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Posts posted by BradytoGivens

  1. F Belechek, F the Patriots, F  F-ing Brady, F Corey Dillon F all of them. I'm sick and tired of people here slurping the glorious spend of Bill f-ing Belechek as if he was the f-ing stevestojan. Hey! People! Wake up, he let a f-ing rookie QB kick their asses!

    He can call our linemen the f-ing spawn of John F-ing Hannah for all I care. He's smart about dealing with his opponents? F-That!  I wouldn't doubt for a second that they are f-ing looking ahead to f-ing KC and Baltimore.  I bet they expect to f-ing phone this game in and win!  How about us all collectively climbing off Bill Belechek's f-ing jock and get on our guys to kick the f-ing dog stevestojan out the Patriots this Sunday. 


    I want to actually see snot. On television.  Flying out of one of their guys from being hit so hard. Please, please make this happen! I want Paul F-ing Maguire to spurt coffee out of his nose from the shock of the f-ing violence that the Bills impose on the f-ing Patriots Sunday night.  I want f-ing gieger counters, on the sidelines, registering f-ing mid-category tremors from the plastic to plastic collisions being collectively heaped on the Patriots Sunday night. 


    I want Armen whatever-the-f-his-name-is Kateyen.... oh the hell with it, you know who I mean, to lose his f-ing stevestojan all over his wool trench coat from the massive pummeling taking place on the field.  And I don't f-ing care if he is on CBS or not.  He can be sitting in his f-ing house for all I care. Just make it so!


    I want their trainers, and our trainers combined,to run out of gauze, and triangle cravats, and Neosporin, and that red stevestojan your parents slathered all over you as a kid when you scraped yourself up on your bike with the banana seat as a kid from all the bleeding and trauma that will be occuring on the Patriots' asses Sunday night!

    Go Bills. Have a nice day.



    i f-ing hope you have a box of cleanex sunday night...

  2. i assume that most of you, like myself, do not sit in front of your PC's on weekends when you're not at work. so this will be the last time before sunday to get your shout-outs.....it's gonna be freezing, and those going to the game (like myself) should really bundle up-some of those seats are WAAAAAAY up there!


    anyways, looking for quick predictions, and maybe a quick statement about your picks. FYI as the game as gotten closer the media here in the bean seems to be taking notice of mcgahee, echoing what you guys on this board have been saying all week....I AM SO READY FOR THIS, I'LL BE TAILGATING STARTING AT NOON SHARP


    Patriots 23-10, Drew can't come through at The Razor

  3. Did the Patriots have a waiting list of 50,000 before they won their first Super Bowl? Didn't think so.


    Population of the city of Boston, 2000: 589,141

    Population of greater Boston, 2000: approximately 5.7 million


    Population of the city of Buffalo, 2000: 292,648

    Population of Erie and Niagara counties, NY, 2000: 1,170,111


    2002 Patriots: defending Super Bowl champions; total home attendance 547,488.

    2002 Bills: coming off 3-13 season; total home attendance 547,702.


    2003 Patriots: total home attendance 524,430

    2003 Bills: total home attendance 584,122


    Any other pearls of wisdom to add?


    Helmet/Hollywood, you guys have earned your chops on TSW. This maroon hasn't. And from the looks of what he's posted so far, I don't expect him to.



    believe me, i'm not looking for your approval for anything other than adding fries to my order

  4. My "agenda" is to see my team play a game officiated fairly.  However when they play the Patriots in a close game, like the last one, that never happens.  The zebras made up a RTP call on Fletcher on a FG drive that otherwise would have been a 4th down punt.  They also missed Givens fumbling right before the half on what ended up being a TD drive, and blew an unnecessarily quick whistle a split second before Dillon fumbled on the go-ahead TD drive.  Then you have games against the Raiders, Rams, and Colts, Pgh receivers talking about how the Pats cheat, and so on, and it's FAR from an "agenda."



    nope, it's an agenda

  5. Maybe not Payton, but better than Henry.  And that's from a Henry fan.     


    Well the zebras will ALWAYS be a factor.  I'll actually be amazed if I can come here after the game and say it was officiated fairly, win or lose, but the truth is the Pats are SB champs thanks to the refs, and still continue to get calls they shouldn't.  You and your ilk are simply too weak of character to acknowledge that, because I guess this favoritism somehow corrects some screwing-over the Pats got against the Raiders back in the early 80's playoffs or because "it all evens out."  I mean, how many MORE teams can get screwed-over by the zebras while playing the Pats?



    ill be surprised if you dont start making excuses before the game even starts....oh wait, you just did

  6. i will also bite:


    1) You have to know how the patriots coaches think. the reason the colts were able to run the ball so well is that the patriots wanted to shut down manning-the pass was what the D was concerned with, and if the run beat them, so be it. *They will shut down their opponent's strength* So the patriots will aim to shut down mcgahee, and have bledsoe beat them, which i do not foresee happening


    2) as i have posted earlier, the patriots will no doubt go to a 5 WR set with 3 step drops and short passes, with troy brown back this will work better than it has so far this year


    3) no doubt, if the bills are to win moulds AND evans will have to play well - that will be easier with no law, but can drewbie win in the razor???


    4) i would not base beating the patriots on semantics - we have heard this from teams the patriots are playing for 2 years now, and only the steelers have come through


    and yes, no one here thinks buffalo has a snowball's chance in hell, but i didn't think the patriots had a snowball's chance in hell of beating the rams on turf in st louis with troy brown as a CB (i still can't believe how much they dominated that game)

  7. Interesting.  5 Wides will be tough for us to stop.  Especially if Gray decides to try and bring the house on that one, which can only lead to big plays for NE.  Still, if Vincent is healthy, we can at least contain the 5 wides with Milloy/Vincent/Clements/McGee/Reese.  The last two aren't great, but not terrible either.

    Dillon, while good, doesn't scare me.  Our front 4 +Fletcher will stop Dillon.  Will Sam Adams and Pat Williams in the middle, backed up by London Fletcher, forget about inside running.  Outside, we have Spikes & Posey at LB, with Schobel & Kelsey at DE.  I'm not worried that Dillon will get outside on us.  Our defensive speed is too much.

    No question you are correct.  However, to throw all your exotic blizes at Bledsoe, you need to first stop the run.  I think you guys miss Ted Washington too much to do this versus McGahee.


    Bottomline, if Willis gets 30+ carries, I think we'll win the game.



    absolutely you will win if willis gets 30+ carries. hell, you'll have the ball all game. pittsburgh had the ball for about 42 minutes on us. there is no buzz in the papers here about mcgahee, but you guys seem to be really high on the guy, and understandibly so. but the rams were just completely dominated by our d-line, and they had a passing game that the pats had to worry about. i think that wilfork is a name that other teams in the division will remember. what is the buzz on henry up there?? if things stay as they are, will the bills trade him? he sounds like a guy who never won the bills fans over.

  8. Your not looking at this game correctly. That line shows it. Three weeks ago I would be with ya on that point. But this team is no longer about Drew first. The team has bought into the Mularkey's scheme and this is a run first team.


    All Drew has to be now is another cog in the machine, and that is where Drew excells. So I hope BB spends his time scheming and focusing soley how to take away Drew out of his game. Because Willis will eat his lunch if that's the case.


    Just be thankful that BB knows more about your opponent than you do.



    hey, i watched the bills game vs the jets (and don't base things on games vs AZ, we played them too on our worst day and still won)


    i'm basing this on the patriots ability to stop mcgahee


    i hope your coach isn't underestimating our D as much as you are

  9. Don't you guys have your own board? I mean SOSH has got to have some Pats content, no?

    Interesting that when we play the Jets we get respectable fans, when we play the Pats we get jokers. What's the matta still no respect for you??? I thought you were a "dynasty".



    hey take it easy buddy, i'm not comin here lookin to offend anyone, my posts are on the game unless someone attacks first


    isn't the point of these boards to talk about football??? who cares if i'm a pats fan??? hey, they welcome this banter on patriotsplanet or patsfans.com, even from opposing fans

  10. but thats not to say i think it will be a blowout, i really have respect for the bills D, and especially takeo spikes, i wish we had him


    also, lawyer was my fav player on the patriots, i was sad to see him go. i was at ralph wilson opening day 2003, and that was tough to see him run out in the intros with a bills uni on. i thought the stadium was gonna collapse when he came out

  11. You don't think the line will be 3.5???



    no, i think it will be about 6....people that set lines in vegas look at history, which says the patriots will win, especially in gillette


    they won't take into account the bills recent win vs the jets (which i greatly appreciate, i cannot STAND the jets, and their fans thought they were going to the super bowl before you guys smacked em around)

  12. if i were a bills fan, i would be worried about the patriots spreading to the 5 WR set


    i GUARANTEE they will do this early to try to get up 3-7 points early (they really emphasize scoring first, especially at the razor)


    they will mix in a dillon run here and there, but the pass rush and the injuries to our o-line are neutralized by quick 3 step drops, which brady excels at


    this, specifically, is where the patriots have the bills beat on offense


    on defense, bledsoe vs bb is a mismatch. i remember i went to a MNF game at foxboro stadium vs the jets when they had ray lucas (????!!!!!) as a QB and the jets still rolled the patriots because of drew's ineptitude

  13. Uh, I lived in Boston and drove by the stadium every day on my way to work in Providence. I bet I know the area better than you.


    I was just pointing out your statement on Welcome to Boston is about as thoughtful and intellectually honest as your posts regarding the matchup.


    It's going to be a good, close game. And the line will be 3.5 (guessing there).





  14. I'm from WNY.  I live in Alaska.  It's actually a bright sunny day in Anchorage, though the sun goes down before 6:00PM and doesn't rise until after 9:00AM.  The days will get to about 6 hours of light or so on December 21st, when we begin picking up daylight.  The inverse is true in the summer.


    Alaska is so big it's almost impossible to understand. 


    1.  There are 10 states that are smaller than the area covered by glaciers. 

    2.  The amount of private land held is larger than 27 states. 

    3.  Alaska has more national parks and reserves than EVERY other state COMBINED.  Added toghether, they are roughly the size of Kansas.

    4.  If you combined the size of all the lakes in Alaska, they'd be larger than the Hawaiin islands.

    5.  If the volcanoes here were set end-to-end, they'd extend from Tulsa to San Francisco.

    6.  Alaska would actually have four time zones, if the politicians hadn't smartened up.


    It's pretty much dark above the Arctic Circle, which is about 350 miles from where I live.



    not that it's my business, but what brought you there??? i've always wanted to go there for a week, but damn, it's far away!!!!


    if i were to vacation there, where's the best place to go??? anchorage? juneau? is there any night life out there???

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