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Posts posted by trock12

  1. The Bills were energized offensively. They are a much better team without Edwards in the line up. They played with confidence for the first time all season. The fourth quarter interception was on Nelson, who did not even try to jump for the catch, though it was thrown perfectly so he was the only one who could catch it--except he did not try to catch it. He is a stop gap, but they can win games with him. They will win 0 games with Edwards.

  2. My sister knew the Bills' trainer and arranged for us to hang out a Fredonia training camp. This was Moulds rookie year. We got to hang out on the sidelines, with the players. I spoke with Eric, rode in a golf cart with Marvcus...had unreal access to the team. Just watched practice and had an amazing day. Then, after the morning session, I walked out of the secure area, wearing a bills pullover and was approached by about thirty people who wanted my autograph. They thought I was a player trying out for the team. Instead of correcting them, I went with it, and said I was trying out for special teams. Everyone bought it and I signed shirts, footballs, everything. I know I shouldn't have ruined those items for those kids, but I was caught up in the moment. It was surreal. Definitely the coolest Bills thing I have done. Sorry if I signed your shirt or ball.

  3. You may want to check some of Bledsoe's #s. I think JP had a couple, also. There may be no 300 yard games on the current roster, or in the last ~30 games, but none since Flutie is an egregious overstatement.


    You are correct, the Flutie curse does nto run that deep, there have been 300 yard games, just no playoffs...but who cares about playoffs.

  4. He lost his only playoff start with the Bills when he fumbled after being sacked on the Miami 1yd line with seconds left to go. Somehow the Flutie magic escaped him that day. Funny how none of the Flutie fans remember that, but it's also telling how people blame RJ for the Titans loss when he drove us to what should have been the winning FG. I guess THAT is the Flutie magic...he's remembered for being better than he really was.




    Funny how all Flutie haters can't remember that he also threw the game winning touchdown in that game on the first offensive play, to Moulds, who showboated and fumbled the ball when he could have jogged into the endzone. Fact is since Flutie there have been no palyoffs and no 300 yard games. Flutie and Johnson played against each other when Flutie went to SD, how did that one turn out?

  5. Really. I logged on WAY to late to nail the easy one-liners.


    "Behoven". Jesus Christ. "Behoven".


    The best I can do is something nautical. "Heaving to" is to put your bow into the waves merely to hang on in a storm. "Hove to" is past tense.


    I guess that would mean that "Behoven" means "Hurling over the side", or something like that.



    way too late

  6. Just heard on Sirius NFL radio an interview with Greg Williams. They were talking about Drew Brees and Williams said Tom Donahoe and he tried to get Brees up in Buffalo, but SD ending up getting him.


    Its too late for me to do any research on this. Just wondering who Donahoe/Williams got instead of Brees?




    so sick of Greggy trying to take credit for Drew Breed being successful. He has nothing to do with Brees.

  7. Briefly, for Brian Billick's sake, the sequence goes like this...


    1) Bills lose 'Music City Miracle' game

    2) To divert blame from his own fat ass, Wade makes DeHaven the 'scapegoat' for the fiasco and fires Bruce, states his intention to take more responsibility for Special Teams himself, then proceeds to replace DeHaven with Wade's unqualified crony, Ronnie Jones

    3) Bills overall record plummets from 11-5 in '99 to 8-8 in 2000, largely in part to disastrous Special Teams performance under Jones

    4) Ralph insists Wade fire Ronnie Jones (not Bruce DeHaven) as a condition of Wade's own continued employment

    5) Wade refuses, and is fired

    6) Ralph claims Wade 'quit' - or was insubordinate - and refuses to pay Wade for the remainder of his contract

    7) Wade sues Ralph and wins his lawsuit

    8) Wade moves on to Atlanta, San Diego, and finally to Dallas where his daughter Tracy becomes an exotic dancer and ersatz actress, winning bit parts in films such as Charlie Wilson's War...



    you forgot 1. Wade benches Flutie for the final regular season game, and then the first game of the playoffs causing the team to lose 'Music City Miracle' game.


    Ted Cotrell the next Bills DC? I think not.

  8. I am tired of hearing fans say that we need McNabb. We don't! He is on the decline. Did you watch the wild card game he just played in, against the Cowboys? He's not Brett Favre. It pains me to say this, but I feel the Eagles would have been better off with the dog killer running their offense this year.


    Forget McWashed Up and draft Tebow.


    What is a wild card game?

  9. Has anyone noticed our top candidates? Perry, Leslie and now Chan? These names seem destined for lameness. Go figure that Bill, Mike, Jim and Brian would turn us down. Too bad Lane is already spoken for. Maybe there is some solace in the fact that the uber masculine named coach Dick was awful. Sorry for wasting your time with this post.

  10. If the Bills offered Harbaugh the HC position I would be delighted with the offer, even if he didn't accept going to a dysfunctional organization. His brother is the HC of the Ravens. Although he didn't have a long resume before accepting the job he did an excellent job. Instead of going for the retread HCs such as Jauron it is a positive sign that the Bills are willing to think outside the box and be more creative.


    From what I have been reading it appears that Frazier is the leading candidate for the Bills' HC position. I would consider him to be a solid selection. The real challenge for the Bills is having the front office draft better and make more intelligent personnel decisions. Unless the talent level of the team is upgraded it doesn't matter who the HC is because success is more determined by the level of talent than any particular schemes of offense or defense.


    Could it be that Harbaugh, having just signed an extension with Stanford, decided not to pull a Lane Kiffin. Is that really an indictment of the Bills, or evidence that Jim is classier than Lane.

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