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Posts posted by BenchBledsoe

  1. Dude please stop pulling about team stats from one year to determine absolutes about coaches. Especailly in a year where everybody knew from the beginning of the season that it was likely the head coach was gone after. Trying to use this one season, this season especially to judge Roman is completely ridiculous and flawed.

    Flawed? What? This year doesn't count? Gimme a break. Roman's team's offensive numbers over his four years in SF say he was coaching an average to slightly above (not this year) average offense. It's okay dude. You aren't going to convince me otherwise. The numbers are the numbers. I looked them up. They're pretty average. I'll look at the numbers rather than listen to your personal opinion. But it's cool. Don't sweat it.

  2. So because we didn't get Shannahan or Kubiak (who is turning down interviews to stay as Baltimore OC) the Rex signing is a failure? Also San Fran made it to all those big games because of their defense in a league where defense can only take you so far? It's funny that you say their defense carried them because in the year they went to the Super Bowl they beat Green Bay in the divisional round 45-31, then Atlanta in the NFC Championship 28-24, while losing the Super Bowl 34-31. Without a doubt that is all defense right there. The offense had nothing to do with the team averaging 35 points per game in the playoffs that year, nothing at all.

    Elway is looking at bringing back his buddy Kubiak to coach Denver. I live in Denver and it's all over the news here. It could happen. Kubiak said he wouldn't leave Baltimore. But if he gets offered the gig in Denver, you think he's going to turn it down? It's the one job he might go back on his words for.


    Yep, we all know it's been the offense in San Fran and not the defense that has carried them the last few years . . . come on man.

  3. So you would have been happy with Norv Turner as the Head Coach because he is an "offensive guy"? This notion that when hiring a head coach you should always go with a guy on the side of the ball you were weaker on is complete garbage. Also what SF games are you talking about? The playoff games over the last 3 season including the 3 conference championships and the Super Bowl where they were one play away from winning? Are those the SF games you are talking about?

    Yet again the completely ridiculous concept that your new head coach has to come from the side of the ball you are weaker on.

    Did I say anything about Norv Turner? I said Shannahan and Kubiak. Baltimore's running game was bottom 5 in 2013 without Kubiak and once he gets there, Justin freakin' Forsett averages 5 and a half per carry. If we wanted to fix the running game Kubiak was the answer. Remember when Denver would plug in any RB and they'd just keep on leading the league in rushing?


    San Francisco made it to all of those big games based on their defense, not their offense. They have no rings lately because the offense wasn't good enough.


    In our case, when the defense is good as it is, I think they should have brought in an offensive minded coach and left the defense alone. Who says bringing in a coach on the side of the ball that is weaker is a ridiculous concept? You?? What makes you an expert?

    Also enough with the point that our offense was bad so we should have gone with an offensive minded guy. People who say this must be casual fans.

    The converse of this is that if you have a bad offense you need to bring in a defensive minded guy. . . What kind of logic is that??

  4. I agree completely with the OP. Bringing in Rex, and going back to the defensive scheme of 2013, and letting Schwartz walk is a step-backwards. Period. The proof is that our defense was much better in 2014 than 2013. Moving Dareus to DE or NT is not his strength. The 4-3 fits our personnel better. Mario now will have to basically play OLB, which he is on record as saying he doesn't like.


    I'm stunned at the overwhelming percentage of posters who like this hire. Logic says it is backwards. We took our strength (defense) and changed it, and didn't address our offensive weakness nearly enough. Those who think Roman is a savior must not have watched SF games much.


    Mike Shannahan or Gary Kubiak would have supplied instant ground game improvement, along with keeping Schwartz and the defense the same, would have made more logical sense.


    A "flashy" hire that doesn't address your biggest weakness, just because a guy makes for an entertaining interview, is ridiculous.

  5. Just say no to Quinn. I could have coached the Seattle defense and they'd have been good. He would remove Schwartz, and who knows? The defense could take a step backwards. Not to mention we'd be at the mercy of who he'd be able to convince to come in and run the offense. I doubt a high-caliber coach would take the Buffalo OC job under a first-time rookie HC.

  6. The people thinking this was a bad move really don't know football. They must be the casual fan-types. Stevie had good short area quickness and okay hands and was tough. But, he had key drops, lacked any speed, had no downfield game, had absolutely no RAC ability (run after catch, for you casual fan-types). SJ was no threat so him being out there would allow other teams to feel real good about stacking the box.


    His loss is addition by subtraction. Him playing would simply have been wasting valuable playing time for young speedster/playmakers.

  7. We have tremendously upgraded our WR core. I can't ever remember a draft when the Bills added so much potential at one position as at WR in the last couple of days.


    I'm so glad we don't have to watch Fitz throw a 7 yarder to Stevie, and watch Stevie slide down . . . on 3rd and 9!

  8. I've been a Bills fan for many years. Sadly, these last few years I've asked myself what the point is to get worked up about this team.


    The NFL is such a QB driven league these days that you almost have to have a top-flight QB to have any real shot at winning a Superbowl. If we go with Fitz, it just doesn't seem like we have any real legitimate shot at the ultimate prize . . . so why go that route? This team will always be average (maybe slightly above or below) with Fitz. It just doesn't make sense in the ultimate sense.


    I know the 2000 Ravens and 2002 Bucs won Superbowls. But they had unbelievable defenses, and, maybe in the case of the Ravens, the best ever. BUT, even those championships were won in a different era. The game is very different now than even 8-10 yrs ago.


    The Bills are treading water with Fitz. If they stick with him, for us fans it will be like the proverbial banging your head against the wall. They must at least try to find a top-flight QB. . . if they don't then what's the point?

  9. I live in Colorado and went to a sports bar today. When folks at the bar discovered I was a Bills fan, they just kind of gave me that sideways look, like, hmmmm, I feel sorry for you dude. A bartender asked me what my team was. i told him I was a Bills fan and that it was going to be a looong year. He replied, and this is no lie, "It's been a long decade sir . . . "


    After that junk in the first half, I simply turned my chair around, and put my back to the screen showing my hometown team. I couldn't stomach it any more.


    I thought to myself, this team would get lit up by Detroit. Cleveland looks better, St. Louis looks much better. Then, I thought, even the 0-16 Detroit team of a couple of years ago didn't look like this. The Bills horrific teams of the 70s and mid 80s didn't look like this either. It then dawned on me: This is the worst team I have ever seen in 30 years of watching football. There's no getting around it any further.


    Can we please fast forward, like with an Adam Sandler remote control in "Click" to April and get our #1 overall pick? This junk is making me sick, and getting downright embarrassing to any fan and the city of Buffalo. Ralph Wilson hasn't had a clue his whole life on how to run an NFL franchise. The great Superbowl teams were a fluke. It was dumb luck and having Bill Polian to run the show. It was like the old tale of: if you have a monkey banging away at a keyboard infinitely, eventually the monkey will play Beethoven compositions.


    This IS the worst team I have ever seen, period.

  10. The entire fan base knew that Trent was not the answer. The media kept harping on it all off season long. . . especially the national media. So, why couldn't our own coaching staff see that too? It was painfully obvious. But, I guess our decision makers didn't see the obvious.


    This off season, what does our brilliant braintrust do? Sign exactly no veteran QBs to at least compete for job. And, wait until the 7th round to draft a QB in the draft.


    I suggested signing Daunte Culpepper on this board in the off season. I got ripped on here so bad that it was almost funny. Now, I ask you, in your heart of hearts, could Daunte Culpepper really be any worse than the atrocity we witnessed at QB today?? Other than the prevent defense TD drive late in the game, Trent had about 60 yds passing. Culpepper could not possibly be any worse. He would have to be an upgrade based on the simple fact that he'd throw the ball beyond the line of scrimmage once in awhile.


    I have to say, today I watched maybe one of the most disgusting offenses I've ever seen. The had about 80 total yards until the late prevent defense TD drive.


    This brings up this painful reality: You basically are only as good as your players. And we don't have many good ones. This is a 2-14 to maybe 4-12 type team. Guess we need to accept it.

  11. Okay, I'll start:


    Here's my cut wish list:

    Chris Kelsay

    Keith Ellison

    Ryan Fitzpatrick


    They must step up or go as well:

    Chris Ellis

    James Hardy

    John McCargo

    Ashton Youboty

    Kirk Chambers

    Beastmode (trade hopefully)


    Must step up but obviously staying:

    Aaron Maybin (makes me cringe every time I watch Orakpo play)

    Trent Edwards


    What say you??

  12. Rotoworld is reporting what several media outlets in Denver are suggesting: That Kyle Orton is on the trading block. This due to McDaniels man love for Tebow and Brady Quinn has looked very sharp, and reportedly is pushing for the starting job. Also, the Broncos are high on last year's draft pick Tom Brandstater. They have four QBs on their roster now, and clearly will carry only three.


    I'd be mildly interested in seeing what the price tag is for Orton. A 5th or lower next year, and that might make sense for us. Also, if Brandstater is released in the preseason, he is seemingly worth a long look, from the little that I know about him.

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