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Posts posted by buzzbait1965

  1. I'll ask around some of my dolphins fan friends in Fla. to see.


    I am a transplant from fla and have been a dolphins fan for life and was at that game also. Even though we lost that was one of the most exciting things I have ever witnessed live or on tv. I had a runninng bet with a cousin that we would go double or nothing every bills - dolphins game. It started at $1 and ended with him "owing" me like $524,000+. I'm pretty sure it was 20 games in a row. He never would "pay" up. :lol:

  2. Looked but couldn't find anything about the show on line. Did find a NY Times article that said the Carolina Panthers started it and now charge between $3,000 and $20,000 and Dallas is as high as $150,000 for their new stadium. I'm guessing those are luxury box seats or something.


    I know one thing I'd have to be getting something more than food, booze and a ticket to pay that much money just for the right to pay for the season ticket on top of that.

  3. I just saw that real sports thing last night. the numbers were insane and I can't remember them all exactly but they were a lot higher than 1,000 dollars. They did say the Jets were holding like 27,000 seats for no PSL fees but you know where those are going to be.


    There was a guy with yankee tickets on there. 4 season tickets in the area he sits in( very good seats) are going from 81,000 to 810,000 if I remember correctly. He was a very wealthy guy but nobody in his area is going to renew. He's had the tickets for like 30 years and they had the stubs from when he first started going to games the price differences were astounding.He said it will become a company owned area in the future.


    If I see the show again tonight I'll have to write down the numbers and let you know. The numbers were so big and so numerous it was hard to keep them straight. All I know is that there aren't to many people with that kind of scratch to go to games. Pretty sad if you ask me. They are pricing the people who made those leagues into what they are today right out of the market.


    They said Stub Hub is one of the worst things that ever happened to the fans. It gave the owners the info they needed to see what the market would bare as far as prices and the owners are now raising the prices to reflect what people are willing to pay for a ticket.

  4. I think the pats have as good a shot as either the bills or jets. Remember they do have the easiest schedule based on last years teams of course.


    If I had to put money on who wins the division, I'll take the Jets. I think Farve is going to help that team in many other ways than just throwing TD's.


    Right now all four teams have new QB's so I'll take the veteran to lead his team to a playoff spot.

  5. Met quite a few even though I'm not a Bill's fan.


    My son and I had the opprotunity to be in the Seneca Nation's Casino Box for a pee - wee football team he plays for. It was the Nation's gift for the boys winning the league title. Damn times change, when I played we certainly didn't get stuff like that.


    Anyway. It was when Ritcher got honored for the wall of fame. After halftime who comes in but Ritcher, Smerlas, Joe Delamelere(SP?). There were some others that I didn't recognize also. I gave Ritcher my seat so him and his wife could eat and he starts talking to my son about football and stuff like he knew him all his life. He talked to us for about a half an hour. I told my son he should let him eat in peace, but Ritcher would have none of that. He is a better person than he ever was a football player and he was damn good at football. One thing I found hard to believe was how small he is. He would be a small running back nowadays I think.


    I got some great pics with all the guys and my son, they were all good guys.

  6. I think it's an indictment to the NFL though that you can have the likes of Pac-Man Jones, doing god knows what to who, and ithey come down hard one somebody for smoking pot.


    It's not like the Bills don't or haven't had some pretty good players inviolved in bad things before. They just covered them up better or played at a time when the league kind of looked the other way.


    I don't know how you could not like Ricky on a personal level. I can see why people would have questions about his playing though.

  7. didn't read the link. I assumed, (yeah I know), they were talking about 40 meters as that's what the track stars run. Alot of those guys are amazing that they don't really slow down that much over the length of the course. The 200 and 400 splits are amazing.


    Christ they could take me straight to the morgue after running them, assuming I'd even finish.

  8. Darrin the Volunteers are in the SEC, but they are far from what they have been, at least this year. And I said they would have gotten drilled by Auburn, LSU or Florida. They are who I would consider the top three programs even though Arkansas won their division. I'm considering the fact that Penn. St. is in the top 3 of the Big 10, which one could argue.


    Just for the record, I am not a Bills fan either. That would be the Dolphins. I grew up in Florida hence the Dolphins and Hurricanes as my favorite football teams. Although lately it hasn't been much fun watching either.


    I agree that the layoff sucks though. If the Big 10 had a playoff it wouldn't be as bad, but that is there own problem.

  9. I hate when teams do that but I understand that you can't play 12 games against the top teams in the country. Alot of those type of games are regional games.


    Consider, Penn.St. plays teams in Ohio, I can see one but Akron, Youngstown St., and throw in Temple.


    My favorite is Buffalo, it has Wisc., Auburn and BC on it's schedule. Hell they would have trouble having a winning record playing Buffalo area High Schools. Why that team made the jump up is beyond me.

  10. OK dave I'll concede that the national titles are even, can't argue that fact. My reasoning is that it is harder for the SEC teams because from top to bottom they are much better. If you look at the non conference games it sure seems that the SEC schools don't play the Buffalo, Bowling Green, and Temples of college football. Ohio st. does play some top tier teams out of conference just like florida so I'll give them that.


    IMO the Big Ten doesn't have the same in conference or out of conference schedule on the whole as the SEC. That goes for the other conferences as well. The biggest fraud by far is ND, I hate that team.


    As much as everyone hates Jimmy Johnson he said the same last night just before kickoff, and I've been trying to tell the guys I work with this, for a long long time.


    Just so nobody considers me a homer I'll state that my favorite team is Miami. I just love watching those southern teams knock the crap out of each other. The football tradition down there is just unmatched anywhere.

  11. When was the last time Iowa and Wisconsin were any kind of national power? They have a hard time beeting the Minnesotas of the world. Michigan State always is so so. Penn St is getting better but the would get drilled by LSU, Auburn, Florida


    Arkansas is hardly at the top end of the SEC, neither is Alabama for that matter, they made it on name recognition . Wisconsin won on a last minute FG if I remember correctly.


    The two best teams the Big Ten had got waxed in the bowl games.When you look at the top dogs out of those conferences the SEC has a huge advantage.

  12. Ohio Staete will be in the hunt for the national championship every year because they play in a horrible conference. Michigan and PSU are they only decent teams and they play 1960's style football. 3 yds and a cloud of dust.


    The SEC is far superior to all the other coferences. 9 of the 12 teams made the bowls and six won, I game was played with bith teams from the SEC.


    You will never convince me that OSU was a faster team, no way.


    As far as Troy Smith, heck of an athlete and seemingly a better person, but I don't see him being much of a QB at the next level. He just doesn't have the size. He's listed at 5' 10 1/2", he'll be hard pressed to make the jump well.


    Oh and as for the SEC and OSU, they are now 0-9 against SEC teams in bowls. Nuff said.

  13. Russell will NOT be the first pick of this draft. The Raiders need a running back in the worst way and they are a lot safer of a pick than some guy who beat a terrible ND defense.


    ND can not come close to competing with the big boys of college football if for no other reason than they actually make them go to class and pass. Novel idea for a kid in college. That takes away half the top recruits in the nation. I know some guys who played college ball and it's insane what they get away with in courses they take, and they were by no means going to the football factories like Bama, LSU. the U etc.

  14. You would have hoped he would have up front to the team about his intentions but you couldn't have in case the Bama deal blows up. I don't think it would have been a very difficult decision for me. Bama offers you a contract that is 5-7 years longer for about the same amount of money and you don't have the the same win in 2 or 3 yrs or your fired mentality as in the NFL.


    Thanks Wayne but I got a better offer that you could never match. It sucks when you are passionate about your team but all it really is is a job, and you have to take a better deal when one comes your way. I don't blame him or hate him for that.

  15. First off I am a Dolphin fan, and secondly couldn't give two ***** one way or the other. I enjoy watching them but don't get to the life or death point depending on how they do. The sun will still come up in the morning is the way I look at.


    According to SI he met with the owner face to face but did contact his assts. via phone. Still unexcusable from a management decision. That and the fact they have a timeline with his quotes about not taking the job. He better hope he has sucess at Bama, he's burned alot of bridges in the NFL and in college.


    I would disagree about the disarray part. Granted lately they are treading water but a franchise that just had it's third losing season in team history is far that.


    Anyway, anybody really think that MM has a shot is very delusional. I definately can see why you would want him though, he is horrible, and I cringed when they hired him. I'm from WNY so I got to see the debacle first hand when he was with the Bills.

  16. Actually Zach Thomas is having a stellar year in the 3-4 defense. Nobody thought he would be able to play without 2 big guys in front of him but I think he leads the league in tackles. 21 according to the stats from the Bills game.


    I think in his case he just seems to be one of those guys who just seems to have a nose for the ball because he is far from the most gifted athlete at his posistion. I think some guys can just play no matter what defensive scheme you have.


    Fletcher reiminds alot of Thomas in that respect.

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