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Posts posted by patfitz

  1. The Bills attempted to get a proven staring tackle in free agency and fell short. Then waited until round 3 to draft Miller who seems undersized and is raw to be an immediate starter. Koundjo really needs to step it up and there is not much to go by other than hope and Henderson lareaduy seems to be in the dog house. If the Bills are going to pound the rock than Whaley really needs to step up and go for Mathis or some other FA and stop trying to plug in retreads. With Williams back surgery and his reputation for being hurt there is not much starting or even backup depth to pave the way fro Shady and company. If we are going to open holes for the running game we need to get a proven tackle besides Cordy Glenn and another guard before it is too late.

  2. Seems that the Bills braintrust gets overly seduced by speed and let's this obsession cloud their draft decision-making. We can look at former first round pick Leo McKelvin who had and has great speed and may ironically be replaced with the latest speed acquisition, another guy touted as having world class speed but average to below average hands and has a hard time matching up with taller and more physical receivers. Sounds like Leo version 2 to me. Than we have (had) TJ Graham another speedster that the Bills overreached for an passed up Russell Wilson in the process. Where is TJ today? And let us not forget the "forgotten man" Marcus Goodwin, another track star that is essentially a no show getting hurt too frequently to make a difference. Of course another fist round pick, CJ Spiller was fast but that didn't last. So perhaps the Bills brass should slow it down and take a slower but more well rounded football player. Few track stars make it in the NFL maybe every 50 years we have a Bob" the bullet" yes (a personal favorite) and although they say speed can't be coached it also doesn't guarantee it won't turn out to be more than an illusion especially s to actually making plays.

  3. Since the Peguls owns Bills and Sabres and instructs Whaley to draft McDavid in round 7 or whatever. He signs with the Bills before the NHL draft. Edmonton passes and the Sabres draft McDavid. The Bills release him and he signs wtih the Sabres. Easy fix! This happens sometimes with n Baseball and Football athletes why not Hockey and Football. Besides Ihjear McDavid can play inside LB if necessary.

  4. Marrone wanted guarantee's he wasn't going to be canned this season knowing someone, Polian or whomever would be coming onboard as football czar and Pegula rightfully so didn't make any promises, so he takes the "high road" and cashes in but in reality he was going to get paid anyway for 2015. So it is a "win win" for PEgula, Polian and Marrone. His reputation remains intact, neither Pegula or Polian have to play the heavy handed role. Only rest of coaching staff is negatively affected. Works out for everyone as if it were planned. No Doug isn't that smart but Pegula is ask BonJovi!!!!

  5. With newcomer Marqueis Gray and Sammy Watkins both lined up on offense it reminded me of the fab duo, Rob and Fab (akMilli Vanilli).Unfortunately with Sammy's play this season it seems to be "All or Nothing" especially in the past three games when he is getting double or triple coverage. The primary beneficiary up to this point has been Robert Woods but he needs to grow his hair to be in the group.

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