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Posts posted by BadDad

  1. I know there is a separate thread about Darryl's sad situation, but I hope the mods find this worthy of it's own entry.


    I have set up a Go Fund Me campaign to help Darryl pay his bills and get the help he needs. Please consider donating what you can.


    If any one of us was in need Darryl would be the first Bill rushing to our aid.



    First thanks Chevy for doing this. Darryl was always a favorite. Second I have been out of the loop for the past week and did know about any of this going on. when I started to go through the pages of this post today it broke my heart. For those of you who have been around since way back , you know that BadDad has two stinky little kids. well those two are men now and when I texted them this afternoon to tell them the story, they had both donated in the first 1,000 dollars on Thursday. My brother and I will donate tomorrow God bless Darryl and his family and go Bills.
  2. With the support Marino has shown JK I was hoping that this type of post wouldn't make its way into this thread. The guy wore a Kelly Strong shirt fercryinoutloud.

    thank you . I know the man personally and yes he has his sins, but he gives millions tons to Charity every year, he does not need need the money. Just a few minutes ago I was reading an article aboutt Jks tournamnent.All the usial crowd were there. former Bills greats, etc. and jks buddy from the playing days, Dan Marino..















  3. No matter what metric you want to use, in the four years that Stevie has started (which is actually less than four), he is a top 30 WR. Just by stats, he's much higher than that.


    There aren't 10 WRs in the entire league that have been more productive on the field over four years than SJ, the only four years he has played (and including playing through numerous injuries).


    That doesn't mean I want to keep him, however. Right now, there is no place for him.


    His trade value is 10x more affected by his contract than his talent.

    but with Steive in the slot , Watkins on one side, make your pick from the other side....Seems like a winning combo to me. Stevie has the nuts to go over the middle. Who esle do we have that can sorry for the semanticts, new laptop and I,m still trying to get hang of it.
  4. Why do you assume I am emotionally upset at Stevie? Seems like a strange assumption.


    He's not that good and isn't a good fit for this team moving forward. The writing is on the wall. It's better to get a 4th than nothing for him.

    Are you nuts this new kid is going to send Stevie to the hall.
  5. No one is happier to see Tom Brady shed tears than I am. But he is still one of the best NFL QBs ever. He could lose every game till he retires and he would still be one of the best. Sorry. Deal with it.



    Hate to say it, but you're right. I intensely dislike him and I'm certain that the devil is now beginning to collect on his debt, but he will go down as one of the all time greats.
  6. It'd be interesting to see this further weighted against strength of opponents. KC, for example, has played a powder puff schedule so far.


    I like it and I agree with your additional criteria. Strength of schedule is important and has an affect on the overall rank, week to week, based on the opponent.

  7. I noticed in the thread about where are you now that there are a lot of us down here between Ft. Lauderdale, Davie, Miami Lakes, etc. Although my kids still go the Dolphin game every year, I don't anymore as there are two games I can watch on t.v. at home every year, up there and down here. The rest of the games we have been watching at the Flanigans in Weston,($1.50 for Coors Light), for close to 15 years. We have a group that was as big as 20 back in the 90's, to 3-4 in the past few years as some were fair whether fans and some were kids who went away to college and now are coming back home.


    My idea is, why don't we all get together this year and watch a game together? I'm sure we can find a sports bar that's centrally located for all of us and maybe get together and watch a game with fellow sufferers. Not necessarily a Bills Backers Club but maybe an informal gathering of extremely intelligent Football fans, who also happen to be masochists, to have some beers and comiserate while watching the team that consumes us.


    Anyway, if there is any interest let me know, (pm me), and I'll try to organize a meeting for the game. Also, any guys that are coming down for the Miami game maybe we can get together for some beers, a kind of a night before the game at the Inn, (what's the name of the Inn in Orchard Park) where everybody meets before the game that TBD gets together for each year.


    Anyway it's jusr a thought since there are a number of us down here and maybe it would be nice to get together and have some beers watching the Bills.

  8. Blasdell (Frontier High '88 & Canisius College '92) moved to Davie, Fl in '96. I miss the family, people, food, and 4 seasons. But palm trees in your backyard are pretty cool.


    Hey do you know Dave in Broward, he lives in Davie actually near the fins facitily at Nova? I live just west of you in Weston. Been out here since 1987, raised two boys to be rabid Bills fans and they love giving the fins fans hell whenever we beat them.

  9. Grew up in Eggertsville, then Elma and finally Penfield before joining the Air Force and seeing North America underground.


    Lived in Rantoul, IL; Rapid City, SD; Lompoc, CA; Grand Forks, ND; & Great Falls, MT before retiring and moving to Minneapolis.


    Been to three games at the Ralph, one game at KC and another at Denver. My father used to get cheap seats at the Rockpile and we were there for the "hit heard round the world", but didn't see it because we were behind the steel pillar and that end of the field was blocked.


    Got to see the Bills beat the Vikes with Bledsoe a few years ago, but keep hoping they will come back in my lifetime.


    I'm a former AF Brat. Were you stationed at Vandenberg? We lived in Lompoc during the late 60's when my father was stationed at Vandenberg.

  10. Patriots have a 62-41-1 overall record against us.


    Jets have a 49-53 overall record against us.


    Dolphins have a 55-38-1 overall record against us.


    The Patriots and the Dolphins pretty much own us but for some strange reason my hate for the Patriots have declined just a bit and I find myself hating the Jets more and more.

    Even though we have an overall winning record against the Jets, due to the recent hiring of Rex and a couple players, I voted Jets.


    Jets, never really were a rival, they were just there. They did help bring the AFC, and the Bills, into contention with Joe Willie's victory. What's happening now with Buddy's kid is a joke, so nahhh.


    Pats, I still remember rooting for them with Logan trying to win in 78' or was it 79'? Marcia is hard to tolerate (I can't stand him), but is it really his fault, or the NFL and the media that have made him the "wonderkind"? Is it his fault that the rules comittee keeps making rules to protect or aid him? They're on the way down again anyway and Bruce Jr. will be all over him this year.


    Many of the posters on this thread are younger and I think that is reflected in the pole numbers. But for those of us who sat in the ef'n cold, snow and/or sleet, with our snowmobile boots on for a whole decade there is only one, the only mammal lacking in external genitalia!

  11. It has been mentioned more than once about CJ being dog tired and that is why the limited reps. He ran up the middle for big yards yesterday and is showing improvement in each game he starts.

    If we bring back Fred next year ( and i think we absolutely should ) i hope we are able to balance the workload between them.

    We also have tired out Fitzes arm. to many short passes and no deep threat yet. More reasons to up the run plays. Next year is an important year for our future and i sure hope our strength and conditioning coaches do a much better job at keeping the players healthy than they did this year

    with Corey and Choice in the arsenal it just makes sense we develop the run game.


    I agree with pretty much everything you said but I the strength and conditioning coaches are not the problem. A bunch of freak accidents half way through the season, when a slew of players ended up with broken legs cannot be blamed on strength and conditioning coaches. S*** happens. I feel that seeing Adareous and other rooks still making meaningful plays late in their first season as a point for the S&C coaches.


    Merry Christmas and, as always, ....Go Bills!!!!!!!!

  12. Honestly, I have liked Stevie since we drafted him...however, I just don't see him as a top tier #1 WR in this league. He struggles with being pressed at the line, is more of a finesse WR, doesn't go up and get balls, is literally invisible way too often in games, and most importantly makes too many drops and critical mistakes.


    To be honest, his play on the field reminds me a lot of Peerless who was much better suited as the #2 guy than a true #1.


    So, if he wants top 5 WR money, then I say pass...if he wants a contract that is more reasonable then get er done


    Top 5 money, no way. However, the AP story references his position as middle of the pack type money for a #1 receiver. I think he's a middle of the pack, or slightly above, receiver so let's get this thing behind us and go forward filling the holes we presently have, not create new ones.

  13. what about all the penalties or the botched kickoff??? did they contribute to the loss


    Living in S. FL I rarley get to see the Bills play and hear the commentary, however this game I did. I agree that the penalties were killer and the botched kickoff had an important impact. However, most of those, both the penalties and the botched kick were caused by walk-ons and pratice team players. Stevie is supposed to be a seasoned veteran and he drops important catches, makes a boneheaded penalty which leads to a touchdown because of a boneheaded play by a walk-on, and then drops a tough pass that could have won the game.


    When Buress had to make the play he did, when Stevie had to make the play he didn't. Maybe it was karma, but the Bills all suuffered from this idiotic attitude in a playoff impacting game.


    He apologized after the drop against the Giants, this time no go. He has to make a lot of plays to erase the image of a clown that he creted today in a game that we could/should have won. His exemplary play was great against Revis, however when it counted he didn't have the mental fortitude to make the plays when it counted. Excuses for his attitude won't cut it here.


    By the way Spillers stupid roughing penalty, was also inexcusable. We had a first down due to penalty, but he had to retaliate, causing offsetting penalties. We got lucky on the ensuing plays but then again it was just dumb luck, not smart play from guys who have been around.

  14. This team is [...]. I am ashamed to be a fan right now.



    I've suffered too but you should go find a winner elsewhere. Fairwheather fans are a dime a dozen!!!


    Most of us have been through it, but commeon man!

  15. I want to be a supporter of CJ, and .... that's exactly what I think I'm seeing.


    The thing is, he wound up getting hit harder and more awkwardly than if he'd just kept driving forward.

    He would have got hit but not plastered sideways and he would have had the TD to decrease the pain.


    I agree and I saw that all to often today from running backs, receivers, etc. On the other hand I saws ay to many times that we wrapped up a Dolphin receiver/running back, etc. falling forward after the hit for positive yardage. This is not something new, it's happened in game after game this year and for what ever reason we just fall down short of the line. I'm not talking about CJ specifically, but lately Fred, the receivers,etc. have not been following through, (or running through) the defenders. If we get a yard because, (although the rb/rc was tackled for short yds.) the rb/rc fell forward, I'll take it.


    The Bills are playing scared. By this I mean the players, not the Coaching staff. Somehow the Coaches have to inspire these guys to give it all up and go forward. Maybe the fact that a number of starters are out will inspire the backups to step it up. After all where did Fitz, Stevie, George Wilson, Freddie, come from?


    Fitz didn't have his most stellar day today, however I feel that under the circumstanes he did his best. A number of freak accidents have hurt us tremendously, the lack of a consistent pass blocking scheme (due to the above), the suffling of the OL (due to the above), no consistent pressure on the oppossing offense, (running or passing gsme), doomed us for the past two games.


    Maybe it's a lack of talent, maybe it's lack of coaching, maybe it's lack of luck (you can't blame broken legs, dislocated shoulders, achlilles tendon tears, etc. on the training staff). However, we have to fight through it and the guys that came in today didn't get it done.


    I'm not sure we're there yet, but I feel confident that between the injured vets, and the newbies we'll see for the rest of the season willbuild the nucleus of a very good team.


    Take heart Bills fans,


    Go Bills

  16. From the buffalobills.com article discussing white jerseys on Sunday...




    Good for him.


    I second that motion, good for him. His teemmates, the city of Buffalo, and the fans all rallied around Scott after that game. He was, and is a standup guy. He took every question after the game and he shouldered the responsibilty for:


    Jim Kelly

    Thurman Thomas

    Bruce Smith

    Andre Reed

    Daryle Talley



    Hull, (RIP)

    etc., etc., etc. ,etc.


    The game never should have have come down to that field goal, but it did, because of the failures of the above (many of whom are in the HOF and the rest probably should be).


    My oldest son became a Bills a Bills fan as a result of "the greatest comeback in NFL history", but he became lifelong after that Superbowl. He felt that this was only the beginning, and he was right, we would be back. The only thing he didn't realize was that the subsequent SB's wouldn't clearly come down to a missed field goal being the difference. The same cast of HOF characters who blew that game, blew three more and none were the fault of Scott Norwood.


    So if you young wippersnappers want to boo Scott, just be fair and the boo Jim, Thurman, Bruce, Darylle, Biscuit, Marv, Andre, Metzallar, etc. the next time you have the chance, because they all had a part in that loss, and they all, (unlike Scott), had a big part in the sbsequent three losses that were all blow outs.

  17. I've always liked JP. I think he just needed better coaching, really. I wish him well, I don't get all the hate. He isn't the best QB, and I think he isn't the worst QB. He could start in the right system, but he's also not nearly good enough to be good in any system.


    Either way, good luck JP. :)


    I agree and if he does well it will be a positive for us, because they will be out of the Luck sweepstakes. He's a good guy, came to Buffalo with all the right intentions, got blownup by his coaches, and the fans gave up on him too fast.


    Good luck J.P. for your sake and ours.

  18. I had not visted TBD in about a year. that what happens when you have a baby at home , a new job with responsabilities and pass most of your free time writing a football blog that is now the most readen in the little world of french football (about 1000 connections per day) elitefoot.blogspot.com . I just wanted to say hello to all my old friends here. Hoping you're enjoying the Bills season as much as i do!!


    Hey Olivier good to hear from you again, and congrats on the new Bills fan. So far so good this year and it's been very entertaining. Hopefully we do well this week and then get the break for a couple of weeks to heal up the wounded for the second half.


    Go Bills!!!!

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