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Posts posted by shagmago

  1. Just breath and relax people, it isn't the end of the world, it's the 1st day of free agency of the year. Not all the top players gonna sign away some where else, from us, they gotta explore to see where the right fit is, and closer to home, and money. Just like any other job, so relax and quit feeling like your gonna explode, just relax! there's 7 more months before the regular season starts,

    Early bird gets the bigger warm.....We are never early and it shows in our record year after year after year..etc..etc..etc

  2. First off... Coors doesn't count as drinking. My mother-in-law drinks it, so it's hardly something to brag about on a message board.


    Fitzpatrick is a back-up. Garcia, Kitna or Cassel would have all brought QB controversy to mini-camp. It doesn't cost us anything, and like it or not... the organization has decided that he's the future.

    First off.... if your mother in law is hot then Ill take the braggng rights....If not, then she doesnt count as a mother in law.

    Who`s to say Garcia or Kitna couldnt beat Edwards out?...We need the best QB we can get in there!Their both more mobile and they have more experience.We need that,especially with our o-line being not much more then a speed bump.

    (Only kidding about the m-law)

  3. I agree Al Davis has lost it, but the main difference between him and Ralph, is Davis still tries with all his wallet to win, something Ralph hasn't done in years.

    Amen on that!.....Everyone knows Ralph`s had arthritis in the fingers for the last 15 yrs...can`t open his own wallet!

  4. This board is full of people that may as well be sliding down a razorblade covered banister. The apocalypse has come, we have rid ourselves of the bad centers the doom and gloomers hated so much, we rid outselves of the overpaid Dockery, and the worst quarterback on the planet Losman. Yet after one day of free agency, we have slid down to 2-14 or 3-13. I need to find the board where fans are real fans, who talk about strength and weakness of players, their idea of who would improve us. I am so sick of the Jauron and Wilson bashers. The Buffalo Bills is my team, Jauron it my coach, Wilson is my owner, and until they are not, I will blindly follow them off any cliff, as I have since I was five years old in 1960!

    Hey dude, I was you 15 yrs ago!.......Its 15 yrs later now and were the same as we were 15yrs ago!. I still watch but Im sick of this team being the doormate! Whatever Ralphs doing ITS NOT WORKING!!

  5. It forces you to drink!!!..............They implode during the season and they continue that in the off season. FITZPATRICK?? Why didnt "WE"go after Cassel for our 34th pick? or Garcia or Kitna? FUMBLE ROOSKY! Next Bills big FA signing is Lions 3rd string tightend..Average player,big guy named steve jones....Lets get him, he`s a nice guy,good for the community and the price is right!......when are the spinning of the wheels going to stop. GOT COORS?:doh:

  6. This team has some serious upgrading to do between now and the regular season (draft, trades, FA's, whatever) as well as some growing up to do between now and then...

    ... because part of me looks at this schedule and thinks the Bills could start 8-0 before heading to Miami. I'm guessing 6-3 at this point, but who knows... maybe we'll all be surprised and they'll play out of their heads the first half and be sitting pretty at 7-1 or better.

    Consider this the optimist's reply to Ghost of the Rockpile's thread. B-)

    You must of seen a differant schedule then me.I like your very "insane" optimism but do You seriously think were going to win any of the first four games? With are best players gone,I think we get on a roll and win at least two games this year. :lol: .................Things will be better,play golf on Sundays this year ,we get the first pick next year....Let -er-rip!...........FOUR!

  7. But, if somehow, Marv & co. can trade down to get Posluzny later in the 1st, then Tony Hunt in the 2nd, I would be one happy camper. Not to mention, it would be a very good fit for this team:


    Penn State is the king of bend don't break defense (the college equivalent of the Cover-Two) - and Tony Hunt played behind one of the crappiest O-lines in the Big Ten - and still managed to push the line forward. Get him in here with a speedy change of pace back, and I think he's a good fit too...

    Good post............I watched every Penn st. game last year and it was double frusrtating because their line was just as horrific as the bills line........Hell,put the two lines together and they still couldn`t block a fat lady from going into pizza hut....If we got them two guys I might even renew my direct TV package and watch the Bills on TV again...........Hunts a bullhead with breakaway speed and would be an absolute perfect fit,one guy ain`t bringin him down....and Poluzny would be smart glue where ever he`s put.

  8. I'll take the Jets. They look like a team set to implode under Pennington, and I'm not scared by Clemens. Thomas Jones gives them an upgrade at RB, but that's negated by the struggles of their O-line and Pennington (who became a hated man by Jets fans at the end of last year). Plus they won't have a creampuff schedule again this year.

    I don`t think the jets will be there either this year and we always end up splitting with them anyway,but I WILL be extremely dissapointed if Thomas Jones runs our a$$es into the ground both games.

  9. Since Lori took the Dolphins, I will do the Patriots:


    How does adding another 29 year old who(based on the history of ex-Ravens) has about a 30% chance of catching on, instantly make a LB corp whose starters average age is 32 better? At best he keeps things the same. He's not gonna cut the years off of Bruschi, Vrabel, Seau, or Colvin. I could see it if 2 or more of these guys were 2 years starters, but they aren't, not even close. In fact, show me any other team where any of those guys would start THIS YEAR and I'll show you the cellar of their division.


    Signing Welker does not scare me. Especially when you realize that this was done as much for his special teams ability as his WR ability. Seriously, would you be scared about major improvement on O if someone had signed Steve Tasker? I know Kelly said "no one can cover Tasker", but if that was really the case why didn't he start, ever? The only upside here is if the ONLY reason Welker was marginal last year is the QB play in Miami. If it isn't, so what?


    IF they get Stallworth yes, that is cause for concern. The guy did a fairly decent job for the Eagles - when he wasn't injured. There is no doubt that the Eagles got better at WR when he was signed, but if you have the worst receiving corp in the NFL(like the Eagles did last year, and the Pats have this year) signing anyone but the guys you have makes you better.


    So, I see a small potential for the Patriots to get better(10%), I see a hell of a lot more potential for them to stay the same(60%), and significant potential, due to the aging of everybody else on that team and that neither one of these WR are legit #1 guys, for them to get worse(30%).


    In all cases, the Pats have by no means definitely "gotten well in a hurry".

    Im not really concerned about the Pats Beating us cause thats a gimmie(100%),but Iam concerned about them getting better and beating the Colts to go to another Superbowl...that would blow......and Welker did start when Chambers was hurt last year and I for one thought he was much quicker and had better hands and could run after the catch better then Chambers.All n all I`d say Im about 84.3% right. :lol:

  10. Last time I checked, Miami got rid of the two guys who led them in receptions last year (trading Welker and cutting McMichael), let Kevin Carter walk, cut half their offensive linemen off an already-bad unit, and still has Culpepper and Lemon listed as their top two QBs.


    Can Porter block?

    They probably will still stink it up on offense again,but their going to be much better on defense. I think 'I`ll "Take the under" on both games we play them.

    Prediction next year .....Bills Win both.....3-0-Away and 6-0 Home. :devil:

  11. I wouldn't start banging my head until we ACTUALLY lose Willis and Takeo. Since I am of the belief that both 21 and 51 will shroud the same bodies as last year, and since I belive Crowell can play in the middle, and since I am hopeful that something might be worked out for Briggs (though it may involve WM/TKO or a combination of the two), I say let's not go jumping the gun just yet, the draft is still almost two months away (46 days). That is an opportunity to add 8-12 players to the roster-until then, the sky is where it was this morning and where it will be tonight!

    Not walking on the sky yet, but It would be nice to beat thes guys in our division to the punch once in awhile though............last time we did that we signed two great linebackers Spikes and Fletcher.

  12. Porter is a 3-4 LBer.

    He is very weak in run support. A pure pass rusher.

    Unless Dom goes back to a 3-4 all the time than the Porter signing was a waste for them.

    Plus Miami always looks good on paper every offseason. Than reality sets in. :devil:

    Just Porter being in the line up with Thomas and Taylor will help them tremendously...great move for them bast@rds..our fat guys better earn their $$$ when we play them.

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