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Posts posted by hamtenp

  1. Mario sucks

    Kelsey sucks

    Anderson sucks

    The entire defense except for Byrd and Gilmore suck

    What they all have in common is the defensive coach>>>>> Wanny!!!!

    All of these top notch players cannot all suck as a team all of a sudden.

    They are not being coached properly. I bet Wade Phillips would have this group whipped into shape,

  2. Ever wonder why the Texans did not resign him? Mario Williams is no Bruce Smith. He was a lamb today.

    The entire defense was no better than last years defense. Our defense is a paper tiger.Useless, impotent,

    no pass rush, we scare nobody, an utter waste of a 100 million dollars.And Chan Gailey has said all along

    that they are way ahead of the offense in training camp? What is he smoking? We were supposed to have the

    most dominating defensive line in football. They played like choir girls!!! All of them!

  3. Did anyone expect Gailey and his golden boy to criticize themselves. Come on.Don't be so naive.

    Nobody is going to shoot themselves in the foot. If we continue to fail, I see Dave Wansteadt taking over by mid season as Head Coach

    After all, the Defense is working just fine. Our offense sucks, and an O-6 start will spell the death knell for Gailey and Fitzy

    I really really hope I am wrong.

  4. Easley is smart and a good receiver. Why all this hate for him? He was the victim for some unforseen medical conditions, but that could happen

    to anyone. Obviously he was good enough to bring him back to camp.Let the coaches decide through the preseason if he is a valid threat or a bust.

    They see him daily, so let the experts decide.

  5. Why did Mario Williams n ot play today? ANd where was Anderson, our other pass rusher? Are they injured?

    Our vaunted defense sucked. Allowing RG!!! to run up and down the field scoring at will. I thought our defense supposeadly had improved.

    ANd where was Fred Jackson? No running game excpet for Choice? He sucked. 5 attempts at going over the goal line at one and goal.

    And he could not do ****.Just get rid of his ass.He sucks. And Lindell missing a field goal! What is with this team? Scary! I better start drinking

  6. I know I have heard that Fitz was supposeadly injured last mid season. But do we really know? Or was this a

    big coverup by coaches to save face? Does anyone have real proof that he was injured? Because if the injury was that severe,

    why did he continue playing till season end? The way I see it, if he was healthy enough to complete the season, the injury

    could have not been that significant. And the reason that we were 1 and 8 in the balance of the season is that opposing

    teams had figured out our offense, and our coaches did not have the skills and answers to counteract.

  7. Mine would be...


    of how fun it was to grow up and have all 4 seasons.

    of the pizza and wings.

    of the memories of watching the Bills on Monday night football out on the back deck with the blimp passing by the house.

    Yes I agree. Moved away from WNY in 1989. Now I work and live in Miami, but still proud to be from the Buffalo area.

    My daughter was a Cheerleader for the Bills too, now she a successful doctor in Buffalo. Lots of good friends and memories !!!

  8. Fitz! Will you hit the weightroom already? Lose the baby fat and get cut.


    He looks like a Teddy Bear


    C'mon man, you did last year. Let's go!

    Yeah I agree. I saw him on tv last night where they were featuring Fred Jackson on players who were stars in the league who had not been drafted.

    Fitz looked like a fat boy, a real rolly polly !!!!! Like a tub of lard. Shape up Fitzy. You are being paid good money, Lay off the doughnuts and hit the gym.

  9. Thanks, but no thanks. Ryan is not even the DC his mouth claims he is...and why the hell would Dave Wannestadt stick around to work for Rob Ryan?


    I like the idea of having a coach that brings a bit of an edge to him, but, it seems that every time Rob Ryan opens his blow-hole, his Cowboys defense (far more talented, on paper, than what we currently have in Buffalo) gets the snot kicked out of them. I'd rather have Tony Sparano than either of the Ryan clowns.

    Tony Sparano has lots of fire . He got the shaft in Miami. Plus he knows the division. I like Sparano, and he will kick some ass on this Buffalo team. God knows some of the players need it

  10. I think its even more pathetic that western ny as a whole with a population of roughly 2.5 million complains that the bills wont buy the remaining tickets...i want to watch the bills, so ill be at the game. I just find it hard to believe that our "fan base" had such a pessimistic view even at 5-2 that no one bought tickets to these games earlier in the year

    I agree. But then u cant blame people who don't have a job to support an NFL team. Lets face it. WNY cannot afford an NFL franchise.Maybe in the past it could, but not now.Buffalo should feel lucky to just have an NHL franchise. I left Buffalo for greener pastures in Florida 21 yrs ago. I still watch the Bills from Florida and will continue supporting them when they leave Buffalo.By own admission I hear people on this site say that they enjoy watching the game on TV anyhow.

  11. If Edwards get fired, it will be difficult for Gailey to hire a proven DC since Gailey will have no job security. Unfortunately I don't think Buddy will be gone till Ralph dies. I think the most likely scenario is that Edwards is fired and Waanstadt become DC. Hopefully this will involve a switch to a 4-3 defense.

    How can u fire your Buddy? Have u no sense of scruples???

  12. nice of the bills not to throw the fans a bone and pick up the tix at 34 cents on the dollar. i dont care what their rationale is, the mgmt sucks..

    I am a Bills fan in Miami. Recently when i was in Buffalo I attended a Bills game and was happy to contribute to the cause.I even watch the Bills at home in Miami , i invested in NFL ticket. The Bills have a lowest ticket prices in the NFL. ANd the local fans are so cheap that they cannot support the team, and still complain about the Management? Some of u people are pathetic. No wonder the Bills are looking to move elsewhere. If u cannot support your team , even with its low prices, allow another city to appreciate the Bills.

  13. Theres a lot of good people in these forums who try to find positives in this team. I admire your outlook but let's gets serious, this season was a failure of big proportions.


    It makes me sick to hear things like "oh we'll at least we beat New England" or "well we are better than we thought they'd be." Who cares? This is the same loser mentality that's the reason we haven't been competitive for over a decade.


    It's annoying that so many fans are content with losing, or are cool with people laughing when you tell them you're a Bills fan, or are ok with a team that consistently delivers a poor product year-after-year. "well a losing team is better than NO team," they'll say. Are you sure about that? I'd rather have these losers out of my town.


    Face it, until things change and this team is sold, this culture of losing will continue. It starts at the top with Ralph and the men he hires to work for him. It trickles down from here.


    The Buffalo Bills are considered a joke by most NFL fans and they deserve to carry that reputation with them



    So if you are so disappointed with the Bills, maybe u need a change of team. They have played their hearts out this season. I still support them no matter what. It is like supporting your children even when they fail. And believe me I do not have a losing attitude. It is you that has a give up mentality.

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