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Posts posted by hoser12

  1. Let's ask Commom Opponent who is better.


    Florida 24 Vanderbilt 19 squeaker that Vandy should have one.


    Michigan 27 Vanderbilt 7 no contest MICH scrubs in dor 4th quarter.


    Rematch Time on real field not one with ripped up grass like at Foxboro and Michigan safeties healthy.


    Go Blue!


    Go Bills beat the Bolts! Shut down LT and Rivers will challenge corners. When that happens Nate/Terrence pick 6 all the way to the win.

  2. Losman has been in shackles. He looks afraid to take off to run and part of it is coaching but hell he is 220 lbs and faster than most linebackers he should be scrambling for 3 or 4 first downs a game instead of none. No one can argue with this. Hell even Brady and Delhomme slow qbs are getting that done and it takes a lot of pressure off of the line and WRs when this happens. Houston D is a stupid pick up this week have they ever played 2 good games in a row. Bills will be ready and Bills D is pretty good play if you ask me.

  3. Bears will be taking Bills team for granted. This is a revenge game for Jauron. Bills set up some deep balls this week by running 10 yard routes all day so next week the big one will get popped early. If Whitner or Clements can get a pick early this could be a game. If Bills get down like Seahawks change the channel and watch next week when Bills get to play sorry Lions team on the road. JP looks damn good he could be due for a coming out game.

  4. steelers 28 felons 17

    seahawks 35 lidogs 16

    panthers 24 falcons 17

    rams 24 broncos 21

    eagles 31 texans 13

    saints 17 browns 13

    packers 17 bears 13

    jags 20 cowgirls 17

    ravens 13 bucs 10

    chiefs 34 bengals 31

    bills 27 patsies 21

    colts 31 gmen 24

    jets 13 titans 10

    cardinals 31 niners 20

    vikings 21 redskins 17

    chargers 24 raiders 20

  5. I hope Marv prints this up and puts it on the bulletin board for all to see. Last year TKO going down was the difference in stopping the run plus letting Williams go for nothing. We have 3 new def tackles and TKO will be back so run D will improve. Division opponents are nothing to be afraid of any more as the Patsies have let many of the good players leave and are not the elite team of the AFC any more. Don't forget the dolfelons were 3 and 6 when Eric Moulds and Malarkey lost the game by putting their heads up the rumps in Miami. Did anyone see Culpepper last year before he blew up his knee -- he SUCKED!!! The Vikings won without him and if you think Joey Harrington can lead the fish anywhere check out the Lions record. The Jets are a question mark with a rag arm QB and a washed up guy from Washington that was given a starting job like Losman and messed it up. THe key is Losman - if he can lead us to 3 scoring drives out of 9 this team will win 10 games. (remember the BIlls had a lead in New England late in the 4th quarter so this team can compete). THese predictions should fuel the coaching staff to get the players riled up and I can see a big turnaround this year. Brady Quinn get your bags packed for Frisco or maybe Detroit because you will not be coming to Buffalo any time soon.

  6. Ohio State had a good D and their safety was the top safety rated in many mags. Cleveland, Detroit and Baltimore all could have picked him. What would you rather have a 330 pound lineman that plays half the downs or a guy who will start from day 1 for 5 years - also maybe our franchise tag Clements sticks around longer because he is a buckeye too.



    Then everyone complaining that we didn't get a DT early complains that we picked another DT (too early again instead of waiting). This was the 3rd rated DT in many mags and should fit in quickly.


    So our needs were OT, DT and SS = we have 2 of the 3 covered unlike last year where the Bills picked a WR and TE that we didn't need. We should be happy as clams.


    Remember Marv got the Bills to 4 straight superbowls we have to show him some props and have faith instead of thinking the sky is falling. Who really thought back then that 4th rounder Andre Reed was a good pick or Carlton Bailey or Talley or Jeff Wright. He showed a knack for finding the right players and we need to trust him to get us back into the playoffs!

  7. Post raises the great question of why the OC would keep running threat on the sideline down 4 with 3 minutes left in the game. Would LT, Tiki or Larry Johnson be taken out in the last 5 minutes ever? NO!!! Heck even to keep McGahee in so the linebackers have to stay home instead of breaking up one of our patented slant or IN routes that are the only routes #10 can complete because he has a rag arm. I agree Willis should have gotten 30 carries - if he had it a few more times Bills would have won and for that matter could have won in Miami or Foxboro...

  8. It isn't right that Tampa has never had to play in buffalo and the Bills had to go play in that 100 heat yesterday - did you see sam adams sucking wind man it looked hot. All I can hope is that in 4 years tampa gets scheduled into Buffalo in December and I will make the trip to hound them hard. Same thing with Miami they end up here in October now 2 years in a row.

  9. you are so right - I grew up in Buffalo and have lived in a detroit suburb since I went to U of M in ann arbor in 1990. these people think detroit is rosy but in buffalo there is more snow and beer is onlu $12 for a 30 pack (consumers beverages) vs here it is $18 plus they play football here in a dome like a bunch of wussbags - I go home every year for a december game in the snow - you should listen to a wings game and hear them whine about having only a $75million payroll when the sabres is $27million and the next day the tigers broadcast whines about Yankees having a $200million payroll buying all the best players - bunch of maroons no doubt

  10. Anyone yahoo ride a bike especially when guys are handing you water as you go. Who can make 6 threes in a finals game and make more than 70% of the clutch shots when everyone knows you are getting the ball? who can score 50 goals in a season? Lance is not even in the top 10.



    Jim Brown

    Bobby Boucher

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