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Posts posted by 2pink1stink

  1. Hate to say it, but that's actually even smarter. He's a risk. If he implodes, or they find out he's not worth the hassle, they are not stuck. If he proves to be good, they have him locked up if they want him, to a deal that is not extravagant.


    If they want to keep him past the 07 season, they're gonna need to rework the deal.


    No way the Patriots take an $11 million cap hit for a WR.

  2. It's basically a one year deal.


    For the Patriots to retain Stallworth for the 2008 season, they must pay him an option bonus of $6 million by Feb. 25, 2008. There is a subsequent roster bonus of $2 million due on March 1, a second roster bonus of $1.6 million based on playing time, a base salary of $1 million and a $400,000 workout bonus. That totals an exorbitant $11 million for 2008, or a two-year total of $14.6 million.


    Stallworth deal

  3. BTW, speaking of Kyle Brady, isn't he the player who Belichick was salivating over in the 1995, and who went ballistic when the Jets took him before he could? Well I guess he finally got him...12 years later. Ah, requited love.


    Yup. The Browns wanted him at 10, but the Jets took him at 9. Belichick traded down with SF in exchange for the 49ers 1st rounder in 96.


    That pick ended up being Ray Lewis.


    I'd say that turned out o.k. for the Browns/Ravens.

  4. Yeah, but they're going to lose Daniel Graham who appears ready to sign with the Broncos. Losing Graham will hurt their passing game though Brady should help their run game.


    No it won't. He only caught 21 balls last season. He was used primarily for blocking.


    The Pats have Ben Watson & Dave Thomas. Both are a bigger downfield threat then Graham.

  5. During a horrible down period in the NFL........Dallas or San Francisco of the 1990's would wreck them. SOme of the mid level teams from back then would beat them pretty bad as well


    back in the old days...blah...blah...blah. you sound like a bitter old man.


    players today are stronger, faster, smarter and hit harder then 10 years ago.


    defenses & offenses are far, far more complex.


    and with the salary cap the talent level between teams is razor thin. the league today is FAR MORE talented & competitive then it was 10 years ago.


    face it, the bills have been irrelevant for so long you've lost interest in the game. that's the REAL reason.

  6. Who cares anyways.  Harrison is overrated & definately on a downward slide.  Like that other guy said, Im more concerned about Vrabel lining out wide, streaking past clements like he was standing in quick sand & catching a 50 yrd bomb from Brady to win the game.  Somehow, everything Bellijerk does on a football field turns to gold.



    Like Lawyer Milloy overrated? ;):lol::lol:

  7. I am sure that book is long out of print by now, so I feel okay about recommending it. You will likely be able to find it at a used book store somewhere, so fat Freddie won't make another penny off of it.


    Much as I loathe the guy, "By a Nose" is definitely the most interesting Bills book I have ever read. 





    You can buy it on Amazon for .19 cents. :):D

  8. Face facts, your team cheats and as a result, NO ONE respects them as champions.  They're a good team who deserves accolades for their regular season success, but if not for mind-numbingly bad calls like "the tuck" and ignoring 15 holding calls last year against the Colts, your team wouldn't have SEEN the SB, much less won it.  It just shows the lack of character most Pats fans have, brought about no doubt from the inferiority of being a 2nd rate market next to NYC.






    Just like the Bills were "cheated" out of 4 Super Bowl wins. When in reality they got their asses kicked EACH AND EVERY TIME. The Bills were an embarrasment.


    Jealousy is a B word.

  9. The Patriots will win because the ref's will have fixed it.



    blah, blah, blah, blah, blah...


    It never ends with you clowns. Here's a revolutionary thought. You ready? The Patriots win because they are BETTER.


    The Bills lose because they SUCK.


    It has NOTHING, ZERO, ZIP to do with the officiating.


    Got it?

  10. Defensive backs coach Eric Mangini came up with the idea to use Troy Brown as a DB. NOT BILL BELICHICK. The idea came to him after the Patriots ran out of DBs against Carolina in the Super Bowl. Mangini thought it would be a good idea to have a player from the offense also learn the DB position, in case they were caught short due to injury. Mangini talked to Brown in the offseason and he agreed to give it a try. Brown spent most of training camp practicing with the defense. If Romeo Crennel lands a HC job, look for Mangini to replace him as Pats DC.

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