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Posts posted by JRT

  1. Boy, I remember getting hammered in both of those places! Spinning the wheel at Cassidy's. A lot of times, the bartender would nudge it to Freddie's Special! Everyone drinking a pitcher of mixed drinks. Good times!


    As far as 10 cent shots, I remember the Masthead near Buff State. They had 10 shots for a buck of schnapps, amoretto, etc. A couple of bucks went a long way back then! :thumbsup:


    I worked there for almost 2 years and I never saw the wheel land oon anything but Freddies special

  2. I lost many a brain cell there, thanks to those $2 pitchers of Ice Picks. I had some grat times there. I think I actually cried when Jewish lightening hit. But now it's time for ......... FREDDY's SPECIAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



    Every Bar in town played Burnin Down the House. A truly sad day...I miss Andy.

  3. I agree with everything you said, however I've changed my stance from that position. The reason is because the strategy we were supposed to win with has completely gone awry. We were supposed to be a smash mouth team on offense, running the ball down opponents throats. Our defense was supposed to play lights out, get turnovers, and occasionally even score. In this environment, JP could have time to adapt to the speed of the game and improve, while at the same time not sacrificing our wins. Well, we're now 1-3. The strategy isn't working (through no fault of Willis', I might add). We need to make sure that we don't screw up our chances at the playoffs just to get JP experience. There is too much talent on this team to just let this season be about JP. If he wins the next two and gets us back to .500, then I say he bought himself more time. Otherwise, put Holcomb in there and lets see where this team can go.


    I don't think Holcom has faired any better than JP at this point. Let the kid learn and give the ball to McGahee.

  4. A couple posts here have brought out something that I think is just as critical (if not more so) than the behavior of coaches and parents - that being the actual organization which runs the league and presides over the teams and coaches and participants.  There is no replacement for an excellently run organization which recognizes some of the 'pitfalls' of youth sports and tries to address them through rules etc.  I coach basketball in two different town leagues - one is much more organized than the other and makes the job of the coach much easier by being very explicit in what is allowed and what the expectations are for all involved.


    Specific to your case - I also help coach my son's football team - the teams are purposely kept small (less than 20) and the rule is every player has a starting position - either on offense and/or defense .  It works out great.


    That is my point we have a small enough team to let every kid play almost half the time. By not having kids play both sides of the ball the kids actually will learn thier positions better and if they want they can change them up.


    They would also benifi from being able to scrimmage in practice which we do not. The other night I noticed that they were working on thier Red defense which is the #1 unit and one of the assistant coaches was actually playing QB because both the QB's are on the starting D. It is very frustrating watching practice.

  5. :lol:

    I have to admit that I am on the other side of this thread.


    My son decided to play football this year and there are only 27 kids on the team. The kids are 8-10 and have never played a down.


    The coach tells the parents that the amount of play time will depend on how many practices they make and how hard they work. However from the second day of practice he picks his 10 favorite players and has them not only playing both sides of the ball but also special teams. This is a 105lb team and the talent level from top to bottom is not that different.


    I am all for playing your best players but the chosen ones get all the work even in practice. While the other 15 or so kids do nothing. If he had set 11 on offense and 11 on defense all of the kids would have the same play time and would learn a position much better. A lot of the fringe kids, my son included are actually better than some of the starters but don't get noticed because the coach is focused on his a players.


    Last night they ended practice with a sumo wrestling contest and my son threw 5 kids straight out of the ring and it was the first time in 4 weeks that anyone noticed he can hit.

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