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Posts posted by bluv

  1. Did you notice the sack by Dareus and Kyle in the 3rd quarter? All four linemen were standing up and they got a great rush, but I never saw them do that again.

    They did it twice and I made a post in which I think we should use this "creep" defense more on 3rd and long and also emply more bear defenses in which we lineup Dareus, Kyle, and Mario inside and let Moore/Merriman/Anderson play more of a wide DE ala the way the 80 Bears utilized RIchard Dent. Also we need to have our DB play tighter bump and run coverage to allow the pressure to get to the QB.

  2. The two times he used the creep it game the Pats fits as Brady had NO WHERE to step up in the pocket and it collapsed in a hurry! Kyle Williams and Dareus can be a load if they are allowed to wreck havoc on the inside plus Mario is more of a power rusher than a speed rusher. In combination of using the creep look against pocket passer how about more bear fronts in which Kyle, Dareus, and Mario are lined up more inside and have Moore/Merriman or (Anderson when he comes back) lined up wide ala the way the Bears used Richard Dent? Also since Searcy is being used more allow him and/or Byrd to get in the box to help more on the run, blitz, and play more man coverage on TE/RB. As for LB's let them play more downhill; the ONLY LB who should be matched up in man coverage should be Bradham; Barnett and Sheppard are just too slow!


    If they use this style they would have to play more aggressive; I honestly think our DB's would play better in press man bump and run as it it plays to their strengths. This one-minute play 5-7 yards off the next play up on LOS and not bump is not working! If you watched the game you will noticed that even though Mario or Moore didn't get a sack there were a few times they got quick pressure but due to soft coverage Brady did not have to hold onto the ball for if he did he would have got smacked! For those who didn't watch the game if you have the NFL network the game will be replayed at 930 on Tuesday!

  3. I noticed that in a few games that we have played and actually had success against the run is when the LB's attack the LOS vs sitting back. It was very evident yesterday as they filled the gaps and got the best antidote to a successful running game: early penetration. Watch it on tape for when the LB's try to read and react they often over run plays and lose gap assignments which opens up cut back lanes; when they hit the hole on running downs they seem to limit the offense to little or no gain. Hopefully they continue this trend as the D has seemed to play more aggressive in the past few weeks. What is seriously lacking is a true passrsuher to offer consistent pressure; if we can draft, develop, or sign that guy we may have something in 2011.

  4. I'm also not convinced that we don't need a right tackle more than a left tackle. Our pass protection is actually pretty good: greatly aided by Fitz's ability to get rid of the ball, of course, but he gets sacked much less than most QBs in the league. Even Tom Brady gets sacked more often. Fitz gets sacked about once every 20 dropbacks, which I think is basically acceptable.


    Our problems really lie in the inability of the line to open up holes for the RBs, and that's where a real power type RT could help us a lot. I'm not saying burn off a top-10 pick on the guy, but I think I'd rather have a new beast at RT and keep Bell where he is than try to monkey with the line more by moving him around. Similarly, I like Wood at guard more than center, I think - the guy can pull with the best of them. Hang is acceptable, but if we have a shot at a center this offseason, I'd take it.

    I agree. the sack Bell gave up was a coverage sack; even the announcers said that Fitz held on to the ball too long; it's not like the guy beat Bell off jump. The only game where I saw him get beat was the game against Minnesota and in that game Allen beat him off the snap 3 times due to crowd noise and beat him stright up once; when he got set he stoned him the other plays. Bell is the least of our problems for even though we can upgrade, we could do way worse and have much gretaer needs. All the talk about moving him to RT is crazy for he is suited to play LT; find an upgrade at RT and we'd be OK on the O-line. Find a consistence pass rusher, run-stuffing LBs and you will have a contender in 2011.

  5. If Maybin had the rookie year Moats is having, everyone would have been saying what a great pick Maybin was.

    While I'm far from a Maybin fan I must agree; it seems as if everyone is just piling on. The sad thing is that Moats isn't the answer either as far as pass rusher goes! I mean he only has 1.5 sacks! While he has gotten a few more pressures the past 2 weeks its not like he has been consistent at it; I mean for 4,5 games I have watched him get manhandle the same way Maybin does by bigger OT. Difference is: Moats was given a chance to learn on the fly while Maybin rots on the bench.

  6. Great to see him focusing on playing CB, not K or PR.

    He definitely made some big pass breakups and big hits.

    I'd like to see him continue to focus on him CB duties.

    We have more than enough people that can handle K or PR duties.

    I disagree for if it weren't for his habit of fumbling he is the best returner we have for he hits straight up the field like a rocket, looks for a crease and doesn't dance around waiting to get tackled. The few times he has returned he always looks close to breaking one.

  7. I agree - to an extent. While Fitzpatrick may not be the answer, he has played good enought to win if we build a strong team around him. Think about it: what if Brohm or a 2008/09 drafted QB had the exact play that Fitz has had in 2010; everyone would be optimistic. But since he is not the sexy choice and doesn't meet the eye test then we must look to upgrade. Before the season started if you told a Bills fan we'd have a chance to draft the QB Locker we'd be jumping for joy; we may be able to get him in the 2nd round and let him develop!


    My biggest concern with having high 1st round draft picks is the history of this franchise bombing on 1st round draft picks! If you draft a player, especially a QB high in the draft he better be a hit or it will set your franchise back a few years and we can't take that. Imagine drafting Luck and he begans to figure out defenses and play on a level equal to Fitz - 3 years from now! But back to the point, this team has done great in lower round picks and free agent pickups (Modrack may not be as bad as some is led to believe). But the misses in the 1st round has led me to believe that there must be higher powers driving these bad decisions.

  8. I don't have a problem with the schemes they run. 3-4 or 4-3 is fine. I think the real issue is they should be playing a two-gap defense instead of the one-gap we played under Jauran. I actually think it'll help the team out in the future to be able to play both 3-4 and 4-3. I like being able to give teams the 3-4 under look (one-gap) at times while also being able to go with a 4-3 and 3-4 two-gap look.


    Going to a 4-3 doesn't hide the fact that our LBs are still crap for the most part and need to be upgraded.

    I agree about crappy LBs but to play a hybrid look we'd have to have a hybrid OLB/DE pass rusher not named Kelsay! If we drafted a player such as Quinn or if Merriman returns to form and can play a Charles Haley type role then we may have something. But regardless with this type defense, two-gap style will not fit the strength of players we have and then instead of upgrading LB's we'd be upgrading our whole D-line as well setting us back another 2-3 years.

  9. Draft stud passrushing DE (Bowers,Quinn)and MLB, start Troup, switch to 4-3 problem solved. 3-4 is over rated as players make the difference not schemes and this team is more suited for 4-3. Our best defensive player is better suited as an under DT. Troup could be the space eater in a 4-3 with Stroud and Edwards spelling them.


    Starting lineup DL: Bowers or Quinn, Williams, Troup,(Kelsay/Carrington/Johnson)

    LB: Poz/MLB/Torbor or FA upgrade

  10. Why do some hate on every former Bill; even those who have been here for ONE year! Say what you want about T.O: he produces; he is not the reason Cinci is 2-8; blame the play of Palmer and the D fall off for that. And I only recall maybe one ball that he dropped on Sunday; a high tough catch at that. But he did burn Mcklevin, caught a key 4th down catch similar to one that he dropped, would have had another TD that was called back and got behind Florence and the safety but the ball was underthrown. I hope that any of WR can remain as productive as T.O has for the longhaul.


    Now back to Revis island, I hope both he and Ocho turn him out! I hate NJ number one and number two Revis got his head built up too quick after one phenomenal season. With that being said he had no reason at all to question players like T.O and Moss besides trying to bring more recognition to himself. If it wasn't for the constant blitzing NJ uses he'd be beat a lot more but he is still a good player.

  11. Stevie Johnson.


    Love the guy. Loved him in '08. Mistakenly assumed the coaches knew more than we did last year when he didn't dress all year, but turns out we the fans were right all along! Who else is with me?

    Who knows; maybe Maybin and McCargo suffer from the same syndrone that Stevie, Fred Jackson, etc has: lack of opportunities! I know some will say that those guys had their chances but remember that Stevie started off the season in the doghouse and was sat after the Green Bay game. I do know this: players like Kelsay have had too many opportunites to show their skills (even though he played OK against Bears). I hope that our young players such as Carrington don't just ride the bench and don't get a chance to improve by not getting real game time experience for practice is just not sufficient.

  12. Never work as Levitre will not be succesful at tackle. Now Howard subbing for Green might be an option. While they could shift the interior, why would they? Hangartner has been named team captain in place of Trent and he honestly hasn't played that bad. The only true stinker has been Green with Wood at times. If we stuck with the run, establish a threat of a passing game to keep defense from stacking the box, and stayed out of 3rd and long we can at least be competitive. I wish they mixed in more playaction and dropback passes from under center as well as ran more from shotgun. When you run the ball fro 5 yards and the next you lineup in shotgun with a line susceptile to the blitz then you are asking for trouble. I wish they utilize McnTyre more like they did in the preseason or go with more two TE balance sets.

  13. I honestly do question our defensive coaching. We have only 2 sacks from defensive lineman. And we have ZERO interceptions this year. Our guys constantly look lost in their assignments on game day, and opposing offenses are eating us alive.


    - Why are the 3-4 outside linebackers constantly in a FOUR-POINT stance???? Maybin, Coleman, Ellis, and Kelsay should all be standing in a two-point stance as pass rushers. Especially when you have a speedy guy like Maybin. He can't take offensive tackles on head-to-head, but he can beat them around the edge when lined up wide.


    - Why not rush more guys and ask our corners like McKelvin and McGee to play man coverage? We have the secondary to do this. We can get a lot more pressure on opposing QB's, but we refuse to do it.


    Lots of questions with this team this year. But the defense was supposed to be a lot better than they are. It's really disappointing.

    I am in full agreement with everything you mentioned! Why line him headup on tackles on 3rd down when his strength is his 1st step and speed? He needs to be standing up like LT ready to attack around the corner. In addition, Florence and McKlevin play better man-to-man press coverage than zone; so why not man up more! What frustates me the most is that week after week, year after year, the opposition always seems to find a way to scheme to and bring unblock bliztses against our QB's but yet we never give it in return. The only time we came close was when we used the standup creep defense a few years back but mysteriously stop utilizing it. We play too safe and soft on D to beat any good team.

  14. I don't want to get my hopes up high and crown the guy too early. But if he or any other young OLB steps in and plays even average or above it will make the Kelsay extension look even dumber! They rushed to extend a guy playing out of position that nobody wanted! Now to avoid having egg on their face they will definitely try to make that square peg fit unless he got hurt. I'd rather see one of these young guys get a chance to improve than watch an average vet fade!

  15. WHAT!!!! Are you serious??????????? The Bills were awful vs. the run today and had NO pass rush. Williams is doing the best he can, but he is a marginal NFL player and always will be. Where is Tropue? He can't do any worse. And bring Mpates and Carrington as well

    Williams is the least of our problems. I'd like to see Troupe lineup with Kyle on a few plays as Stroud is actually the weak link when it comes to giving ground. Honestly I would have liked us to stick with the 4-3 but just play more agressively for honestly we have basically played a four man front 85% of the time. If we had let Schoebel do his thing and try to sign Kappman from GB then a 4-3 with those two at DE combined with our current DT rotation wouldn't look so bad. A LB corp of Poz, Davis, and whoever would round out the front seven.

  16. While I must agree it hurts to see Orakpo and Matthews play like gangbangers, my biggest issue is that Maybin has barely seen the field! Just like the McCargo (Spiller pick following the trend) they rarely see the field. I'd rather lose developing young talent taking the lumps than to add a few meaningless wins here or there playing with aging vets with no upside. You can not tell me that Maybin can do much worse than Kelsay has the first two games. Sure he will make mistakes but he has the upside to be better. When they bring the kid in they put him at his worse position: DE with his hand on the ground! I thought he was suppose to be an OLB in the 3-4; when has he actually lined up as one? If Matthews played for the Bills he'd probably be stuck behind Kelsay as well! Maybin as well as Brohm, Spiller,a young RT should be taking at least half the snaps!

  17. funny cause i saw the receivers open during the full speed realtime play.. then cross shows on the top view slo mo that they were covered by rolling it to exactly the point when the WR's stopped running around and GOT covered... because their routes were essentially over and they didn't know where to go next yet. they WERE open. it's a windown in the NFL, as people are saying. there aren't going to be too many plays were receivers are just running down the field uncovered indefinitely.


    you need to a have a plan, pre-snap... if you get your 1-on-1 then you make the throw at the right time, or the right place. that's what Fitz will do, and hopefully it will not be at the receiver's feet when he does. =)

    Good observation...as if he had anticpated and let the ball go two of those targets were open enough if he released it before they made their break. What does he do; run out of bounds for a 4 yard gain on 4th and 11; GUTLESS! If it were 1st-3rd down or a tight game maybe. In both games on 4th down, the only time he has thrown the ball is to a WIDE OPEN target. The Trent lovers have to face the fact that ever since the Arizona game this guy has lost confidence; especially when it comes to diagnosing the field and making stick throws.

  18. Sullivan, while I once felt he was too negative and whiny, has been spot on with Bills lately. Who can't (besides Trent lovers)deny that Edwards hasn't shown anything different on field then he did on tape in the past? Some will say that he was the best QB on the roster, won the job in preseason (he always plays good in shorts) and deserved to start. The key point most are missing is that they should have brought in better competition in the first place! They prety much handed him the job (they knew he'd be a better sale in practice) thinking that they could turn this guy into Joe Montana.


    With that being said, while I am happy they finnally sat the heartless QB, doing it after four games does make it seem like it is a move of desperation. Now if they had a younger QB in the waiting they were grooming(like Clausen) it would be a better sale; at least they could say we are looking forward to the future. The Trent Edwards defenders, the Randy Cross type will say he was setup for failure; he didn't have the protection, receivers aren't getting open; the list goes on. If the team was 0-4 and he was passing for less than 100 yds a game, constantly checking down/running out of bounds on 4th down then it would have been many Trent apologists either inside or outside the organization left. This is actually a good move for Trent for if he never plays another snap he will be giving another chance; all he has to say to defend his poor career is look...I played for the Buffalo Bills...ANY QUESTIONS?

  19. Yeah he has played at LT the past few games to spell Bell and he has gotten lit up every time! I feel sorry for Bell as actually he has blocked OK but every time Meredith comes in and gives up a sack on the left side it makes the position look bad. Case in point on 4th down, they put Meredith in and Matthews eats him up; the next series Bell is back in. I think Gailey is overthinking himself.


    With that said, I think Meredith may be capable on the right side; he can't be as bad as Green; if so then he can learn on the job as he has potential unlike Green. Ditto for Kelsay; why watch him struggle playing out of position when we have younger prospects with potential wasting on the bench? It's not like we are built to win this year and players like Kelsay, Green (Trent is inches from being in this group!) have shown that they have reached a ceiling. I could deal with Meredith, Maybin, or Ellis getting abused not veterans.

  20. Bell definitely isn't a pro bowler. But he's turning into a league average pass blocker. And he was definitely our best lineman today. But yea TE sucks I agree with you there. Just pay attention to the LT substitutions next week.

    Bell did a good job against his man all game along except for one play as he stuffed Matthews a few times. My biggest gripe is why bring in a BACKUP on 4th and 11 and let him get abused? Gailey is overthinking himself in trying to protect Bell; if you want to spell somebody spell Green!

  21. I think he looked better the few plays he stood up...with hand on ground he looked average; however he did get a sack with his hand down with that spin move. He should be utilized more as a LB and even on rush downs, pass rush as a standup DE.

  22. I love that part. It takes seven cities to agree to a tax hike and pork program. Love it that 7 cities prevent major tax and corruption sink holes.


    Erie County Sewer Authority, Water Authority, NY Thruway Authority.. ring a bell?

    Like I said its the best and worst part of living in Hampton Roads...this is one of the advantages! The downside though is projects such as light rail that are needed to connect all the cities and upper and lower peninsula to ease tunnell traffic get stiffled due to non-compliance. I take the good with the bad; even though it has flaws I can't think of many better places to live based on jobs, cost-of-living, and oceanfront access!

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