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Posts posted by ARGB52

  1. Nothing happens without taking into account what the cap hit will be. :w00t:




    Some choices that a coach makes have to be performance first choices. This is one of those cases. The cap hit what ever it might be will not be a consideration in this case. IMO The controll of the emotion and performance of this team in the future will over- ride any cap hit problems that might occur.

  2. Players who only show up to play when they feel like it must be replaced. Shaw was not running routes unless the ball was comming his way and he was not blocking.


    Adams should be let go as another way for this Coaching team to take controll of this team. Did you see how well Pat Williams started to play after the Adams situation.


    Also, Did you see all the chip blocking that McGahee did yesterday to help Bledsoe out and give him more time??? McGahee was playing with his talent and brains yesterday something that Henry has not been doing.


    The next problen is to get the TE position straighten out. Campbell is not blocking the correct players. He is just taking the first player he see's. It is messing up the sweeps in most cases. He is another player that is playing stupid. As soon as that gets better you will see a whole lot of difference.


    Malarky should cut Adams even if he appologies. IMO

  3. Travis Henry has screewed up big time on the field in the last four games. He should be traded and I agree that Oakland is the type of team that would trade for him. If he is not traded then he needs to be sit down. At this point either way you loose the guy. physically or emotionally.


    If any of these rumors are correct I think all of these possible moves benifit this team and will get the attention of the players.

  4. There is a big difference. The talent is here. The team in general is making a lot of mistakes right now and this has got to stop. But this team is not being out talented. It has the talent to compete. That is what is so frustrating. These players are all trying to do too much. At this point they must stop helping the other guy and just take care of there own assignments without mistakes. We are all frustrated and angry because we all see that this team's talent overall is very good.


    Yesterday the Jets went 11 plays for 65 yds and a score. 55 yds was because of the Bills penalties. That was just one drive. That means that the JETS only gained 15 yds on that drive.


    This is the problem- not lack of talent. It is players trying tooo hard to make plays on every single play of the game. This team is not a team right now. They are a bunch of talented players looking for great plays so they can be on ESPN.


    When these players realize that they will not get on ESPN until the TEAM starts winning, that's when we will start to win.


    The Talent is here it's TEAM play that is not. TEAM play has not been here for three years and now the players must realize that and adjust. Marlarky is showing them the importance of TEAM play. I just hope it doesn't take much longer. <_<

  5. What does Donahoe have to say about this team? After all, he is the GM or he's trying to act like one.

    What's the problem Donahoe?



    As usual Frez you have your Italian Sausage stuck someplace where it doesn't belong.


    T D has done nothing that we all here on this board have not agreed with at the time he did it. You love to second guess to show people how clever you are but the fact is over all T D has done a very good job. This team will get better and if it doesn't then T D will make trades to try to make them better. The guy has busted his butt to make this team a competitive team. His moves have all been with that thought in mind. He has not been afraid to spend money and has always had a plan in place. He has never on purpose let this team down or it's fans as you have eluded too over the course of the last few years. Your problem with T D seems to be personal at this point and for the life of me I do not know why.

  6. First of all, the amount of pathetic pissing and moaning on this board has reached an all-time high.  Jeez...get ahold of yourselves.  Would a little objective analysis hurt any of you?


    The thing that killed the Bills yesterday, and is the root of the problems the offense is having, is the O-line.  Sitting at field level in the endzone gives me a great perspective of the lines ability of open holes, shift, and pass protect.  They failed at all three.  I once was able to see our o-line open beautiful holes for Thurman to run through, as well as create a nice pocket for Jim to set up in.  This line is incapable of either.  Bledsoe had NO time to even look past his first option, nevermind being able to wait for the longer patterns to set up.  We can't run anything up the middle because there is no ability to open even the smallest hole for our backs to run through.  The only successful running plays we had were to the outside.


    Second, the problem yesterday was NOT Bledsoe...repeat...it was NOT Bledsoe.  While completely acknowledging his inability to move around, he wasn't even getting three seconds after the snap before he was pressured.  How is it his fault when his line collapses almost immediately.  I felt that he did a pretty good job yesterday...I was there...I watched him...he acted confident, was accurate, and put the ball where it had to be.


    Coaching...give Mularky credit for kicking these guys in the ass at the begining of the 4th quarter.  The unit that was 90% responsible for the pathetic offensive showing during the first three quarters (the o-line), finally stepped up and offered Drew some protection.  Plus, I thought the play calling offered a different mix of personnel and formations.


    I think we saw something interesting in the 4th quarter.  Is it a coincidence that the only success we saw took place during drives where we ran a hurryup offense.  Play calling involved a quick drop and dump to a short yardage receiver, mixed in with some runs.  Set up the long pass to Evans nicely as well.


    Finally, penalties continue to kill us, though we seem to have settled down later in the game.


    This team MUST build on their play in the 4th quarter.  I am not so lame as to think this team can make the playoffs (quite frankly, anyone who thought this team would have that level of success at all is too much of a homer to objectively judge this team), but as evidenced by all our games so far this year, we can play with anyone and have a chance to win late, even with as many mistakes as have been made.


    We have to take each game as it comes, and look to develop our personnel, our unit play and our coaching so that we go into next year having built up an experienced team that opens the 2005 season with few, if any, questions.


    Doomer cryers fire away, though you're less-than-objective opinions are getting very very old.



    I agree totaly! I feel that they may have found something yesterday by using the hurry up. They might have found a way of helping the O- line get an edge on the future D- lines they face. 10 & 6 is still a possiblilty if they get the O -line some confidence.

  7. One thing that was said in Bills Digest this last week by Sam Adams was surprising to me. He said that they scheme NOT to get pressure with their front four. In particular, he, P-Diddy and Schobel are not supposed to apply pressure. Rather, they are just there to clog up the blockers so that the BLITZING LBs and DBs can generate the pressure!


    He went on to say that if the coaches asked him to get pressure up the middle, he and P-Diddy could have 12 sacks a piece. But since they don't, he just does his job.


    So it seems that Jerry Gray's scheme actually makes our lack of a pass rushing DE look worse than perhaps it really is. I'm not making excuses, just pointing out that a lot of people here don't understand the scheme (myself included)...



    I disagree, We need to target a Saftey that is a Sean Taylor or Roy Williams clone. That will allow us to cover better over the middle and improve the pass rush. He must be fast enough to go side line to sideline in a three deep system but strong enough to cover a TE one on one. He must be able to be used up close to the line in running downs but good enough coverage ability to take the slot reciever one on one.


    I think I have found one in this draft and he should be there in the 2 nd round. Southern Miss has a linebacker that would be a perfect fit to be moved to the Safety position. He is kind of lanky but is about 220 lbs. He is very fast and excelent in the passing game but does not have the type of body type that will be good for the LB position every down in the Pro's. Mike Boley I'm not sure of the spelling but check him out. They use him all over the field.

  8. If you were Mike Mularkey what changes would you make at this point in time?


    1. Willis would start

    2. More throws to Lee Evans

    What else can you do? <_<



    All I can say at this point is to stay the course. Hope that L M is ready to come back for the saftey position and open the offense to a 4 wide set and this will open up the running game. I would mix and match the 4 wide to down and distince by using TE's and other combinations like RB's as WR's in some cases. Also I would use the No-huddle just a little bit more to give the O- line the advantage over the D-line.


    Go for it we are ALMOST out of it now. We have nothing to lose by opening up the offense. At this point I think the players do not believe they can win and to get that attitude to change you have to change the tempo of the team so that they start playing more relaxed.

  9. She was raising money for some crap and I gave a couple of bucks.  I then cracked a Corona and offered it to her because I was totally wasted and couldn't even consider drinking it.  She said I better not.  I offered it again a couple of time not understanding why she didn't want it.  I walked away still not knowing that it was Mrs. Schobel and a cop was watching her.  I started talking to the cop about looking for terrorists and offered my help.  Well I brought over a couple of potential terrorists and they turned out OK.  Then the cop said,"You know who that is?" He told me that the girl I've been harrassing was the Wife of Aaron Schobel.  I walked back over to her and said,"Hey are you Aaron Schobel's wife and she said yeah.  I followed with, Why you raising money?  Didn't you just get a real nice bonus?  She smiled and said yep.  I said then you must be used to drinking Corona I don't understand why you won't take it.  I explained that if she wants to raise money she has to blend in and together we laughed at all the drunk idiots(myself included).  I gave her some crap about the whole no sack thingy and she said that he was working on it.  I said, well is he gonna get one or not?  She responded with I hope so.  I then laughed and said that I think he needs a little more support from his family.  She then took my beer and laughed.  Nice person but pretty ugly.



    How about this for negativity-- You are an ASS a total ASS. You should have been arrested and in my opinon your are an embarrasment to this board. But that is just my personal opinon.

  10. Travis and his hard-running, 4 YPC average against the Pats wasn't the reason for the loss.  Sure the last 2 plays on that game-losing drive (sack and fumble on Bledsoe) were bad, but hardly the reason they lost.  Wire OTOH needs to sit.




    Look at the first half of the game and then at the second half of he game. I am not talking about the O-line. I'm talking about speed toughness etc. In the second half he did not run with the same style, attitude and quickness.


    It is time to send a message to the other vets. That it is unexceptable to blow an assignment mentally.


    I am not suggesting that Henry lost this game. I am saying that his actions are unexceptable. You call a time out and he goes the wrong way. Third and one and he starts his triping routine? No way something is not right here. This is a guy who can make a lot of yardage with a good line or a bad line.


    This is not some rookie as you have said!

  11. If he is then he has to bench Travis Henry for the next game and Coy Wire.


    He must send a signal to the team that if you make a mental mistake on your assignment that it is not acceptable.


    Will he step up to Head Coaching status or will he continue to be an Offensive Cord.? This is a defining moment in his coaching career !


    Travis Henry makes mistakes every time the score is close ! Is he another Pete Rose ????? :):P:(

  12. Jerry Sullivan = Michael Moore




    I stopped reading Sullivan years ago when he said in an interview that he could not understand why Buffalo fans lived or died with the Buffalo Bills. That he felt there was more important things on Sunday to do like watch Basketball or the new Womans sports that were being shown on ESPN. And he was serious. It was when Levy and the Bills were a force in the NFL.


    I knew right there and then that he was not interested in this area and did not understand the people in this area.


    Now all he does on the radio is exactly what Dickerson did . I turn him off EVERY TIME he is on WGR. At least Dickerson was not talking to the listeners with contemp in his voice.

  13. He hasn't played a down of football in the regular season and already you guys have him as the next best Bills QB. I mean really, give the kid a chance before you demand that he save the franchise.


    You guys who think that anybody but Bledsoe is better really need to take a reality check.


    Give the kid a chance to recover and get on the field before you decide he is the next comming of a hall of fame QB. I mean really !!!!!!! Before he was injured he was our THIRD string QB. He could not even beat out Travis Brown for god sakes!


    Now you think he will just get off his crutches and lead us to the Super Bowl ????

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