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The Black Bear

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Posts posted by The Black Bear

  1. If you say Jeff Blake is a joke you also have to say Drew "The Tin Man" Bledsoe is a joke. They are riding the same kind of passing rating over their careers. Save the "Bledsoe has more yards passing" BS. Losing teams always have more opportunities to pass the ball.



    Rob Johnson was released the year after and is now out of the NFL and Flutie is still in as a backup. Wrong answer going with Johnson. Donahoe almost lost the entire fan base with that move. Rob Johnson = the most hated quarterback in Bills history.



    How is Trey Teague having a good year when the Bills still can't run the ball up the middle? AVP can say Teague is much improved all he wants to. theblackbear doesn't see it.



    Only a fool drafts a Right Tackle that high in the draft. That's not when you draft a Right Tackle. And Mike Williams has proved by his lousy play that it was a bad move even if you don't agree with the masses that say you don't draft a Right Tackle that high up. People justified the drafting of Mike Williams there because they were foolish enough to believe that he could make the switch to Left Tackle. That will never happen. He can't even play right tackle. Improved theblackbear's foot! He is still a joke. Talk about him all you want in the pre game discussions on CBS. He is still not an elite offensive tackle. Slow in pass protection and not creaming guys in the running game like he should. The Bills big runs always come on the left side.




    Donahoe thought Pittsburgh wanted Denney. They made him look like a fool! AGAIN.




    "Slow to catch on Donahoe is." - (Yoda) He still brought in another Steeler. Only this one couldn't made the ball club. (Jason Gildon) No excuse for signing and keeping Charles Johnson so long.



    Tom Donahoe said what he said and that was ........


    "I'm embarrassed to be a part of this community."


    No amount of spinning or apologizing is going to change that fact! He spit on the Buffalo area with that comment and no one should forget it.









  2. BBO is more an information board than a PTA meeting.



    People go there to steal ideas for starting threads or writing articles on their websites. That's why theblackbear stopped letting people browse the board without signing up.



    Fans of theblackbear and BBO hit the message board to get their fix of Black Bear information broken down by players, coaches, and front office categories. As well as the brilliant draft coverage that theblackbear provides every year.





    Now you know the rest of the story!



    / most people are afraid to take on theblackbear in his cave. they rather do it where they are protected by moderators and administrators / (chicken soup)








  3. It's looks like theblackbear will remain a free agent. This is not a Buffalo Bills talk board.


    Wake theblackbear up when you start talking Bills football here!!



    Until then theblackbear will be holding it down at "The Out."




    Seeing what else is out there.











  4. On a board broken down into Four Bills categories with 12 Bills boards a Bills fan can not find something to talk about? (The Out) No wonder the majority of posters here don't want a Bills Talk only board.



    You would rather talk about anything other than the Buffalo Bills!












  5. Zamboni Man is suprised theblackbear isn't busy moderating his message board and it's 0 posts.




    theblackbear has heard it all before. BBO slams are not ground breaking.




    You can't see how many posts there are unless you are a member!



    You really don't want to compare "The Out" to this site. They are different animals. Trust!!









  6. 11 posters have spoken.


    There will always be stale turds that don't want change but 11 posters have spoken in favor of theblackbear's suggestion.



    You have people on this board that want a Bills only section and their opinions should be respected. Unless you want to lose 21% of the people on your board.



    Change is not always a bad thing.




    Ya dig?










  7. don't worry, blackbear's just a plain old moron  :doh:




    A guy calling himself poo calls theblackbear a moron. If that doesn't stink nothing does.



    Lets hope he wipes himself next time and doesn't soil the message board. theblackbear doesn't want to get poo on his shoe!









  8. theblackbear will do one better. He'll look at all the previous Bills games all over again and see exactly who the special teams players are. theblackbear has every Bills game on DVD.




    Funny how you didn't bring up that theblackbear also gave credit to Bobby April. Starters playing special teams is not the entire issure.



    theblackbear is also talking about the entire special teams not just coverage teams.



    How many teams would have their starting middle linebacker back on punt and kickoff returns?








  9. theblackbear never said he KNOWS everything and theblackbear hasn't called anyone here a Dumb-Dumb. (yet)



    theblackbear knows what he knows and that's what theblackbear comments on. If you can prove theblackbear wrong on anything theblackbear says go for it.



    But ...


    You better pack a lunch June Bug! theblackbear backs up everything he says.










  10. The Buffalo Bills have one of the best OVERALL special teams because they use STARTERS on their special teams and not just bench players. They also have a good special teams coach in Bobby April.


    Angelo Crowell and Mario Haggan (Haggins - whatever) are just two clowns that cause more harm than good. How many penalty yards do those two guys have alone?


    Holding / Block in the back scrubs! Get a clue.








  11. Hey slappy...


    We've been around longer than any other Bills forum. I guess we will be starting our 8th year very shortly.  I hardly think you are there is anything you can say or suggest that hasn't been addressed in the late 90's...


    So, just drop it.  Really.  There is no chance that is going to happen and it isn't even open to discussion.




    Been around longer does not mean current best. How does this message board compare with other Bills sites? This is what you should be looking at.



    If you are happy with the amount of traffic you get here stay the same. If not you might want to consider theblackbear's suggestion.








  12. Still talking about Crowell and Haggins as good special teamers. Now that's funny! :lol:


    Players coming out of college are called good special team candidates because they aren't considered possible starters.


    Man ..... theblackbear thought you knew!



    You really don't want to take theblackbear on when it comes to draft talk.












  13. You can still have an open discussion board for your Sunday school topics but there should also be a Bills only board.



    Message boards need organization.



    Adding one board just for Bills Talk is hardly a loss to the complete forum. It's a bonus that will help bring in more Bills fans.









  14. theblackbear finds it quite humorous how so many fans have been crying to keep Coy Wire over the years.


    "Move the collegiate linebacker to NFL strong safety. No, no, no move him to Free Safety now. No that's not it either. Lets make him the new Steve Tasker and keep him just as a special teamer and 6th string safety." - (Wire backers) :lol:



    Wake up and smell the plant water with egg shells in it. Your boy stinks!











  15. Of course you can't release some of the guys that are currently under contract. That doesn't mean that you can't move them though.



    The Bills need to find a sucker to unload Bledsoe on. Maybe Parcells and the Cowboys.


    Troy Vincent also is a hard case. If he doesn't take a pay cut they should try to trade him as well.


    Schobel you're stuck with. theblackbear already said that.






    Who said Coy Wire was a good special teams player? Probably the same people that said he would make a good free safety.



    Even if he was a good special teams player (he isn't) you still want your special teamers to be down the road starters. Wire will never be a starting defensive back and he's not a good enough special teamer to keep him forever for just that. That's the bottom line.



    theblackbear said defensive is not a major need because the Bills can NOT release Aaron Schobel. The mistake there was in giving him a new contract. The Bills could be better at defensive but the position is not killing them.



    Sure you can say Donahoe is a genius for drafting Terrence McGee because he knew he would be a great return man but no one would believe you. If he thought that he wouldn't have brought in Brown to return kicks last year.



    theblackbear's not even going to touch the Haggins and Crowell are both good special teamers comment. You're self checked on that one homie!










  16. theblackbear sees a wad of topics that don't relate to the Buffalo Bills sticking to the wall like chewed up big red bubble gum. Is this forum really open to any kind of sports topics?



    If it is it should be changed. The Bills need their own section. Where's the Love?



    theblackbear is here now so you can have a Buffalo Bills only board. theblackbear will hold it down.



    Ya dig?









  17. I actually think that most, if not all, of those points are fairly valid. I don't agree with all of them completely, but I think you make good arguments for most.


    The one I do take exception to is Schobel. While I agree that Schobel is not worth big contract money, and right now he is not anywhere near a Pro-Bowl caliber DE, he is still relatively young and improving. Plus, we don't have anything better. I think if Kelsay improves more, or we can get a top-notch LDE, Schobel would still be a solid starter on the other side.




    The problem is you have two weak side defensive ends. Schobel and Kelsay and no strong side defensive end. The Bills could have easily let Schobel walk and moved Kelsay to right end. (weakside) If they had done that they would have been free to go out and get a REAL strong side defensive end.


    Now they are stuck with Schobel and Kelsay.





    Aaron Schobel is overrated. He only plays well against bad competition or an injured competitor. He can be taken completely out of the game and you don't want that from your main pass rusher. He needs to DOMINATE or you have to send blitzers and have less men in coverage.



    Isn't it funny how the Bills could have had Dwight Freeney instead of Mike Williams. Dumb-Dumbs said it was too high to draft Freeney there but not too high to draft Mike Williams.


    So much for listening to know it all's like Mel Kiper!



    As for hindsight being 20/20. theblackbear said most of this at the very beginning and has been saying it ever since. It's the Johnny Come lately's that are only now just catching on.


    Take note of the new that theblackbear is saying now for down the road and you'll see that theblackbear will be proven right about this as well.



    Who knows the game? theblackbear does!



    Ya dig?









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