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Posts posted by BillsWingsNBeer

  1. dog, once the bills have a winning season - much less a playoff victory - come and talk to me. it was a big step up for losman today in many respects, but that was damn near perfect qbing from pennington today, who has been great in all three games so far.  losman made some killer mistakes, and I'm not including the INT when i say this. basically, pennington has proven to be really, really good this year. re "not winning with pennington", well, you may want to hold off for a couple of years with that prognostication. when he's started, they've won. when he hasn't, they've lost. one last thing -- knock pennington about the past all you want, but players have been known to improve. also, remember that brad johnson, an inferior player to pennington, played on a team that won a super bowl (note that i refuse to credit a qb with "winning" a SB) after about 8 years in the league.


  2. Sam is on WGR pulling no punches. He said last year was The Lost Season for one reason and one reason alone: Kevin Gilbride and his failure to use our personnel to the best of their abilities. He said that every week the guys would complain about the playcalling and offer constructive criticism...and every week he gave them lip service. He'd tell them we're going to pound pound pound on the ground, and then gameday came and it was pass pass pass. Sam Gash split wide, passing on 3rd and short, and constanly putting the offense in 3rd and long.


    He said that in almost every game there were critical, game-important calls where they were in the huddle, and everyone looked at each other as if to say, "this play isn't going to work". Folks, there's no way any offense can operate with those thoughts in their heads. It's amazing we won 6 games.


    It wasn't Bledsoe or the receivers or the OLine as much as it was coaching and coordinating. I know, we all suspect that this was Thing One, but I do believe that our coaches TODAY will always put our players in the best position to succeed.


    Listening to everything he's saying, I'm astounded, and I am officially the Chairman of the I hate Kevin Gilbride club. Buddy Ryan's portrait will be the organization's Seal.


    Who's with me? Say AYE.


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