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Posts posted by DonBBnFL

  1. Defo just said he ran into Doug Flutie at the Seminole Hard Rock Casino and Flutie told him he is in town speaking with Nick Saban about the Back up QB spot. Flutie said he was informed that Culpepper might not be ready the first few games of the season. He also said he is not looking for big money and want's to play.

  2. :rolleyes:

    I am stunned! This is BS! We had the chance to bring in a proven winner and

    we settle for a loser! Nice of Marv to pick his buddy, just like TD bringing in his

    buddy MM. Maybe Sherman was too expensive for Mr. Wilson? I am quite sure

    Dick comes at a very cheap price! What a huge mistake!!!

  3. I honestly don't understand why some of you wanted a coach hired "yesterday".  Other then the Raiders, we have no competition.  People like Sherman and Haslett aren't going anywhere.  I would rather the Bills take their time and interview everyone, then hire someone because everyone else is.  I think Capers could be a GREAT coach in Buffalo.  I would also like to see the Bills bring in Haslet, Martz and Jim Bates, lets make sure they get it right this time.  Explore all options.

    I live in Wisconsin, and I honestly don't understand the love fest for Sherman.  We don't have Brett Favre on our bench ready to save the day.  Favre won so many games for him, its crazy.  Sherman shoud have had that team in the Super Bowl at least once.  Ask any Packer fan around here, and they will say that he totally blew the Philly game a couple of years ago.  He could be a good coach in Buffalo, but he isn't a savior.  If they do hire him and he brings the West Coast O, its gonna set JP back a couple of seasons, and who knows if he will ever catch on.


    They need to hire someone ASAP! The Senior Bowl is coming up and it is important to have coaches there to evaluate talent and also possibly hire assistant coaches. If we wait, the pool of quality assistants will be shortened quite a bit. I think Sherman is the right choice and he might be able to lure Bates with him to coach the defense. Dick Jauron would be a terrible mistake.

  4. 1. Change the name of the stadium to Ralph Wilson-Donahoe stadium.

    2. A secret volcano layer in the shape of his own face, where he will devise his evil plans to create a mediocre Bills team in 2006.



    TD wants a job being Santa at the mall next Christmas. Then the clown can

    brainwash all of the kids with his BS. I want Mr Wilson to be Santa this Christmas,

    and he can give everyone want they want! FIRE TD AND MM!

  5. OK People get real! I can't believe all the crying and nonsense I have heard following this blowout. People calling in saying get rid of JP and go after another QB for next season. Everyone wanted Drew Bledsoe out of here and now everyone is crying about him doing good in Dallas. Living in South Florida, I thought that the Dolphin fans were ridiculous. We got killed by a better team on the road. This was a total team loss! Yes Clements got burned for 2 tds, but for people to be calling for his head after a bad game? He has played very good this year and has made some big plays. Everyone wanted JP to be the starting QB after his performance last week and now those same people want him gone. The guy who should be gone is Josh Reed. This guy has proven for years that he can't catch the ball. Roscoe Parrish should be in there! He is a playmaker, look at what he did on special teams today.

  6. #94 should get a game ball.

    #21 should get a game ball.

    #20 played tough.

    #97 played tough.

    #36 should retire.

    #10 should sit.

    Coaches did a good job, but Holcomb is not much better in finding secondary receivers than JP.  BTW, if your QB is going to watch his primary receiver from the snap, run some 'pump and goes'.  Samuels would have bit big time, cause they were all letting Holcomb tell them where he was going with it.


    Game Balls should go to the Replay Ref, Suzy love me some Bruschi and ESPN you all got what you wanted, A patriots win.

  7. So you think they should've overturned it, even though the ball and its relation to the ground were blocked by Branch's arm?


    Why?  Just 'cause?


    I'm not saying it didn't hit the ground - it may have.  But the view was not conclusive either way.



    It was pretty damn conclusive to me! The Ball touched the ground before he had control of it!

  8. Who gives a s**t about that interview at a crucial time in that game. I CANNOT believe they friggin did that picture in picture crap. And Suzy Kolbers lame ass story when Schobel forced that Brady fumble was a joke. SHE KEPT ON TALKING!! Un-freaking-believeable!!



    ESPN SUCKS! That replay call was BS, Ball hit the ground! NFL and ESPN get their wish with a Patriots win on Bruschi Night!

  9. I Have never seen such BS in my life! Everyone knows that ball touched the ground before it was ever under controll by the receiver. That play swung the door open for the Patriots. Holcomb you flat out Stink! What was that 4th down garbage? Mr clutch when the game is on the line! You blew it Kelly!

    Time to go to Losman, a least the kid has heart!

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