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Posts posted by BILLS02138

  1. Seahawks stadium looks sick. I want ours to look much like that. Just looking at it I feel intimidated. Lmao


    Agreed - big fan of the Seahawks stadium. I was out in Seattle a couple months ago and stayed down the street from that stadium. I truly appreciate how the stadium interfaces right into the city - into a very cool district - similar to Cobblstone/Chippewa area. The bars and restaurants were buzzing and CRAZY throughout the entire game day. I had a blast.


    Most NFL domes look like they found an abandoned airplane hanger, strung up some cheap fluorescent strip lights, and put down some of that cheap green outdoor carpet you can buy at Home Depot.



    Agreed. People point to Ford Field or Lucas Oil domes - and they look like airplane hangers. That look just reinforces our rust belt image.




    I am not adverse to dome but I want it to be architecturally stimulating - pushing the envelope of what is typical Buffalo:






    And if we go with an outdoor stadium - please do not replicate the Steelers or Patriots stadiums - go with something like the Bronco's stadium:





  3. Jets are already expecting Rex/Bills to be so overly hyped and charged this week that the Bills beat themselves with stupid penalities.


    I hope Rex learned a lot from the week leading up to the Patriots game. Rex talked too much in the public. His players talked too much before the game. Patriots did their thing - didn't say word all week - and took it out on the Bills on the field.


    The Giants did the same thing...


    Rex - keep focused - keep quiet - and coach.





    The Kraft family made the best of it given the stadium is 30+ miles south of Boston and 25 miles north of Providence - but the stadium and its location just contributes to sprawl. In additon, Patriot Place is a complete clusterfuk - it was poorly designed - basically outdoor malls and plaza with stores and restuarants you can find anywhere in Buffalo Niagara.


    Local Boston radion personalities here in New England often make fun of Ralph Wilson Stadium as they claim there is only one road in and out. I can't help but laugh considering Gillette literally sits on Route 1 - and there is only ONE direction in or out...


    I love the idea of the Pegula's building a stadium in Buffalo. I just hope they don't pick the same designers of HarborCenter. That place is an architectural $hitshow...

  5. The problem with sexuality has nothing to do with football. Nothing to do with marriage. But everything to do with the fact that sexuality is like a pendulum. Very few people on this planet are 100% straight and 100% gay.


    Most of you will deny it but at some point - you may have had curiosities - tendencies - man crushes - you may have used alcohol as an excuse why you may have accidentally "played" with your buddy that one time in college or grade school...


    You would not believe how many people in this society go both ways - but identify as straight and gay. The numbers are so high - that is the reason why it creates such tension and instability in politics, religion and society.


    Do you know how many married str8 men play with other men and straight married women play with other women (which in society, is ok, as long as they are drop dead gorgeous, right)? Check out your local craigslist or adult friend finder sites - the numbers are there. Sexuality will never go away - as long as the straight society continues to act like its a choice when the funny thing - you never wake up one day and decide to be str8 or had any question about it? It's not a switch.


    We have done experiments on OKCupid - Match.com and Christianmingles websites - we created straight and bi test profiles on these sites - and then took the opportunity to hit on other straight guys. The numbers are alarming as the number of men who have responded favorably to our solicitations. Not all men - but a day wouldn't go by where at least 5-8 straight guys would either hit up our profiles or respond favorably to ours.


    Common responses:


    "Although I am straight, I do have bi curious tendencies..."

    "I'd be willing to play with another man as long as a woman is present in bed..."

    "I am definitely bi but can never actually go through with it..."

    "Catch me when I'm drunk and I'll play with you in a heartbeat..."


    That folks - is the reason why this topic - which is nothing more than being freaking HUMAN - is nothing more than a joke because humanity is so insecure with itself.


    If you have create a law that hurts a limited number of people just to prove your morals or faith, you have no true morals or faith to prove.

  6. The olympics almost never make money, and usually end up costing the host cities money. Its such a waste of time and money to have them because its all about "the spectacle" and trying to one up the last games. A bunch of venues get built and then hardly used again when the 2 weeks are up


    Chances are, the Canadian, Ontario, and Toronto government will not be willing to build a new Football stadium in Toronto (the Canadian Government has already told other cities like Quebec City, and Edmonton that they will not pay to build them new arenas because then they would have to do that for everyone that wants one), bu just because they won't make a bid for the Olympic Games, doesn't mean they won't help get an NFL team to the City. The NFL makes money (LOTS), the olympics are considered a success if the host city comes close to breaking even afterwards


    You're right... but the fact that they won't be building something for the Olympics helps OUR cause just a tiny bit.

  7. (Rant incited by his bastardly 401k and pension stunt)


    He just never fails to prove everyone right about how miserably cheap he is, and how counterproductive his actions are. I don't even say he has lost touch with the game anymore because that would insinuate that he ever had a clue in the first place. Our beloved Bills franchise is peppered with countless acts of stupidity that can be directly blamed on Ralph. Don't kid yourselves that he is anything more than a greedy owner.


    His actions to help pioneer the AFL in the early days were his best contributions to the game, and they are well deserved, but they are also acts of a man protecting his investment at the time, and while I will always applaud him for those efforts, I am now ready for him to own up to his mess, stop trying to convince the world that NFL football is not economically viable in Buffalo, and allow a new owner with a passion for our city, and winning come in and get this dismal franchise back on track.


    Look back at all the decisions he has made throughout the team's 50+ year history and try to not make any excuses for him while analyzing his decisions, and just see if it doesn't look like he was intentionally trying to fail. It's a business, I get it, you're in it to make money, yippee for you... and you(Ralph) have done that year in and year out without fail, but in the grand scheme of things, your decisions have produced only 17 out of a possible 51 playoff teams, and really 10 of those are due to Bill Polian, it becomes crystal clear that the bottom line and margin of profit are the only real concerns.


    Margin of profits have given us the fans this blasphemous abomination I call the Toronto series. I guess 50k plus season ticket sales, record setting merchandise sales for sub par talent and lousy jersey designs weren't enough for us to take as fans, He had to give away one home game, just to cram his point down the world's throats that Buffalo needs that to survive. Sorry folks, WNY may not be Dallas or Miami(Thank Jesus in Heaven for that), this team has plenty of fan support, and a very large area in which to rely on to remain viable for decades to come, don't let ralphie pooh trick you that it's not.


    I love this team and pray that we as fans get rewarded with a new owner in the mold of Terry Pegula, the city of Buffalo deserves it more than any other in the country, 50+ years of threats of moving and miserable decisions is about enough.


    My rant, feel free to comment, bash, agree or post whatever you like, whether deserved or not, Ralph had this coming...



    OHHH yes, and to punch just one more black eye to the faces of thousands of Bills fans everywhere, change the uniforms to something OTHER THAN the massively popular throwbacks that look timelessly classy to the butt-ugly, loserly 70's post Simpson era fodder. Thanks again.... seriously.... is this team a secret reality show?


    It's business; not a charity. Get over it. These coaches are not hurting.

  8. Living in San Diego I am telling you that this new Chargers stadium will not happen! The city of SD is broke, they are behind funding the workers pentions, the State also known as the Peoples Republic of California is also busted. They are building a stadium in the City of Industry and it will be interesting to see who finally moves into it? Since the Chargers originally started in LA in 1960 there is no need to change the name, if the Bills end up there, my bet is that they leave the intellectual property (the Bills Name) in Buffalo just like the what happened in Cleveland when the bolted to Baltimore. The only difference here is that Buffalo would never get an expansion franchise. Correct me if I am wrong but dioesn't the Bills lease end in 2012 at the Ralph? Just happens to be exactly the time the stadium in City of Industry is to be completed, what a coincidence? The plot thickens stay tuned! :blink:


    Roski won't start building until he strikes a deal with an existing franchise to move there (Industry/LA). Once he breaks ground; then we have something to worry about.


    In the meantime, the Chargers can continue to pressure San Diego to find money they don't have and the Bills will continue to nurture its growing relationship with Toronto.


    Go Bills

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