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Posts posted by unpaid_bills34

  1. We just need some solid LBs who can tackle and stop the run. Our division has some really tough TE matchups. I like our DL I would like to see a stud LB in the draft and 1-2 solid FA leaders. Barnett was beaten down last season but he and Wilson were the leaders I don't see others stepping up is all

  2. the discussion probably went something like this


    Raplh: Well boys sounds good, lets get this deal done. Send this in aaaaa Russ.


    Russ: Did you say "send the contract on a Bus"?


    Ralph: Eh? (sounds like Yeah)


    Russ: Looks puzzled - but then the lightbulb goes on


    Russ: Aren't you going back to Detroit tonight Raplh?


    Ralph: Yes sure am son


    Russ: Why dont you just take the trade offer.conttract and drop it off on your way, the price of paper has gone up and we can save a little.


    Ralph: Now thats the kind of spirit I am lookin for!

  3. This is just another slap in the face to the Bills fans, for all we have endured over the years. To take away a home game in December against an AFC East rival when we need all the wins (and advantages) we can get. I understand the Bills play in a small market but so do the Titans, Panthers, Packers, etc. The whole organization is a mess from front office, coaches, players. I dont know what the answer is. It would be nice to have a HC with some personality and emotion. I honestly dont think they will get a top name guy to come in here (like Cowher) why in the world would he want to work for this organization. With all the pressures, long hours, etc. go to an organization that actually seems to care.


    This team plays with NO EMOTION whatsoever. You would think with all the talent at this level eventually someone would step up -- bit its more of the same. The whole organization needs yet another overhaul top to bottom I guess.

  4. I will be rooting on the Bills to run the table. The problem i see is overall confidence of the team - they just dont have the playmakers to step up when they need a play against a good team. The coaching staff lack of adjustments (ie against the cover 2, 3-4 different looks) they have not been able to make the right adjustments to average at best (or worst Def like SF, Cle, etc.)


    The health of Trent also is crucial if he cant go we have no shot. They need to come out this week against the Dolphins are played some inspired ball. All the players say they dont listen to the media and fans, but you have to be kidding yourself after getting off to such a good start 5-1 that they are not confident and are pointing fingers at coaches, players, etc.


    It really makes you appreciate how competitive the NFL is besides a few teams the rest of the league is pretty even. There is so much talent it really comes down to gameplan, confidence, and attitude. The Bills at this point are lacking in all 3. I hope they have enough pride and gas in the tank to put a little run together.


    Lets Go Bills

  5. You know the worst part. As frustrated as most of the fans are right now, we will all be back next week and watch. The addiction of NFL football is too much -- The Bills have given us hope, seem to get no breaks when they need them, have and rip our hearts out.


    We need a HC with some fire, innovation. The players take on the personality of the HC and he has none. He stands on the sdieline like a mute. Where are the leaders of the team. Say what you want about guys like Mike Singeltary, Ditka, etc. they get the players fired up speak there mind.


    I coach my sons pop warner team and by no means am saying the same thing, BUT at least attempt something different. A reverse, Slant or Deep Ball to Evans. How about if no confidence in Edwards put in Losman, Jauron chooses to run Wildcat. When your QB has ZERO confidence how about trying some plays that will actually give him some - - run 3 times at the end of the game with a timeout, to kick a long FG into the wind.


    Grow some nads Jauron - say something, better yet actually do something to get the troops fired up afterall its YOUR job!!

  6. The thing that really got me was no attempts to even throw the ball down the field. The Browns all year have been getting deep. We have two of the fastest players in the NFL in Evans and Parrish, the tallest receiver in the league Hardy. Reed gets ZERO looks. Unbelievable. Here is a genious play how about a screen or slant to Evans, maybe a reverse. Yes he was double teamed most of the night but at least try to get the ball to him. Finally they get the running game going but it actually made us a one-dimentional team.


    The end of the game management was pittiful. You have to take the approach to win the game. 3rd down with the game on the line run a draw. Why not a safe pass to Evans or a Qb bootleg for that matter, the mighty Brady Quinn had 2-3 long runs in the game. Bottom line my 9 year old new the plays they were going to run, you think an NFL DC will know.


    The last thing i found disturbing was the team attitiude and emotion (or lack there of) Jauron stands on the sidelines shows no emotion not a smile, frown, nothing does the guy have any emotion. Lynch on the other hand is on the sideline acting a fool. Granted on TV you only get what they show you - but you are on MNF in fromt of millions play with some passion, do something different and entertaining at least. Its not just the coaching, they set the tone but the players need to change the attitude as well -- otherwise just more of the same.


    As Mike Singeltary said "cant win with em, cant do it" or something like that


    Frustrating team especially after starting 5-1 things were finally looking up ....

  7. so we didnt pay Kelsay? we didnt pay Greer?


    we pay players who deserve it. not just names.


    we didnt WANT fletcher. we could have EASILY paid him, but the team is obviously not thrilled with his play. we couldve matched that 5yr/25mil contract. we chose not to.


    No we payed Kelsay and Greer. I dont recall what Greeers contract was but i know Kelsay was paid quite nice. These are avg roll players at best. What I am saying is paying the so called "stars and leaders" The big FA (Spikes, Fletch) we bring in to the top Draft picks (Clements and McGahee). We have plenty of good role players. I guess all i am saying is how much is the media hype playing into these guys heads when they have to make up their mind do they want to play here. Fletch, Clements and Spikes up until after the end of last season all wanted to be here, contraray to your opinion are more than just names (look at Fletch #'s), SF is not stupid yeah they overpaid for Clements but he is good as anyone outside Champ Bailey. Spikes was injured but a leader of the team.

  8. it was negative, but right to an extent. The Bills do not pay their players. We bring in FA and pay them more than the guys who are here and produced. I do agree we should not have kept McGahee he was going to leave anyway next year. Clements did get way overpaid but we could have locked him up a couple years ago. Spikes and Fletcher should have been retained also.


    Fact is we are re-building again, the national media thinks are team is a joke. They will not get any respect until they start having winning seasons and making the playoffs - something we have not done for awhile. Until all the "negative" talk will continue. I actually like to FA additions so far and am hoping for a great draft, but you do have to admit we did lose alot in FA bottom line we did not pay the players - they did fail to mention Willis problems, Takeo's inj, Fletch age. Clements really nothing to say other than does not get the Int's #'s, etc. although i always felt he was one of the top shutdown CB - so why not pay him are we going to find anyone better or in the draft and eventually have to pay them or more???

  9. It is not all Bledsoe's fault. The fact is he is the best we have right now. Losman will be out for sometime and is a rookie. Missed FG, Defense plays solid to the end but gives up big play. Offense had fe big plays -- really did not even attempt many down the field. Not so sure that is all Drew. Mullarkey is supposed to be the master of "trickery", the only trick play i recall was a botched end around to Reed.


    How about putting Henry and McGahee in the backfield split at the same time? We also need a decent TE that can block and can catch a pass. Bottom line its the first game they played well just came up short on a nice play at the end. They need to pound the ball and play conservative with Bledsoe. Lets see how they play this week against the Raiders on the road before we right them off. Remember last year at this time we were all riding high after Week 1-2. Then it was all downhill


    Go Bills!

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