  1. How do you decide which words to use when describing a day that you will remember forever? How do you choose just the right words to convey the passion and childlike thrill you felt watching history unfold before your eyes? It’s almost an impossibility. But when recounting this incredible game you realize that the word impossible can never again be used when referring to the Buffalo Bills.

    My best friend Johnny and I prepared as we usually did to watch our beloved Bills take on the formidable Oilers. But we could never have anticipated what was to happen during the next three hours. After a half of football that could only be described as depressing carried into the third quarter Johnny and I decided that a change in mojo was necessary. We switched around not only all our Bills paraphernalia but our beverage of choice for the game from beer to gin and Coke’s. We decided this after Kenneth Davis scored just as I made the fateful change. Sensing a winning ( if not potentially dangerous ) formula we decided to consume our drinks entirely after each score. ( That’s 1 )

    Here’s where it got very interesting …

    Moments later with our faith and buzz renewed Steve Christie recovered his own onsides kick setting up a Frank Reich to Don Beebe bomb that not only had Johnny and I high fiving but also headed back to his bar. ( That’s 2 )

    After Frank hit Reed to make it 35-31 we were both delirious, in more ways than one ( That’s 3 )

    When Andre caught the go ahead touchdown ( That’s 4 ) you could just imagine the jubilation as well as intoxication.

    The Oilers of course would have to make things interesting but the inevitable arrived in the form of a Steve Christie field goal , a 41-38 victory and our 5th gin and Coke within an hours time. Remembering details of that game's second half might be a bit fuzzy but I'll never forget the jubilation that Johnny and I felt as we held each other up in joyous celebration.....

  2. is the one the Bills are offering for sale anywhere? or do you have to win it before it goes into the vault?



    I tried to find it elsewhere...but no go. I'm entering the contest but I really didnt think it would be such a headache to get.......Oh well.... Just like the Bills in the third quarter of that fabled game............


    NEVER GIVE UP !!!!!!!!!!!!


    Eventually.......I will have it....


    Have a great weekend guys........One month till QB's start training!

  3. Oh will ya please stop............


    I'm a huge Bills fan...just trying to get ya going as it were... ROB JOHNSON !!!!!!!! .......kidding again..


    I live on Long Island and have driven the 10 hours plus several times to Orchard Park, my fav town in the world. I'm just looking for a copy ( DVD ) of my all time fav game. Instead on trying to one up each other with pithy remarks about the " new guy" why don't one of you step up and PM the info...


    Lets start again......


    Hey Guys! Go Bills !!! ( Is that what you want ? ) seems lame yaknow?

  4. Hello all.....


    I see that the Bills are sponsoring a contest to win this DVD. I would enter but my recollection of that day is suspect. My friend Johnny and I decided to switch from beer to Gin and Coke's in the second half and chugged one each time they scored.

    You can imagine the shape we were in.....actually you can't.

    Is there anyone on this site that is selling this DVD. I have a VHS copy but I would like to get John and myself a little reminder of that glorious day.....





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