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Posts posted by shibuya

  1. its coaching


    Any HC or DC who drops a $100 million DL who destroyed QBs the year before into coverage is the problem


    I hated Jauron for doing it.. and I despise Rex for doing it.


    Injuries happen, and the winning franchises never have to blame injuries.


    COACHING COACHING COACHING.. is there really any other discussion to have.. The Scheme up front was the entire issue

  2. That's going plague him for life and he will miss games often because of it


    Hate to say it but I do not think he can really have a career with this disease. he may be good for weeks, and he could be down for weeks too.. It would be hard for him to maintain football shape....


    For all those suffering.. I feel for you. I have a buddy who suffers and he is constantly missing work on personal leave to take care of this condition. When it flares up its a nightmare



    Take Care of your self Sentrel.. I sincerely wish you well.

  3. Do you mind telling me what Whaley has done to deserve being fired? Because he's easily the best GM this team has had since John Butler.



    Butler was a horrible GM, one of the worst and he starte3d this death spiral


    Rob Johnson trade ridiculous contracts that killed us... He wasn't good at all IMO...

  4. Tyrod will most definitely be here. But this franchise needs to draft another QB because as good as Taylor has been.. He still hasn't proven he can take over a game and win it on his shoulders. I expect him to get better, but to avoid bringing in QB's would be a colossal mistake



    this franchise needs to focus on QB and keep focusing on QB till we get one that can be consistently good, which then helps us improve the depth at the position as well.

  5. Its coaching .. coaching is responsible for penalties, coaching is responsible for gameplanning


    we have a ton of talent on this football team.. its the penalties and lack of solid gameplans that have killed this team..


    We could argue QB play but the fact is QB play has been decent and over 70% NFL teams are still searching for improvement at the QB position...

  6. Taylor is more mobile, a clean game is a loss.



    then we lose.. not stooping to a low level for a sports win...


    a clean hit that takes out Brady is one thing, but accepting or suggesting dirty play for a stupid sports win is beyond sad and extremely pathetic.. Integrity is everything win or lose, we should never stoop to the Patriots level no matter what

  7. Buffalo is a drinking town. Always has been.


    My Uncle cousins and father partied hard before Bills games. from the 70's through the 90's.. So did I when I did go. not sure if they slowed down these days but I imagine they all did since they are all in their late 50's and 60's now. My Dad passed away a few years ago.


    To each his own. Not a fan of fisticuffs or belligerence but much of the fun of tailgating is drinking, and partying.


    If you want the drunks to stop you have to stop tailgating. They love being able to show up nice and early and start hitting it hard



    This is exactly what it is. If there was a better product on the field that fans didnt need to distract themselves from, we'd have better behavior. We'd also have more people attending games who are truly into football, and not just there for a party.


    I cant wait for that to change.



    No its not, when the Bills were going to Superbowls the parties were even bigger.. Laughable to think you are going to change this by winning. If the Bills return to their winning ways it will increase and that I guarantee.

  8. Brady's completion percentage was 62% in college, EJ's was 67.


    Just pointing out the facts. I think right now EJ has an accuracy problem, too. I just don't know if he can fix it or not yet.



    look at the scouting report. Brady played for Michigan. EJ had a simplified playbook on a College Championship quality team


    I'll say it again. YOU WILL SEE FOR YOURSELF. I already have. You can't teach EJ the skills he was not born with. I mean for god sake his scouting report says "Area Code Accuracy". EJ was born with size arm strength intelligence and has a charismatic personality. Accuracy ability to progress through reads fast and see the field unfortunately is not in his make up


    All me an you can do is sit back and watch the tale unfold on its own. I do not believe he can suddenly develop the skills we are all looking for. If he does I will be pleasantly surprised, but as of now I have 0 faith he will suddenly "get It"

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