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Posts posted by ARTnSocal

  1. Had Beane not traded those (2) second rounders to move up to number 7 I believe that AZ who only gave up a # 3 and # 5 to the Raiders to move up three spots behind us at number 10 would have still taken Josh Rosen, meaning that Josh Allen still would have been there at the 12 spot and we would've kept those two second rounders to bolster our depleted OL.  


    I sure hope Brendon Beane makes the most of all of our 2019 draft picks accumulated.

  2. I prefer the opposite (Blue/White, White/Blue)

    It just reminds me of the early 80's Bills that I grew up watching


    What you prefer is what the majority prefers.


    We've seen enough monochrome blue in the 2000's to more than last us a lifetime.


    I hope the BILLS never ever wear the blue pants with the blue jerseys ... the white on white was terrible, and the socks that they wore with the white on white in the early part of the season were meant to go with the blue pants which for some reason they chose not to wear in 2011.


    White jerseys with blue pants on the road will be great ...

  3. wow you guys are amazing, lee can run any route, was a great college player, a great pro for multiple years, great hands..and oh ya, really fast.


    I would say no current receiver on our roster has those traits. And fitz never had a complete season with lee, ever. So how do you all know if he can get him the ball? he got the ball deep to him several times before in limited opportunities.


    again, what short memories most of you have. And you think because trent edwards never threw him the ball that he cant run a slant or drag route? Laughable


    QBs need time to gel with a receiver like losman did with evans, since then hes always had a merry go round of bad QBs or been hurt.


    id gladly have him back


    I agree ... Many BILLS fans in general are amazing with their enormously short memories.


    In Lee's defense he had a nagging shoulder injury that he had surgically repaired in '08, and it had an effect on him for 2 seasons prior to undergoing the knife. Then he hurt his ankle which sidelined him and he re-injured it this pre-season with Baltimore. He played hurt alot in his last seasons in Buffalo.


    He had some amazing performances before the injuries which many BILLS fans have short memories of, not to mention having to constantly get used to establishing chemistry with our musical QB changes.


    He's only 31 years old in 2012, hardly old-age for a WR ... look how old Lofton was when we picked him up and how he produced.


    If Evans got a clean bill of health, both that ankle and shoulder I'd love to have him back if it made sense salary-cap wise


    Lee Evans' 70 yr TD vs Miami




  4. When does the flex scheduling start?


    Flex scheduling begins next week, week 10


    BILLS at DALLAS remains at 1 pm EST


    NE @ NYJ remains the Sunday night game on NBC


    Only change made for the first flex week is LIONS at BEARS ............... they changed it from 1 pm to 4:15 pm Eastern Times

  5. Busby's is awesome. The games start at 10 am and we have a few guys who aren't even from Buffalo who tailgate in the parking lot of the bar and drink cheap beer for a couple hours before it opens. ;)


    Did they have the BILLS - BEARS game on?


    Will the BILLS - Denver game be on .. everything LIVE ??


    P.S. We need blue pants on the road ... they're IN the 2011 official uniform guide !!!!

  6. The 2 groups (AEG & MAJESTIC) wanting to build stadiums in LA are also interested in ownership, not just luring a team.


    So what owner is willing on selling?


    AEG wants one in congested Downtown LA ... MAJESTIC in the outskirts of LA Inland Empire and 25,000 parking spots with better access and tailgating-ready for the full NFL experience


    Does anyone really think either group is will to be partners with Al Davis .... who's the most likely team that ownership can also be had?


    If Ralph doesn't have a plan that we don't know of, we go to the highest bidder ..... when he's gone


    Let's not put our head in the sand like the people of Brooklyn did in 1957 ...


    To me ... the most logical choice for LA is the RAMS, who play in a baseball city, and a non-retractable dome. It would be sad to see SD move. JAX not.

  7. Why are many of you referring to the new uniforms as classic look, especially the road whites .... I don't get that.


    Blue pants came out in '73


    Leaping Bison came out in '74


    In the 10 years of the white helmet with the leaping Bison, we never ever wore white on white with the leaping Bison white helmet.


    All they had to do was peel off the grazing Bison logo and replace it with the leaping Bison. Add the word-mark below the NFL shield and have optional blue pants.... next case!


    The white on white look in 2009 for AFL-50 never looked that good in 1965. The black shoes made a big difference.


    Click below and tell me that these weren't a work of perfection



    BILLS in 2009 for AFL-50

  8. You know the old saying, it's not what you know, it's who you know.


    I'd must rather have Tim Russert's boy, than Dubya's twin daughter. She's about as worthless as Tiki Barber was. At least Luke has talent, he learned it from a master instead of a President who ruined the American economy with his IRAQ war which he condoned from lies about WMD's that never existed.

  9. The ONLY reason that the Bills were not mentioned in that article is because AIG was contacting teams now about a sale now. The Bills are not for sale at all now because of Ralph. I'm sure they contacted the Bills and were told the Bills are not for sale. That is why they are not a candidate now. Nothing has changed in that regard.


    That said, I don't expect the Bills to relocate at all after Ralph passes, to LA or Toronto or anywhere else.

    Let's hope that Ralph uses the same doctor as Prince Philip . .

  10. Both of you had good posts, but you got the Rent-A-Car thing wrong. OJ worked for HERTZ, the 'superstar in rent-a-car' ... as a boy, I'd live to see him in those commercials.

    I met OJ in person in LA while he worked with NBC. I went up to him and I joked with him telling and asking him "Hey you look really familiar, didn't you used to hang out at the bars on Hertel"? OJ's older than me but my older sister used to tell me she'd see him alot hanging out at the bars on Hertel and the ones on Elmwood. When I made that remark to OJ who seemed in a hurry at the time, he laughed hard and stopped and engaged to chat with me for a few minutes. He was incredibly friendly.


    When the BILLS came to LA to play the RAIDERS in '91, we hung out at the hotel where the BILLS were staying. Thurman wouldn't give the fans the time of day, he was in too much of a hurry to go out on the town with some teammates. No problem with that, but he handled it with very poor finesse considering all the Socal BILLS fans that were there for autographs and photos.


    Perhaps Thurman still had an attitude for being drafted so late while OJ had Mayor Sedita greet him at the Buffalo Airport upon his initial arrival in 1969 :)

  11. Not trying to be argumentative here but ......... we're not talking who's 'one' of the best ever ... we're talking 'the best' period. That would be OJ


    Usually in chat, I'll say 'IMO' ......... that isn't possible on this one .... it's OJ hands-down ....


    If you think it's 'almost' like a Montana v Young argument in SF you're right .... Montana was their best ever and they shouldn't even be debating that up there in the Bay Area ...... SF's only debate should be between Steve Young and John Brodie for 2nd best 49er QB


    Both OJ and Thurman are in the HOF yes, but there's clearly a right answer here, and OJ is the best player and RB to ever wear a BILLS uniform.

  12. When I moved to California in the early 80's I'd of paid $1000 to be able to watch the BILLS each and ever week. An extra $24 isn't gonna kill me and with it now in HD it's the ultimate. I've done the 'retention' thing before too, that's just an added bonus. I've had DIRECTV since Nov '94 when it came out and had the Sunday ticket ... t'was something like $129 if I remember correctly?


    Before that, when the local NBC affiliate in LA didn't carry the BILLS games I'd call NBC's throughout California to see if our game was going to televised. If it was I'd be driving up to Santa Barbara, The Grapevine (south of Bakersfield), Palm Desert, etc ... then drive up there and get a room with friends just to watch the BILLS play.


    Now we even have HD .... we're a bit spoiled now and we have not much to complain about in this regard .... let 'em have their $24 ... I'm sure their costs had to of gone up since the technology sure has ....

  13. Best pure runner was OJ, without question. Had he played on better teams and not had knee injuries, he might be considered the best ever.


    Agree 1000% .... OJ was the best player to ever wear a BILLS uniform. We had a great OL in the 'Electric Company', the problem was that the defense wasn't containing our opponents which effected time of possession.


    It's scary to imagine what he/we could have done if we did had such a defense and the offense had spent more time on the field.

    Majority of the fans who post on here are young, never having seen him play, it's just too bad they never got to see him play or this thread would have never been initiated.


    Here's a rare photo from the '69 preseason .... OJ wore number 36 ... didn't get his number 32 until after the final preseason game when Gary McDermott got cut.


    OJ - rookie in preseason 1969



  14. Weren't Greg Jones and Max Anderson also OJs backups at times?


    Payton also shared the backfield with Matt Suhey, who was a pretty good fullback. Speaking of which, I wouldn't call Jim Braxton a role player so much as I would call him a fullback… and a damn fine one at that. I actually think Braxton and Cincinnati's Boobie Clark were talented enough to be featured in the same way that Hewritt Dixon and Mark Van Eeghen were by the Raiders… or Csonka or Riggins. Or Cookie Gilchrist for that matter.


    It's just that at some point, fullbacks were no longer featured by NFL teams. I think that's because of a few reasons… offensive efficiency/emphasis on chunk yardage and also durability.


    Look at a guy like Peyton Hillis… classic throwback fullback. All season long he toiled long and hard and had some great moments. But ultimately his offense sucked, his team sucked, they scored very few points, and by the end of the season, Hillis was toast. Battering rams as featured backs end up receiving more punishment than they dole out and they typically don't add much offensively in a day where passing is 60% of the game.


    Back to the point, I thought Braxton was a top talent. But that's just my recollection of events that happened almost 40 years ago.




    'Mini' Max Anderson # 22, now there's a name I haven't heard in a long time. I don't remember him playing as a backup running back, but I do remember him on special teams as the regular kickoff and punt returner, and that his mother made really good fried chicken for Max & his teamates (true story). I don't remember seeing him in the backfield.


    Braxton was a Fullback. yes, who was often lined up in the tail in front of OJ where he'd help block for him and get his occasional carries. He rarely fumbled, yet he picked our first ever MNF game to do it where it was not only recovered by Oakland but scooped up and returned 30 yards for what appeared like the probable game-winning TD. Fortunately, as I said prior, Fergie led us on a great drive in the 2-minute drill before hitting Ahmad Rashad for about 15 yard TD with seconds left. I was sitting in the end-zone opposite the tunnel where Art Thoms of the RAIDERS scored that TD.


    Our friend was asking earlier who were the backups to those RB's, Braxton wasn't a backup. I believe it was Larry Watkins who backed both OJ & Braxton up if memory serves me right, and if it was FB's we both could have also listed Bill Enyart. Remember him?

    Greg Jones I vaguely remember, I think he did backup OJ, but he didn't play much and wasn't with us too long. Think it was before we moved to Rich, but don't hold me to that one.


    Braxton was a really good FB ..... but a better than RB/FB than Cribbs? ..... not a chance.

  15. May I ask from where you're getting these drawings? Can you confirm they are authentic?

    You can ask, sure .... but I won't tell you.


    They're not drawings.


    I will though confirm they are genuine. The only reason I shared portions of the new look is because I found it kind of cruel the way the BILLS have waited this long to unveil them from the time the change was first announced, and it's taken its toll on peoples emotions.


    So it's going to say BILLS on the front, and the logo on the back?


    Roger that!

  16. Thurman had a much better supporting cast than OJ. Did Thurman ever reach 2000 yards rushing in a season? I believe OJ did twice in 14 games seasons. Did OJ ever lose a helmet?

    I think the best way to decide this is to take the Best Running backs off all time Walter Payton, Barry Sanders, Emmit Smith...now off the top off your head can you name there backups? I cant nor can I name OJ's but Thuman Thomas? that's easy...Kenneth Davis. MY vote is for OJ

    OJ's backup, I remember both Wayne Patrick and Don Calhoun


    Payton's was Dennis Gentry


    Emmitt's was Tommie Agee


    Barry Sanders I really don't know, he wasn't very injury prone, a very one-man show


    I would not call it "ourely assinine", you could have said something like ill informed. Braxton would have had great career numbers if the ball wasn't always handed off to a future double murderer. Braxton was a tough runner.


    I would call it that ... sorry if it hurts your feelings.


    Joe Cribbs was a feature-back, and a great one at that ... Braxton was a 'role' player ... nowhere near as good as Cribbs and not even debatable .... and I'm sure the ones who are from both era's will tell you the same thing.


    Wasn't trying to be mean, or belittle you on the chat board ... but in all honesty I just can't come up with another word to have Braxton ahead of Joe Cribbs.


    No offense was intended .....

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