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Tucson Ed

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Posts posted by Tucson Ed

  1. I was the Manager of Labor Relations for one of the largest company's in the U.S. Regarding the GM/Ford issue it is so obvious that weak management was the reason these companies are in the shape they are in. Failure to stand up to the unions in negotiations are pitiful in the area of health care. No solvent company pays the type of health care benefits GM/Ford does. Sound benefits management has workers participating in medical contributions and deductibles. Anyone who has fully paid medical and no or small deductibles are going to have employees who abuse the medical program with runaway costs....it's just a fact of life.


    GM/Ford had no guts to take on the unions on this issue years ago and are paying dearly for it....the UAW can B word all they want, but NOBODY in industry has the medical coverages they do and stay in business.

  2. To buftex: If the arbitrator acted against the CBA, the Unions recourse is to file a lawsuit, not fire him as an arbitrator. This is a grandstand move by Upshaw to make it seem like it is representing their Union member....if they really had a case, they would file the lawsuit. Unions have this horrible PR need to represent A-holes and not put them in their place. This is why Unions are becoming extinct in the world...don't do the right thing vs representing every jerk who comes down the pike. They are afraid of being sued by their own a-holes for failure to represent...sad state of affairs.

  3. JayBaller: you are clearly uninformed to be making such a suggestion. The American public has this idiotic, irrational opinion that they should be paying $1.50/gallon for gasoline in 2005 when adjusted for inflation gasoline should be about $2.90/gallon. I have no respect for people who drive 15 miles out of thier way to save 2 cents a gallon and then walk into the convenience store and pay over $4.00/gallon for bottled water!!! And then complain about the price of gas...compare the cost of drilling for crude oil vs water!! When gas guzzling SUV's no longer are on the road and people really start putting their actions where their mouth is, then we can have an intelligent discussion. Europe taxes the crap out of gasoline so people conserve. In the U.S. approximately 40% of the price of a gallon of gasoline is fed,state and local taxes. Get your facts correct before you are spouting off recommendations.

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