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Posts posted by philburger1

  1. You are truly "Dawgged".  You post a story, someone calls it conspiratorial garbage, and your response is "Oh, yeah!  Well read this!"...and you basically post a link to the same !@#$ing story.  :D


    I'm going to go discuss this subject with my cats now...they have about as much insight into the matter as you, but significantly better reasoning skills.




    Enjoy their company.

    In the meantime, i lieave with a little thought

    "I believe the children are our future"





  2. wildly conspiratorial vision of history is confirmed.




    I think a wildly conspiratorial vision of history would be something like the US gov. shot a missle at the Pentagon.


    Nope, he just sounds like a guy with a Ph.d who teaches political science who actually lives a lot closer to the subject at hand than you do, and has an opinion you don't agree with.

  3. this is flat out foolish and i will not participate in this discussion anymore. on display above is a wildly conspiratorial vision of how world history "works." seriously, do you know one goddamn thing about the history of the Balkans? if you did, you'd know that balkan "muslims" are about as religious as me (i.e., not at all).  it's a european dispute deriving from the last vestiges of the ethnic nationalisms that fueled world war II and entirely divorced from religious disputes.  and if you want to go after me, try -- i actually know what i'm talking about with regard to balkan history and the denouement of the eastern bloc.




    You need to ask Miroljub Jevtic, Ph.D. the author of "Al Qaeda in the Balkans: Who in the Balkans wants to destroy America?" that was cited in the reply.


    By the way, here is his bio. Seems like he might be someone with some knowledge of the subject:


  4. I congratulate you, my Crap Throwing Monkey for your defense of Islam 


    I call on the other mujahedeen on Two Bills Drive to focus their attacks on the new puppet GM, zionist Marv Levy. Most of the Bills revenues go to the enemies of Islam; meanwhile most of what is left is taken by the thieves.


    My Muslim warriors, you will not enjoy free elections, protected sanctity, and the freedom to hold negative signs at Ralph Wilson Stadium able unless you are free from the crusader-Zionist occupation and the corrupted governments, and this will not be fulfilled but with Jihad.


    We want to tell all the Muslims that the mujahedeen al-Qaida, thank God, is expanding and increasing in strength.





    Hah! I knew it! Who are you, Ward Churchill' teaching assistant?

  5. Don't ask me.  I'm not the one that said "great and thriving" implied not being attacked by mobs or having you markets blow up because you have different religious views.


    Let me try and lay it out for you:

    You said "great and thriving" meant "not being attacked by mobs or having you markets blow up because you have different religious views."

    In Israel, Jews are attacked by mobs and have their markets blown up because they have different religious views.

    Therefore, according to your definition of "great and thriving", Judaism is neither great nor thriving in Israel.



    Huh? I know you think you are being intellectual but your rant is bordering on hysterics.


    Let's SLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW it down for you. Take a deep breath.

    Pull the stick out of your arse. There you go.


    Please name me one major religious conflict currently on the globe (not Hatfield and the McCoys size family feuds), just one major armed conflict or struggle, that doesn't involve Islam on one side of it. Please. Do tell. Buhadists fighting the Jews? Christians fighting the Hindus?


    I can think of about 13 right of the bat that involve Islam fighting what it considers to be infidels.


    So go ahead and keep telling yourself its extremism, not the religion itself that is the problem.

    Keep trying to separate the two, and keep believing it is only 1% of the people that is causing all the problems.


    And keep telling yourself that in someway they are justified, because of American Imperialism, Zionist aggression, and the legacy of the Crusades.


    And when they do something next week like hijack a bus full senior citizens, crash into a blind children's hospital, blow it up, then dance in the streets and pass out candy, you can equate it to Vietnam some how being a religious conflict, or a terrorist having to take picture with a bra on his head.


    Yes, they can always look forward to you jumping up to defend the Jihad Martyrs at any chance you get.

  6. ? For all their faults, I'm not sure that the apartheid South African government ever used that procedure. If I remember rightly, it was usually done by ANC supporters to people suspected of "collaboration". Winnie Mandela was involved in one such incident I believe.




    Yep. you are correct. they called it "the neckless treatment"

  7. Is it?  So by that standard, Judaism isn't thriving in Israel, since Palestinian mobs regularly attack Jews and blow up buildings.   :D


    But keep trying to tell me that you have any !@#$ing idea what you're talking about, or that ALL - or even any significant portion - of Muslims in Indonesia are a problem or a threat to a community of 20 million  Indonesian Christians that, despite their numbers and the support of the majority of Muslims, aren't a "great and thriving" religious community.


    You'd have been better off trying to use Laskar Jihad's violent and oppressive attempts at converting the Christian population of Sulawesi...but you probably are as ignorant on that as you are everything else, so you probably wouldn't know that the vast majority of Indonesian Muslims did not support Laskar Jihad - a group made up primarily of non-Indonesian veterans of the fighting in Bosnia and Afghanistan.


    As opposed to your Bazooka Joe comics?





    Uh, we are talking about countries were people who follow other religions are the MINORITY in places Islam is the MAJORITY. And how MULSIMS treat those RELIGIOUS MINORITIES.


    So how is using the one Jewish country in the world that surrounded and constantly attacked by Muslim neighbors in any way relevant to the discuss of HOW PEOPLE WHO HAVE DIFFERENT RELIGIOUS BELIEFS ARE TREATED IN MAJORITY ISLAMIC COUNTRIES?


    Again, terrific example there .


    EAST TIMOR: Hmm. When the UN (with the majority of troops from Australia) came to kick out Islamic Indonesian troops, do you know what they did on the way out?

    They filled fire truck with gasoline, drove up on down the street spraying every building and house, many with people still in them, and set them all on fire before they left.


    Why, because they were Christians. I guess this type of lovely incident isn't as news worthy as some one dropping the Koran, or taking naked pretzel pictures.

    As matter of fact, Australia was consider a prime target for the Jihad Johnnies before the Iraq because of their role in East Timor.


    And the people that did that were Indonesian government troops, that were drum roll...muslims.

    Believe it not, my brother-in -law was there to see it first hand. So this news isn't coming from Newsmax or Worldnet Daily.


    And yet, you have the mental capacity to choose INDONESIA as a place with other religions thrive along side their peaceful islamic country men.


    Great Choice



    And the Bazooka Joe comment? That is the best you got?

    At least I mention real "news" outlets, though they are funnier than most comic strips. 0:):D

  8. Maybe you've seen precisely zero.


    But then...where are you looking?  Nowhere, I'd wager.




    Here is a story hot of the news wire. Now all day I will look at the Al-Justterrorisst news site, and see how much outrage there is. I will also watch the BBC, and CNN international for coverage of the giant protests this causes:


    KARBALA, Iraq -- A suicide bomber set off explosives near one of Shiite Islam's holiest shrines Thursday, killing almost 50 people, officials said.


    The blast near the Imam Hussein shrine in central Karbala, 50 miles south of Baghdad, killed 49 people and injured 52, said Karbala police Col. Razaq al-Taie.


    The site was a scene of chaos afterward with men ferrying the wounded in push carts and pools of blood on the ground. The bomber appeared to have set off the explosion only about 30 yards from the shrine in a busy shopping area.


    The bomber detonated about 17 pounds of explosives and several hand grenades, Al-Taie said.


    Al-Khazraji blamed the attack on "takfiris and Saddamists." The takfiri ideology is followed by extremist Sunni Muslims bent on killing anyone considered to be an infidel, even fellow Muslims who disagree with their doctrine. Al-Qaida in Iraq leader Abu Musab al-Zarqawi is a takfiri.


    Thursday's attack follows a heavy day of violence Wednesday, when at least 53 people were killed around Iraq, including 32 killed by a suicide bomber at a Shiite funeral east of Baqouba.

  9. Did you ever ask them what they think?  How many Islamic editorial pages do you read?



    How many mass protests have you every seen against anyone else who is a muslim against other muslims for bombing their own holy sites and killing their own people?




    It is much easier to blame others for your misery.


    But the "blame others" cop-out only applies when is from western, white christians, I guess.


    Everyone else is a victim, and their are desperate, and poor, and blah friggin blah...

  10. 6 dead in Indonesian market blast


    PALU, Indonesia (AP) -- A bomb ripped through a crowded pig market in an Indonesian province that has been plagued by sectarian violence, killing six people and wounding 45 others, witnesses and police said. Many of the victims were believed to be Christians.


    he explosion tore through the market in a predominantly Christian part of Palu at around 7 a.m., when it was packed with people preparing for Saturday night's New Year celebration.


    "The explosion was so loud, I couldn't hear for a couple of seconds," said Tega, a resident who lived nearby. Like many Indonesians he only uses one name. "I ran out of my house and saw bodies lying around."


    A series of attacks have taken place in Central Sulawesi this year.


    In October, unidentified assailants beheaded three Christian high school girls in Poso, east of Palu. In May, two bombs in the Christian-dominated town of Tentena killed 20 people.


    Police have questioned several suspects in those attacks, but have not formally brought charges against anyone.

  11. Texans win 2 of their last 3:  ARI, JAX, @SF. They end up with 3 wins, losing to SF for the rights for the #1 draft pick. Texans take homie Vince Young.


    Losing today vs SEA, the 49'ers will win 1 of their last 3:  JAX, STL, HOU. They end with 3 wins. They have an injured Barlow, Gore, Hicks at RB and they take Bush.


    Packers have DET tonight at Lambeau. They'll win their 3rd (they've won 13 in a row vs. the Lions at Lambeau). Last 3 are at @BAL, CHI, SEA and they win 2 of these for 5 wins. They want Leinart as they aren't in love with Rogers, and the Bills stand in their way like they did with JP.


    The Bills (DEN @CIN, @NYJ) end with 4 wins to seize 3rd place in the Bush-Young-Leinart bowl. They trade down with the Packers for their pick and a 2nd rounder. The Bills select DE Mario Williams.




    Mario is a stud! I got to see him play twice live this year. He is like a bigger version of Kearse.

  12. You will see Dom Capers after he gets canned.  Buffalos next DC.....


    In Pittsburgh during the TD era there.......




    Capers would be great. He's not a head coach, but the man can work the defense.

    Much like Greg Williams.


    I would consider Capers an upgrade over Gray

  13. My point.  We always have to qualify them with a demographic over here.


    You can thank the multi-cultural obsessed lefties for that. Everything that isn't white has to be hyphenated. Why is it African-Americans, and not Americans of african descent?


    So they make a big point about acknowledging people's ethnic diversity, but then get mad when it is used to identify some group.



    Holy Hypocrites Batman!

  14. Thanks for reinforcing my hunch.  A classic case of Western European avoidance of the real problems, because they're too enlightened to admit that racial divisions exist, and that Europe has a very difficult time accepting other tribes.


    I think the real objectivity is that she can't bring herself to acknowledge that the rioters' background is an important part if the story. 


    This is a tad different from reports of soccer hooligans who go wilding.  Usually, the US press records those shenanigans as bunch of drunks, regardless of color, religion or creed.




    Ask her if they are mainly muslim. Correct, it isn't about race, it's about religion.

  15. "Norman"  good one.  That was a classic Theeseman.


    BTW, while we're trashing ESPN announcers:


    Is there anybody on TV worse than Kenny Mayne?  How can anyone be that UNfunny?  A couple of guys trying hard to be as bad as Kenny...Neil Everett and Scott Van Pelt.  These jamokes make me miss Stuart Scott.




    How about when Theeseman said the following about Flutie's son, why the camera showed Doug's family in the press box.


    "Well his son dougie doesn't seem very interested in his daddy's work. He is not even looking on the field."


    Uh, I think he is autistic?

  16. This is horrible.


    Sounds like one of the horror stories that was coming out of New Orleans, only this time it looks like it's true and has been confirmed.


    I don't think this woman is reaping what she sowed.




    That will help the angry, frustrated young muslims get jobs in France.

    That is the only reason they started the riots, according to the media.

    That and being profiled by the police.

    And, they didn't like when the police chief called them the French name for thugs.

    That hurt their feelings

  17. This is more about economic disadvantage than religion.




    Gee, when you choose to move to another country that is nice enough to let you come in, you might want to try to learn the language and learn some skills that are useful. And try not to smell like a goat, too.


    Oh yeah, there have been Muslim riots in Demark this week too. Not reported as much for some reason.

  18. Everybody sing along!


    Mike Patrick:

    Gosh it disturbs me to see you, Bruschi

    Looking so down in the dumps

    Every guy here'd love to be you, Bruschi

    Even when taking your lumps

    There's no man in town as admired as you

    You're ev'ryone's favorite guy

    Ev'ryone's awed and inspired by you

    And it's not very hard to see why

    No one's slick as Bruschi

    No one's quick as Bruschi

    No one's neck's as incredibly thick as Bruschi's

    For there's no man in town half as manly

    Perfect, a pure paragon!

    You can ask any Tom, Dick or Norman

    And they'll tell you whose team they prefer to be on

    Mike Patrick and Chorus:

    No one's been like Bruschi

    A king pin like Bruschi


    Mike Patrick:

    No one's got a swell cleft in his chin like Bruschi



    As a specimen, yes, I'm intimidating!


    Mike Patrick and Chorus:

    My what a guy, that Bruschi!

    Give five "hurrahs!"

    Give twelve "hip-hips!"

    Mike Patrick:

    Bruschi is the best

    And the rest is all drips



    No one fights like Bruschi

    Douses lights like Bruschi


    Joe Theismann:

    In a wrestling match nobody bites like Bruschi!



    For there's no one as burly and brawny



    As you see I've got biceps to spare


    Mike Patrick:

    Not a bit of him's scraggly or scrawny



    That's right!

    And ev'ry last inch of me's covered with hair


    ESPN Crew:

    No one hits like Bruschi


    Pats fans:

    Matches wits like Bruschi


    Mike Patrick:

    In a spitting match nobody spits like Bruschi



    I'm especially good at expectorating!



    ESPN Crew:

    Ten points for Bruschi!



    When I was a lad I ate four dozen eggs

    Ev'ry morning to help me get large

    And now that I'm grown I eat five dozen eggs

    So I'm roughly the size of a barge!


    ESPN Crew:

    No one shoots like Bruschi

    Makes those beauts like Bruschi


    Mike Patrick:

    Then goes tromping around wearing boots like Bruschi



    I use antlers in all of my decorating!


    ESPN Crew:

    Say it again

    Who's a man among men?

    And then say it once more

    Who's the hero next door?

    Who's a super success?

    Don't you know? Can't you guess?

    Ask his fans and his five hangers-on

    There's just one guy in town who's got all of it down


    Mike Patrick:

    And his name's B-R-E... W -

    B-R-U-S - K -

    B-R-U-S-C - oh!

    ESPN Crew:





  19. How many times did they cut to Bruschi's wife in the stands?


    I gave up long ago in hoping that announcers talk about things that matter.




    To bad she wasn't that hot.

    Jeff Garcia's "girlfriend" is a lot hotter, and he's gay.


    I hope the COLTS kill the Patriots next monday.


    If the Bills are going to suck this year, I can at least enjoy the suffering of their enemies:

    Pats, jets, dolpfags.


    Go Panthers in the NFC. Steve Smith = MVP

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