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Posts posted by have|blue

  1. The overall talent in the NFL has gone down and with the talent being spread out over so many teams there are going to be more bad players starting in the NFL.  Just look at the Bills offensive line.  They are a prime example of why there are so many penalties in the NFL.



    If this was a discussion about Major League Baseball (or the NBA) I might agree with you, as it seems that is always a reason given for that lack of pitching in that game. Expansion being the big culprit. I never agreed with that excuse. There are so many feeder pools for the game: US colleges, Dominical Republic, Japan. I find it hard to believe that in all of the world there aren't enough resources to support the baseball talent market. I've always thought that, for many years now, more and more kids just don't care about baseball. For the NBA, that game has way too much youth and inexperience because of early decarations for the draft.


    So for football what has caused a dilution of talent? There hasn't been expansion. Salary cap? That shouldn't dilute overall talent in the league -- the best are still going to play at the highest level. And there are a LOT of kids trying to make the NFL. I just don't think talent in the NFL has gone down.

  2. It's too bad an interesting topic got hijacked by this infantile exchange. Keep it to yourselves, fellas and use that PM button.


    As for the original topic, I too thought this as I watched. I wonder if there are stats to back up that there seem to be both more penalties and fewer interceptions because of the rules. Even if not, it seems games are a little less exciting and a lot more drawn out now.

  3. I read that, as with all the Parker/Stone South Park stuff, the film shows both sides. It points out the brashness of USA, while showing the spirit of America. Freedom is good, we just go about it, um, oddly. It bashes Republicans and Democrats alike, but the article I read (US News & WR) said that the Republicans seem to come out ahead in the end.


    The movie is supposed to be out in a month. They're still shooting and editing!! They didn't plan on marionettes being so difficult to work with.


    I'm really looking forward to this one.


    Oh yeah. There was one controversy in that they wanted to show an explicit sex scene, featuring of course, two marionettes. MPAA doesn't like it, so that'll probably only make the DVD.

  4. They are going to change helmets so that Drew can spot his receivers more quickly while he is lying flat on his back.


    The design submitted by BILLS4EVER is apparently the leading candidate.  :D



    Where might one see this design? It seems the search function is temporarily turned off.

  5. hank talking to coworker making fun of geeky new guy:


    hank: who do you have going to the super bowl? the BLANK or the BLANK. (just pick 2 sucky teams and insert in to blank, i cant remmeber the exact teams).


    hank and coworker lauph.


    newguy: haha, very funny guys, but i like the Bills.


    hank and the coworker just DIED LAUPHING. 

    at first i was like WTF, but then it was kind of funny, since they love the cowboys on that show.



    That's kinda funny. But funnier to me is that it seems you believe that LAUGH is spelled with a P.

  6. im not saying we are better a better team


    Im not saying they are better than us, im makin the comment on how high they do rank



    Sounds like a 'wish-I-could-change-that-subject' post to me. :rolleyes:


    You totally thought that 1) The Bills should be ranked higher, and 2) that people would support you on that. Didn't work that way. :o


    Oh, well, it happens :w00t:

  7. I spent a summer on the Kenai peninsula, and it's unbelieveable. I've been all over the country, and nothing compares to beauty (and scale) of Alaskan scenery. And I loved that the sun sets at midnight and rises at 5am.


    But Fezmid is right -- stuff is pricey there. And don't forget the mosquitos...


    Great pics, Fezmid.

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