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its only real shh

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Posts posted by its only real shh

  1. he said himself gambling wasnt the issue with him (i believe him over any of u naysayers with heart on for anyone not wearin a bills jersey). the blank check he wrote and cashed was the "character issue". he wanted rims for his car is what he said, 2 days after he did it he felt guilty and he went to the coaches and told them, i think thats more responsible then gambling is irresponsible, as long as you dont bet on your own team.

  2. Fast Freddie was RB/WR in college but his role on Bills is largely ST, which is where Gates will get to compete.  Plus, if Parrish is an able returner, it may give coaches some flexibility in deciding between Smith or Gates.

    Everett would be an upgrade, as I believe he will supplant Euhus as No. 2, and the roster gets better and deeper.



    yeah, college part time rb but here he's never gonna see the backfield other then when we run a trick play or two, thats what i was talkin about not KR. i didnt know gates returned kicks, thought he was too big but i must be thinkin of shelton. euhus has a year under his belt, all he really needed to work on was his blocking and maybe route running. if hes improved those parts of his game i dont see us needing to put everett in as #2 just becuase we'd like more of shockey type TE, if hes not fully ready for the job. if by september everett is ready then by all means take it over.

  3. I love Evans, he was the most pleasent of surprises last year, considering he was pretty much invisible in pre-season and early on.  I wouldn't take anyone over him, but you could argue in favor of Clayton.  He is one tough sob...he was the only offense the Bucs had for the last 15 weeks of the season, was double teamed pretty consistantly, and put up monster numbers (especially for a rookie) most of the season. 


    I like Roy Williams, but I fear he is always an injury waiting to happen...



    what makes you say that?

  4. the take out here from a lot of raider fan is that he's all speed and can't cover.


    they will be happy he's gone



    Not in Raider land but I am a raider fan, I feel half and half on this one. He was their best return man, both pr and kr. The bad part is one of their top playmakers is gone, the good part is the picks. With the 7th overall gone they definetly needed some more first day picks. Maybe a trade to move up and grab one of the higher rated linebackers, with Harris goin to minny they do need to bolster the lb corp...alot.

  5. I'm not disappointed in Aiken, yet. Yet as in if he doesnt step it up this year like his N.C. companion Ronald Curry did last year then yeah i"ll be disappointed. Reed, well he's had time and opportunity to step up his game and he hasnt. He could be replaced with ease, by a 3rd rounder, say Mathis from Hampton, I think its Hampton...or Howard cant remember right now.

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